
The Mistake Bride

"I have a boyfriend sir" she looked up at him timidly. " Well I did not say anything about being committed" he hissed already annoyed. He dragged her by the arm and pulled her into the church. Before she could process it all, she was already married to him. Then it hit her that she was married to a stranger. He boyfriend would kill her when he finds out. The stranger looked down at her on the alter " It wasn't that bad, was it?

Teniola_Akinyemi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter Nine

As they walked the hall towards his room. They've been walking in perfect silence since they left his mother and father. Nima was wondering if his mother liked her, she seemed uptight to her. "Do you think your mum liked me?" she wondered why she even care since this was just a contract wedding.

"Yeah, she probably does" Elias said to her "My dad did like you" he stated to her. He knew she was uncomfortable the whole time, she tried putting up a smile the whole time. When they got to the room, he led her in.

"Welcome to your new abode" he said and smiled to her. She felt so at home when she entered, the atmosphere was so welcoming. She moved to the bed. The sheet was changed cause it was different from the one she saw last night.

"I had them changed this morning" he said as he walked to the dresser in the room to take off his cufflinks. "If you need anything you can use the telephone on your left" he said and disappeared into the closet. She walked to the left and saw the list of numbers next to the telephone. She studied it, she didn't go to school but she could still read something and understand.

She left the bedside and walked to the dresser. She looked at her face and thought she did a good job covering her face but now she didn't bring any of her make up stuff here. Maybe Elias can give her a side job while she is with him.

Elias came out of the closet and saw her by the dresser. There was affection between them and he could tell but this was all too fast for him. He definitely doesn't want to look at her as anything but his worker. He care for her like he would for any other woman. His mother was in a toxic relationship before she met his dad and it was a lot to hear how his mother was hurt and broken.

His father fixed her and made her his queen before he was born. So he hates hearing stories of toxic men and it irritates him. "Oh" Nima caught him looking at her. "Sorry," he handed her a shirt and short. He already changed to a more calmer clothe.

He walked away from her and moved towards the couch to have his sit "Before you leave could we talk about the honeymoon" he said and she moved towards him. "We are to leave for the honeymoon on Monday and tomorrow is Sunday" he stated to her. She nodded "Do you have anywhere in mind?" he said to her, while he picked up his laptop. "No I haven't been anywhere so anywhere you picked is fine by me" She said, already planning to stand up. "Is there really no place you want to be?" she nodded.

She has never really dreamt of leaving this country. Not because she loved this place but because she knew there were no funds to travel. "I don't even have a passport" she said looking up at him, she knew he was probably judging her. "Since you don't have a passport, how about we stay in this country but move somewhere further from here" she nodded, she wondered why he was asking for her opinion "Anywhere is fine with me" She repeated and he nodded.

She entered the bathroom. The bathroom is big even big is an understatement. It has a jacuzzi and then the bathing space is further at the end. It looks like it is owned by a royal. Embellished with gold and white, the place is beautiful.

She admired the bathroom. She entered the the bathtub since she didn't know how to operate Jacuzzi and she didn't want to spoil it. She filled the bathtub with warm water and sat in it. She reflected on her whole life. She wondered what her life would have been like if she didn't follow Yuu.

She now feels like she wasted her teenage days. Tears seep down her face, she kept reminiscing on her time in the orphanage. She remembered how much she loved Yuu. She remembered how he would sneak her out of the orphanage and sometimes bring her food. The tears were pouring down hard.

Elias wondered why she was staying so long in the bathroom. While she was in the there, he received a call from his dad. He informed Elias that his mother didn't like Nima. Now that is weighing on his mind, if his mother doesn't like her it would be difficult to convince them to let go.

His mother would probably frustrate Nima, he couldn't focus on his work anymore. He started re-strategizing everything he had planned. Maybe she suspected it wasn't real but he wasn't that obvious when they were with them downstairs.

Now all that occupied his mind was his mother. She was quick to suspect things. He stood up from the couch, went to the bed. He definitely didn't have energy to work. He was thinking about the things that could go wrong if this contract got out.

"Sorry, could you please pass the towel?" Nima screamed from the toilet, she sounded relaxed. He knew if he saw her, his hormones were going act up but still stood up anyways. He took a spare towel and walked into the bathroom.

Unfortunately, she hid behind the door. He smirked at her, things ran through his mind but he wasn't in the right state of mind to play with her so her just gave her the towel "You look good" he said and left. She was shocked and blushed. She dressed up and went out to see him lying on the bed. "Should I stay on the bed?" she asked him. Damn she looked really good in his clothes. "Yeah, please do" He stood up from the bed not wanting to discomfort her.

"No, you don't really need to leave, I will just adjust" she said. "You sure you don't need the whole bed cause I have seen you sleep" She remembered leaving the bed in an unfavorable condition. She blushed remembering how she slept. "I was just kidding we can share" he smiled at her.

She scooted over. She reeked of his perfume and she was loving it. She fell asleep faster than she could have thought. Elias stared at her, she looked at peace but he couldn't stop thinking about his mum.