
The Missing History

In a world where magic is feared and rebellion simmers, Emily, a passionate baker, is thrust into a quest to save her land from famine caused by withering crops. Guided by the ancient Goddess Hecate, Emily joins forces with her brother Eric, the head guard Lucas, and other allies. Together, they navigate political intrigue and uncover hidden threats, striving to restore peace and unity to their divided world while Emily harnesses newfound powers to heal the land.

Tunmioss · Fantasy
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30 Chs


The sun has risen over the land, casting a bright light on the large blue ocean and creating a beautiful view for the passing ships.

Laughter and conversation filled the air as men, women, and children enjoyed the early morning sail. Emily stood at the edge of the boat with Lucas, Eric, and Thalia beside her, gazing out at the horizon.

"I've never been on a ship before," Emily said, her voice filled with awe as she took in the vastness of the ocean around them.

"Didn't you leave for Lunaria without anybody's knowledge?" Eric replied his tone light, and his head resting on the edge of the boat, clearly exhausted.

"That doesn't count," Emily retorted a hint of playfulness in her voice, causing Eric to roll his eyes in a jesting manner.

"This place is amazing... I've never seen so many magic users in one place," Thalia remarked, her eyes wide with wonder.

"We should remain vigilant... We still need to come up with a plan once we reach our destination," Lucas stated, his gaze fixed on the horizon.

Eric raised his head, his eyes shining with amazement as he gazed past the group.

Curious, the others turned to follow his line of sight, their expressions mirroring his awe and curiosity.

Before them stood the large island where the Organization resided. A tall, ancient castle made of stone came into view, surrounded by formidable, strong walls.

The island's docks were bustling with ships of various sizes, and guards patrolled the area. One wall stood out with its iron-like gate, offering a glimpse inside the fortress.

"That's incredible... I'm not the only one who feels that way, right?" Thalia exclaimed; her eyes wide with wonder.

"Yes, it's astonishing," Emily agreed. "It feels like visiting an empire."


"Welcome to the Islands of Magic, Ghosts, Moon, and Crossroads, home to Hecate," a young lady greeted as she observed the guests disembarking from the ship.

Emily and Lucas furrowed their brows at the mention of the name.

"Who's Hecate?" Eric whispered to Thalia, who appeared equally puzzled.

"I have no idea," Thalia muttered in response.

"You each have a guide during your stay in the Islands," the woman said with a warm smile, gesturing to a group of ladies dressed in dark purple robes embroidered with silver accents.

The ladies stood beside her left and right, their hands clasped behind their backs, exuding an air of grace.

"On the island, you will be free to be your true selves, without fear of ridicule, banishment, or harm," she continued, her voice carrying a reassuring tone. "You may proceed through the gate. Simply follow these ladies, and they will escort you inside."

The group of ladies stepped forward, each offering a polite nod to the refugees, as they all followed them.

"Here we go," Lucas muttered, following the ladies with others trailing behind.


As the team passed through the wall, their eyes widened in awe at the populated town spread out before them. The streets were lined with cottages and shops, each adorned with colourful signs and bustling with activity.

The air was filled with the sound of chatter and laughter, and the smell of freshly baked bread wafted from a nearby bakery. In the distance, the castle stood proudly against the horizon, its towers reaching towards the sky.

"Awesome," Thalia breathed in wonder.

"Welcome," a voice called out, drawing their attention. A small, warm-looking lady stood before them, radiating hospitality.

"My name is Sarah, and I'm going to be your guide," she announced, directing her gaze towards Lucas. "We've arranged your living accommodations for your family. Follow me."

With a gesture, Sarah led them towards a small covered travel wagon.

"Do I get my own room?" Thalia said eagerly, as she entered the wagon alongside the others, the vehicle beginning to move.

"Thalia," Emily interjected, surprise evident in her voice as their eyes met.

Sarah chuckled softly, amusement dancing in her eyes. "It's fine," she assured Emily. "Yes, Thalia, you do get your own room." Her words prompted Thalia to pump her hand excitedly, her grin widening.

Meanwhile, Eric's attention drifted from the conversation, his gaze fixed on the streets outside. His eyes honed in on the people freely practising magic, a sight that made him uneasy.

With a sigh, Eric's gaze shifted to Lucas's fingers, still cloaked in darkness like the night sky. He squinted, deep in thought, his mind grappling with the question that nagged at him.

'Is that thing spreading?' Eric wondered.

"Eric? Eric!" Emily's voice broke through Eric's mind, snapping him back to the present.

"Yes?" Eric replied, a bit startled by the sudden interruption.

"It seems you are deep in thought," Sarah observed, her tone gentle and understanding.

