
The Mistress.(check it out on Mobo reader)

WARNING: THE BOOK CONTAINS MATURED CONTENTS TO THE FULLEST!!! he was just fifteen years old when he watched his mother died and his father was nowhere to be seen. She needed a kidney transplant but his father decline to help even though he had the money with the excuse of using all the money for a big project and can't risk making mistakes but rather risked his wife's life. He was angry that even with a her last breath she murmured her love for the same man who never valued. He promised to never be a victim to that thing called love. He grew up despising love and hating his father, if money is the root of all evil then he will have the root while being evil. Leonardo became known as the.. Rich and Ruthless C.e.o. because he never cared about anything called love or cared about anyone, he never smiles, he was a notorious playboy until Elena came along as she tried to to seduce and gain her way to him, however she became his mistress and ended up being the an easy target for his evil client to get hope that he actually have little feeling for her or she will just be another dead victim. But would he save her or just treat her like the other women? that question still lingered in the air.

Sarah_Daniel_7646 · Action
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14 Chs

The Attack

Elena got up early to start her personal maid duties, she freshen up and went downstairs to prepare breakfast for Leonardo. David was already at the house because they had to visit Leonardo's mother's grave that morning. She prepared everything and went upstairs to his room. she knocks on the door waiting for his responses before going in.

Leonardo's Pov

It's was still early after trying to sleep finally the sleep came and the knock also came taking the sleep away I got angry and shouted.

"who the hell is that?" I said with fury.

"It's me Elena. sir David is downstairs and I will like to prepare your bathing water and clean your room sir."

There came that sweet voice. but guit couldn't let me say a word and that same guit was the reason why I couldn't sleep last night. After she left the waiting room crying I couldn't help but follow her to the kitchen to make sure she was okay after I hurt her feelings and then I heard her coursing and crying at the same time. I wanted to go to her and say am sorry but my pride couldn't let me do just that I listened to everything she was saying and I don't know why my heart felt really hurt for seeing this woman crying because of me.

"Come in." I said getting up from the bed then the door opened I saw that beautiful face with a smile on it like she never cried. she smiled like nothing ever happened even if I knew that she's still hurt.

"Good morning sir." She greeted I couldn't say a word so I nodded in responses instead. She walked pass me and went straight to my bathroom and came out, "sir your water is ready." She smiled again, keeping a bright face.

"Thank you Elena." I finally said.

"Sir I will be cleaning your room while you take your bath if you don't mind."

"Sure." I said wondering what got into her.

"Sir what time is the party? so I can get ready before time." She said I was really surprise hearing her speak about the party and also keeping a calm face like nothing ever happened. I was really amazed.

"By 7pm. but don't worry I will be back before time to pick you up. Am only going to visit my mother's grave nothing more." I said then I saw this sad look in her eyes after hearing what I said I could tell what the sadness in her eyes was, so I just went to the bathroom.

And when I was done bathing she was also done cleaning my room as well.

"I will take my leave now so you can dress up sir." I nodded and she left.

I dressed up quickly and went down, I got inside my car. When I got in I saw David inside already.

David greeted, I just hummed in response. We reached the grave after the long drive.

We got down and my best bodyguard took the flowers from the trunk. I walked to the grave, I dropped the flower on it. "Mom am here again. I know I don't visit much often. but believe me when I say I miss you a lot, I wish you were here but I guess everything happens for a reason." I spoke to my mother's grave with a very sad tone. I really miss her, she was a very caring mother and has a very unique quality.

I spoke to her more before leaving. we were on our way back when a car drove roughly and stopped in front of us. Three bulky men came with a black mask, they were out holding guns, they rush toward us and David panicked in fright, the men looked skilled and dangerous. They reached us and surrended us in no time.

David held my arm without realization. The men knocked on the tinted glass for us to open up. I wasn't that scared...well a little bit. I shrugged.

I always had my guns in case of situations like this, working as a CEO was not only everyone's dream but also everyone's nightmare. Having greedy clients that wanted to put a knife on your neck in any chance they got so you could dance to their music was not something everyone would wish for. So I had to hire a trustworthy and loyal bodyguard but that didn't mean I wouldn't defend myself if needed so of course I learnt marshall art.

They waited impatiently but none of us were ready to comply. Without hesitation they shot at the bullet proof glass continuing on the same spot untill the glass started to crack. my bodyguard came out and I drew my gun. The bullet kept bouncing back untill finally it penetrated and hit the other glass where I sat, thankfully I didn't get hurt.

My bodyguard was fighting off the other men, I decided to join because sitting back was not my thing. Especially when I am under attack.

I forcefully pull myself from the grips of my now quiet assistant. I came out and I fought with one of the guys, we fought fiercely. Took some time before I fought of the other guy and aim for the one shooting at the glass. I know that talkative assistant is sometimes annoying but I still need him.

I fought the guy of and rushed to kick the other I fought of before.

It took us forever because of how we were equal in terms of strength with these unknown guys.

In the process of fighting I felt someone embrace me from behind, I heard a bang afterward. I looked back and saw my bodyguard trembling as he spoke.

"Boss go ahead I'll hold them back." He spoke in pain.

With anger I use my gun and shot at the men fiercely. The tried to shoot back but it seemed they ran out of bullet after shooting the glass countless of times. I looked closely and aimed for the guy who shot my bodyguard and it went straight to his scull.

The rest saw this and retreated immediately as they got to the their car and speed off. I went back to my bodyguard and rush him to the hospital, the hospital was owed by my friend the nurses came and rush him to one of the rooms and the doctor In charge came out after some hours.

"Sir are you his family or friend?" The doctor asked guess he is new and doesn't know me

"Yes I am his family." Then I replied.

"Sir he is out of danger you can now go in."

I nod and went in I saw my bodyguard still sleeping but when he noticed someone was inside he opened his eyes and tried to move I signaled him not to.

"Sir are you okay? hope you're fine? Hope you didn't get hurt?"

"Sam you worry too much your Boss is fine you need to rest so you can heal fast I will be here."

"No sir you've to go, you have a business party to attend I will be fine and am sure David needs too please sir." I turned and saw david hugging himself at the door still in shock of what happened.

"Ok Sam I will send Andrew over to watch you please take care of yourself." I said tapping his leg and left with David I was still covered with blood I checked my time it was 8:20pm already I'm sure Elena is tired of waiting. My driver was fast and we got home very quick.

David went inside the house before me in other to change his clothe and get ready for party. I came inside and find Elena standing and waiting for me she dressed very beautifully her dress. wow her dress, her dress was looking amazing on her. Her curves was perfect, the dress at the back was red nude lace I could see through it down to her waist. She turned and look at me I could see the worry look on her face as she saw me covered in blood.

"Sir are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt? Can I help?" She asked walking close to me.

"Elena I'm fine just got attack by some men but I'm fine I will go get dress, I have kept you waiting for too long." I turned to leave but decided to tell her how she looked.

"Elena you're looking very beautiful I must admit." I smiled while saying that. And she returned the smile back.

"Thank you sir Leon." I went to my room I freshen up, got dress, David too was also dressed. I came downstairs and find the two waiting for me. Also the three of my cars. Two of the cars were Lamborghini, and the one in the middle was Roll Royce, that was mine. They were packed at the front door waiting for us, I entered my Roll Royce with Elena, then David got inside the one in the front with my best bodyguards to avoid any new incident. The back one was filled up with my bodyguards, I can't take any chances.