
The Mobster And The Writer

His gaze seemed to go through me like a bullet. He could read my eyes as if I were an open book. He was in front of me, exuding masculinity. I grabbed and hugged myself. His chest was uncovered and although the moonlight was barely shining, I could glimpse his tattoos, those that made me sigh. What was it about that man that I was so afraid of and liked so much? He knew that all the darkness around him was part of his personality. It was her past and she had to accept it as part of her present. I, Samantha Stephens, had fallen in love with someone dangerous and I knew that this time there was no way back. Samantha is not the type of girl who attracts guys. Her life is centered on her brother Rob, her cat Salem, and her erotic books. All you care about is getting your drafts to your editor on time. Her only love is her cat and the men in her life are in her books. What is not expected is that Valentine would change the quiet life that he had carved out. G and Hunter forcibly enter his life, without even hiding that they are problems. Samantha finds herself in a world of guns, violence, and lies. It is also divided between two men the size of a closet. Dream or nightmare? What if they both seem to want something more from Samantha? The only thing missing from his new life is a sign that says: "Welcome to the Mafia."

Gissele97 · Urban
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6 Chs


- Little Red Riding Hood, come here I'm going to unleash you for now - G broke my moment of sexual admiration again.


I approached him with narrowed eyes and when I reached his height I turned around. His laughter filled my floor. He was unbearable even laughing.

- You're too proud, cutie - So much cutie and the little red hood was making me nauseous.

As soon as I heard the click of the handcuffs, I stepped away from him, letting them fall to the ground, and stood behind Hunter. If he was going to be around someone, it was going to be his. I didn't trust G and his bipolarity. I put my hands on Hunter's back and shivered. How could it be so sexy? That was not natural. I was about to rub my face down his shirt, but stopped before I was embarrassed (two inches from his back I decided it wouldn't be very normal).

- My name is Samantha - My stupid voice came out of my mouth without permission. God. Hunter didn't give a shit what he called me.

- I was waiting for you to introduce yourself - He turned around smiling - I didn't know what to call you. I'm Hunter, although I guess you knew that. G has not said yours at any time - grunted and sounded something like a bunny.

I blushed.

- Let's go before a Little Red Riding Hood will give an attack on the heart On. Stop intimidating her, Hunter - Something annoying took me by the hand and pressed me against her side - Now we have to look like a couple, okay? - I noticed that she had changed her clothes.

- And why can't I be your partner? - Hunter challenged and I was about to pass out.

Where had they been all my life?

- Because you need someone handsome to be your partner, not someone like... you. - She looked at him with mock disgust - I'm sorry, but cutie needs another boy.

Officially he had baptized me with the name "cutie". It was unbearable. In a way, it bothered me that he embarrassed me in front of Hunter and I didn't understand why, I didn't want to know the answer either, because it could (and had many possibilities) scare me. Then an idea occurred to me. One of those that made me smile in a way that shouldn't be legal because whenever I smiled like that something went wrong. It was a warning that I showed everyone, but they did not know me, so the gesture went unnoticed.

- You can make a couple you two - I suggested with the most innocent voice of the world - so no l will recognize. A gay couple. It's perfect - I put my hands together happily at the idea - They just got married and need me to stay at their house while they are on their honeymoon to take care of their kitty - The looks I received of amazement and horror were enough for me I laughed.

- The worst thing is that it's not a bad idea, cutie ... Sometimes you even have good ideas.

I stared at G with my mouth open. In laughed?

I kept looking at him as if a second head had popped out. Hunter, unwilling to argue, put on a cap and sunglasses. My God, a Mets cap and some ray bans have never looked so good on anyone. I think I drool a little while looking at it. I turned when I heard things fall. G was rummaging through my things. But what...? He pulled out a beret with a gesture of triumph and put it on his head. At that moment I did believe I had died. It was the strangest and funniest thing in the world. It seemed like a little girl wanted to play with him and just let it go. Also, to top off the outfit, she put on one of the bad pink cheesy glasses that I only used for the beach so that the sand would scratch them and I wouldn't worry. It was creepy. Without being able to help it, I laughed there, in all his idiotic face. Undeterred he blew me a kiss.

- From your envy, my fame is born, cuteness - He said it in such a way that it didn't seem like him at all, except for the detail of "cuteness". The intonation had changed and it hit the mark. Amazing.

- Great - The looked both doubtful - Come Take the s hand s and I took our bags.

We left my house after a tearful goodbye between Salem and me. With my laptop under one arm and a trolley in the other, we left my apartment. I was going to miss him. Since I had become independent, I had not been so happy. This place was like my own castle and inside I could do whatever I wanted. He didn't have to listen to anyone's complaints or requests. I was free to do what I wanted and to keep the house as I wanted, that is, made a pigsty. My mother would have died if she had seen the conditions in which she lived. She was sure he imagined it. Knowing me, there was no other option. He had never been a very orderly person.

Without the help of the golden boys, I carried the suitcase down the stairs. They could have at least offered. It was one thing for them to be acting and quite another for them to be playing a pair of one-armed. What little shame. A lot of muscle and lots of bravado, but they were s vaguer s of the world. I followed them with a sigh. I also didn't want to be kidnapped and then cut off my fingers one by one. I shuddered with fear and lightened my pace.

- I loved your wedding, guys - I began to speak so as not to get so bored and above all to annoy you - Have your parents accepted yours? At the wedding everything was a bit uncomfortable, especially when they asked who was the bride and who was the groom, although that was clear - I smirked and left them frozen on the stairs, still holding hands - I hope Matty remains the same of tender. I love your cat. I hope that as long as you're in the Caribbean celebrating your love, you'll remember the two of us - I stood at the door of the building.

- Come?- My innocent voice made G look at me in a not very pleasant way