
The Mistake Bride

"I have a boyfriend sir" she looked up at him timidly. " Well I did not say anything about being committed" he hissed already annoyed. He dragged her by the arm and pulled her into the church. Before she could process it all, she was already married to him. Then it hit her that she was married to a stranger. He boyfriend would kill her when he finds out. The stranger looked down at her on the alter " It wasn't that bad, was it?

Teniola_Akinyemi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter Twelve

  It was kind of tempting to lay his hand on her back. She looked really pretty, they got to the car. He decided to drive them to the restaurant. He opened the car door for her. "Thank you" she said but it was more like a whisper. He knew she was shy, they were taking the BMW. 

  She looked really stressed from the side view. "You good?" he asked her, she smiled at him. He took that as a yes and he zoomed off and left the compound. The whole place was engulfed in silence and it all felt soothing to Nima.

  She wasn't entirely comfortable, she wore a sandal which definitely didn't fit the dress, she hoped he didn't notice it. They made a stop and he parked the car. Although she wondered where they were going but didn't have the gut to ask him. 

  She was only a worker enjoying lots of privileges. He got down from the car and took her into the store, Hinata used come here most of the time to get her things. He walked to her side and opened the door, he held her hands and led her out of the car into the store.

  Nima smiled now this is probably why he wanted them to go out, they needed to appear in public but she didn't know why. "We came to get you shoes and bags okay?" he said to her, he didn't want her in those sandals. He knew this was a fake marriage but his wife can't go around in this.

  "Good afternoon sir." the receptionist said, " What we help you both with today?" She smiled at the both of them. Nima looked up at Elias but Elias wasn't  making an attempt to answer the question. He wanted her to be independent. He wasn't going to always be there. "Shoes for a size 6" he heard her say, she sounded unsure of herself.

  "What color would like to look at ma'am" she receptionist left her desk and started walking, urging them to follow her. They both walked behind her back, Elias thought maybe they should just shop instead of going to eat. "Preferably black" Nima said as they walked with the lady. Elias didn't like getting involved in all these kinds of things but chose to because of Nima.

  Nima felt her back too open now she regret cutting her hair. At least it would have covered the back, she tried so hard to feel beautiful but she just couldn't. "This are some of her newest collection for a size 6" The place they came into felt like a gallery for only shoes. It was so beautiful, she had only seen places like this on her phone, never had she ever pictured herself in a place like this.

  Elias left her and went to sit on the couch. He took out his phone and focused on it. She took a closer look at the shoes, there were other colors. She looked at a black stilettoes, it had pearls all around the end. She fell in love with it instantly.

  "Ma'am you can try it on it you like" the lady said to her. "Thank you" Nima said to her as the lady picked up the shoes and gave it to her to try it on. It was really fine and she couldn't stop looking at her feet. She smiled at her feet and looked at Elias to see he was already looking up at her.

  He smiled and went back to his phone. "I like this" she said to the lady "Is that all ma'am" the lady asked and Elias replied "No bring more" Nima was shocked but just nodded. He was the boss. 

  After picking out four heels with their bags and two sandals, they left the store . "Should we still go to the restaurant or go home?" he asked her as they approached the car. "I think we should head back home" she said to him. He placed it all in the car and stepped into the car.

  "You ready?" he asked about to start driving the car. "Thank you so much" she said to him, she couldn't look at him, he was really being sweet to her and she sincerely appreciate it. "You don't have to thank me and besides we leave for the honeymoon tomorrow" he smiled at her and started driving. She couldn't bring herself to look at him.

  She remembered the way they both looked at each other earlier and it was so hot. The pit of her stomach started rumbling again, she knew what was going on down there. Being so close to him has an effect on her. She looked at his side view and he was really handsome. She hoped they wouldn't rape themselves on this honeymoon, she laughed at the thought. 

  "Why are you laughing?" he asked her, he didn't want to turn from the steering wheel. "Nothing" She whisper and turned to the window and continued staring out of the window. 

  'We still haven't agreed on where we want to spend our two weeks" he said to her. Although he booked a penthouse in a remote area downtown. He wanted his peace for this honeymoon. "I said anywhere you picked is fine by me" she turned to him.  She was starting to admire him too much.

  "Okay" he replied and kept driving, Elias wondered why Yuu hadn't showed up. Elias wanted to see how his men would mess him up and destroy his hands before handing him over to the police. Yuu was a fucking coward he thought, Nima made the right decision to leave. He can't wait to have his time all to himself. They both did not make word in the car.

  Nima thought about the honeymoon, she knew things are likely to happen cause she was too attracted to him which was so bad. She didn't even feel this for Yuu but for a stranger she met in less than two days. She smiled and looked at him again.