
Chapter 1: First Day at School

Country C, one of the most successful countries in Asia.

Known for their drama, music, dance, fashion and so many other industries a land of different possibilities and it still is.

These industries each belonged to big families in Asia which altogether made up it's power.

They were well respected in Asia, even in foreign lands, and people would do anything just to have relations with them, especially small firms who believed their fates could be changed by getting into a business deal with them.

Also when they made decisions it would affect almost every individual and this was the power of wealth.

While these families seemed to have it easy, they all started from scratch some with genuine and legal actions while some had to get their hands dirty. Though to the public everything would seem okay but there were a lot of shady deals involved that could send shivers down a person's spine.

Now it was a new week a new day and the start of a new academic session. Su Chenxing, aged 17 could be seen eating away at a snack without a care in the world with stained hands and lips as she munched on the fifth pack of chips she'd opened that morning.

She had brown short hair and wore a pair of glasses which were considered too big and nerdy. Her skin looked unkempt as it had a lot of freckles on her cheeks making her skin look rough. With this she was considered ugly.

While she'd been eating, Su Nianzhen sat beside her with a look of disbelief on his face as he looked between the four empty packs of chips to the girl still stuffing her stomach with more.

He sighed and reached out to pull the girl's cheeks. "Su Chenxing that's the fifth one you're eating this morning you glutton, it's just so odd that you don't even get fat!!" he said expressing his frustration.

"Ow ow ow Xiao Nian let go, my cheeks hurt." Su Nianzhen shook his head at the girl's lack of concern and let go of her cheeks.

Su Chenxing could see how her brother was frustrated and couldn't help but smile as she dipped her hand into the pack and took another chip and waved it at him.

"You should really stop your habit of being worried on how I eat. I have a perfect body and I always exercise especially with the fact you know how and where I grew up, I'd never be fat." she said as she threw the chip into her mouth and finished the remaining contents of the pack of chips.

Su Nianzhen sighed. He was the older brother of Su Chenxing aged 21 and unlike the ugly Su Chenxing was very handsome and girls would always throw themselves at him.

Su Nianzhen had gold like hair which was styled neatly to the back only leaving a strand of hair which rested on his forehead.

He had very smooth skin unlike Su Chenxing and them sitting side by side made Su Chenxing's appearance even worse.

He has worn a dark blue suit and on the inside was a black turtle neck shirt while a gold chain rested around his neck, dressed very professionally as he had official business to attend to that morning.

Su Nianzhen also wore black earrings and had a black wrist watch on his wrist and a couple of rings on his fingers (no marriage ring).

Everything put together screamed wealth as everything he wore wasn't easily accessible/affordable by any individual.

In other words he was the young master of a wealthy family as he had an aura of elegance around him.

"Young Master, Young Madam we have arrived." The driver said from the driver's seat before exiting the vehicle.

Su Chenxing and Su Nianzhen looked out the window to see a very large gate with the words 'Emperor High' at the top.

"Guess we're finally here." Su Chenxing stated as she went through her bag to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything.

"Yeah I guess we are," her brother said, staring intently at her.

"Still I think your ugly disguise wasn't really necessary, you look like a begger who came to seek redemption for a better life!" he said folding his hands.

Su Chenxing rolled her eyes and then suddenly pounced on him.

"Su Chenxing get off me!!, are you trying to stain my clothes with your hands!!" Su Nianzhen exclaimed with a horrid look on his face.

"Calm down I already wiped my hands " she said as she giggled."You know how pretty, lovely and sweet your little sister is, so I'm simply just trying to avoid trouble."Su Chenxing said with a wide grin on her face.

"As if you wouldn't handle any situation well" Su Nianzhen snorted remembering the devil's reincarnation was his sister. He pushed Su Chenxing back slightly so she could get off him.

Su Nianzhen sighed knowing this girl would be the death of him. Su Nianzhen wasn't really worried about his sister instead he worried about the kind of trouble she would stir and pitied those who were foolish enough to cross her.

All this while the driver at the front smiled at the interaction between the two siblings in the mirror and then stepped down from the car.

He walked to the side Su Chenxing sat and stood beside the door getting ready for Su Chenxing to get down.

"Though you were a bit harsh with your comments with the way I look currently, I'd say I did a good job". Su Chenxing said with a grin.

Su Nianzhen snickered, "with your current look you're better fit for a servant or errand girl, you might not even be able to make proper friends"

"I can already imagine you sitting at a table of shame filled with a bunch of nerds" he said.

Su Chenxing gave her brother a little pat " don't worry Xiao Nian, there's almost nothing I cannot handle".

"Yes yes whatever you should get off now" Su Nianzhen said as he gave his sister a kiss on her forehead "have a nice day" he said as he went further to ruffle her hair.

"I sure will and you should really stop that habit of messing up my hair" she said as she stepped out of the open door being held by the driver. She bowed slightly and said "Thank you Mr Yang please drive safely"

"No problem Young miss it is my duty" Mr Yang said with a polite smile and Su Chenxing gave one back in return. That was one of the qualities the driver loved about the two siblings. They were always humble.

"Old habits die hard my dear and that's not your real hair by the way so I don't see the problem" Su Nianzhen said with a playful smirk on his face drawing Su Chenxing's attention back to himself.

Su Chenxing huffed and turned away as the car zoomed off. Su Chenxing looked at the school gate with a lot of enthusiasm.

"We're already here so let's get the best out of it" She said to herself as she took a step forward towards the school that changed the entire course of her life...

I think I should change the names

asamichancreators' thoughts