"I was asking if you would prefer to live on your own," Sarah inquired, her voice filled with consideration.

Eric glanced blankly at Lucas, momentarily caught off guard by the question, which caused Lucas to chuckle awkwardly.

"We will all live together, actually," Lucas interjected, answering for Eric with a reassuring smile.

"That's great... When you don't feel comfortable with your living arrangements, you can always find a new place to stay," Sarah added, her words carrying a sense of warmth and hospitality.

As the wagon came to a halt, Sarah stepped down, signalling their arrival.

"We're here," Sarah announced, prompting the group to follow her lead and step down from the wagon.

They gazed at the two-story wooden cottages, surrounded by lush plants, trees, and flowers.

The cottages were lined up neatly along the cement street, creating a charming neighbourhood.

"This is your new home... You'll be staying in the newcomers' neighbourhood, just like yourselves," Sarah said, opening the door and ushering them inside.


As the group entered the cottage, they took in the interior, which was tastefully furnished with wooden furniture. Potted plants hung from the ceiling, adding a touch of colour to the surroundings. Sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room. In one corner, a staircase led to the second floor and a hallway stretched out next to it.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Sarah asked, drawing their attention to her.

"The kitchen and dining room are down the hallway," Sarah explained, gesturing towards the passageway. "And upstairs, there's a hallway with three bedrooms."

"One for Thalia, one for Eric," Sarah began, her voice cheerful as she pointed out the rooms. "And the last one is the master bedroom for the couple," she said, gesturing towards Lucas and Emily.

Lucas coughed suddenly, his face flushing red as he tried to hide his embarrassment. Emily, catching on to her comments, flinched slightly before regaining her composure to avoid drawing suspicion.

Eric, on the other hand, frowned his brow and stared off into the distance, distancing himself from the conversation. Thalia, however, couldn't contain her amusement and grinned broadly.

"Oh my, are you okay, sir?" Sarah asked Lucas, her concern evident in her voice as he continued to cough.

"He's fine," Emily interjected with a smile, coming to Lucas's defence. "Thank you for the cottage," she added, trying to steer the conversation away from Lucas's discomfort.

"Okay then, Thalia will also need to join one of the organization's school programs. But, I will discuss that with you later. Goodbye until then," Sarah said, excusing herself as she left the cottage.

As she leaves the cottage, the room falls into an awkward silence, all eyes fixed on the door.

"Well, that wasn't awkward at all," Thalia remarked snarkily, her gaze lingering on Lucas and Emily, who were pointedly avoiding her stare.

Eric let out an audible groan as he dropped heavily onto one of the chairs. "So, what's the plan?" he asked, getting straight to the point.

Lucas, regaining his composure and refocusing on the mission at hand, replied, "Diana did say we might be here for a while. We should try to find someone to train us with our powers and start assimilating to the environment."

"Frankly, I'm fine with being powerless, thank you very much," Eric retorted, his eyes still closed.

Lucas sighed at Eric's reluctance, staring down at his fingertips. Emily, her hand on her hip, walked over to Eric. "Enough with the sass, Eric. Lucas is in charge, so we need to learn to use our powers," she insisted.

Eric scoffed loudly, pushing himself up from the chair. "Whatever. I'm heading to my room," he announced, striding towards the stairs and disappearing from view.

"I have to see the room too... My very first room!!" Thalia exclaimed, darting after Eric towards the stairs.

Lucas muttered shyly to Emily, his gaze fixed on the ground as his shoulders slumped. "Eric seems to be distancing himself from me... don't you think?"

"I could give him some friendly warnings if you'd like," Emily offered, a soft smile playing on her lips.

Lucas chuckled softly. "I don't think that would help."

"I think he's just struggling to adjust to this new life. He'll come around," Emily reassured, walking over to Lucas and gently taking his hand in hers.

Lucas shifted his gaze to meet hers, and in that moment, both of their eyes softened. They stood there, silently gazing into each other's eyes.

"Huh?... What are you two doing?" Eric's voice interrupted, coming from the direction of the stairs.

Startled, Emily and Lucas quickly broke their gaze, turning to face Eric with flustered expressions. Eric, with furrowed brows, observed them for a moment, his hand folded on his chest.

"Anyways," Eric continued, his eyes narrowing slightly, "I was thinking Emily could share the master bedroom with Thalia." He paused, and a loud groan could be heard from upstairs.

"Thalia doesn't seem to mind," Emily replied sarcastically, walking towards the stairs to join Thalia.

Eric stood there, staring at Lucas thoughtfully, causing Lucas to furrow his brows in confusion.

Without saying a word, Eric walked up the stairs, leaving Lucas alone with his thoughts.