
The Mockery of Fate

"The Mockery of Fate" is an enthralling tale of two characters, who find themselves embarking on a mysterious journey. When they reunite after a long separation, they discover that they have been unwittingly drawn into a high-stakes competition with an elusive prize. However, it's just the very beginning of the adventure that awaits them.

Narashie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


Cheryl and Vlad were now on the main deck, watching the doctor as she walked away. Cheryl couldn't shake off the strange feeling she had experienced before. Meanwhile, Vlad was still thinking about the competition he had heard about earlier.

"I wonder what kind of tasks they have in this competition," he said aloud.

Cheryl stared at Vlad, and the next second, she couldn't help but laugh. Vlad probably was the kindest and bravest person she knew, but sometimes he didn't really get what was going on around him. She was sure that they got many points for completing the first task of the competition, and Vlad didn't even realize that the competition started.

As they strolled the ship, admiring the sunset, Cheryl couldn't resist teasing Vlad.

"You didn't even realize it was part of the competition, did you?" she jested with a chuckle.

"Hey, I didn't have time to think, okay? I had to react fast," Vlad responded sheepishly, avoiding Cheryl's gaze.

He had no idea that the event was a competition until Cheryl pointed it out.


Abdo had just finished his performance as a man pretending to be suffering from some unknown disease on the main deck. Now free to roam, he made his way to his cabin to check on his pets. The captain had allowed him to bring his cats on board in exchange for his participation in the performance.

Upon entering the room, however, he immediately noticed that something was wrong.

"Oh", he said quietly.

The cages were open and empty.


"No worries, sis," a mysterious young man assured a companion outside their cabin. "Only the doctor saw me, but she can barely see anything at her age."

"You are way too reckless", replied the woman. It was the person, who assisted Cheryl and Vlad while they were helping the man, the person, whose conversation with Maria Cheryl overheard earlier.

The pair discussed the recent events, including Abdo's performance and the possibility that his potential execution was fake.

"I have to admit, though", said the young man slowly. "If it was a real risk, then they're kinda cool."

Suddenly, the woman heard a noise that made her freeze. Slowly turning around, she saw an unexpected sight: a fully grown tiger with white and blue fur and piercing eyes.

Meanwhile, Vlad and Cheryl kept exploring the ship and guessing what tasks might come next.

"There must be some mystery for us to solve", said Cheryl confidently, "Like a murder or something, you know".

"Isn't it too extreme?" Vlad asked doubtfully.

"Or fire!", continued Cheryl, "Yes, it must be something epic! I can't wait", she added in excitement.

"Find a thief!!", they heard from around the corner. Three teenagers were listening to a man explaining that someone stole his wallet and ran away.

"We'll catch them, sir!", one of the teenagers exclaimed confidently. The others kept nodding in agreement.

Cheryl and Vlad stopped to see if there was any place for them to join this adventure as well. They were so concentrated on listening, that they didn't notice one more listener next to them until it drew their attention to itself by joining the conversation.

"Meow", it purred quietly.

"It's... a tiger?" said one of the teenagers uncertainly.

"A baby one", added another one.

"A polar tiger, even. They're really rare", Cheryl joined the conversation.

"What is it doing there?", Vlad wondered. However, they didn't have a chance to discuss it further. Suddenly, a scream rang out from above: