
The First Vampire

Raphael-"All right cool. Chris you want me to take you or do you have a way to travel there fast."

Chris-"I'm good. I can travel in the shadows and the darkness. The Sun's going down so I'll be there in like 10 minutes when it gets dark. I'm not trying to get carried about you."

Raphael-"Ok. Nadura come here. See you in a bit then Chris." 

Chris-"Ok see you guys."

Raphael-I then Bolt off to Northlow arriving in a couple of seconds."Man the snow is coming down hard here. Here are the clothes of Nadura."

Nadura-"Thanks. I for sure will be taking off any of my clothes. It is so cold here."

Raphael-"True. Ok let just look around town until Chris arrives."

Nadura-" Ok. Can we eat though? I haven't eaten the whole day."

Raphael-"Yeah sure. I'm a bit hungry as well. You know  there's a place my friend Jose recommended for me to come if I ever visited Northlow. What was it called again?Sailback! He told me the ribs and the fries are really good. You want to go there."

Nadura-"Sure but I honestly don't care where I eat though. I'm just excited to try some human food."

Raphael-"Oh that's right.Well come on it's just around the corner."

Nadura-Ohhh there it is. Sailback is kind of a weird name though."

Raphael-"Yeah but if the food is good I don't really care. Let's head inside."

Nadura-"Wow it's so pretty in here. I really like the decorations and all the paintings in here. Who's that man in the painting."

Raphael-"Which painting."

Nadura-"The one that has the really big beard."

Raphael-"Ah that was the leader of Hedgefield Jacob Malone from 1990 to 2010. From What I hear he's the greatest leader they ever had. He basically lifted a shitty country from the ground up. Before him there was constant poverty, violence, and civil uprisings from the people. The fact he was able to turn around a country that other countries in Eyeon used as an example of what not to be. To be a country that others aspire to be . It's honestly quite amazing."

Nadura-"Wow he reminds me of a leader from my world. It is quite amazing what a country can do when they actually have a competent leader in charge."

Raphael-"True. You ready to order some ribs now."


Chris -"Wow guys. You're going to order without me."

Nadura-"Ahhh!Chris don't sneak up on me like that. You almost gave me a heart attack."

Chris- I grabbed her hand to kiss."I'm sorry darling I didn't mean to scare you. I hope you forgive."

Nadura-"Well don't do that again mister or were going to have a lot of trouble." I playfully punched him in his arm.

Chris-"Ow ow. Miss you pack quite a punch there."

Nadura-Eye rolled."Yeah yeah you baby." Sayed as she giggled.

Chris-" What we eating champ."

Raphael-"While you too were flirting I just ordered the ribs for you as well. Is that fine with you?"

Chris-"Yeah that's fine. I have been here a numerous number of times. I love the ribs here. Did the waiter say when it's coming."

Raphael-"He said about 20 mins."

Chris-"Cool. So how did you guys meet."

Nadura-"I crashed landed where he worked and he took me back to his house so I could rest up."

Raphael-"That's the jiff of it."

Chris-"Cool. Here comes food."

Waiter-"Here your ribs sir. Here's your sir and here's your ma'am.

Raphael-"Thank you."

Chris-"Thank you very much sweetheart."

Nadura-"Thank you ma'am."

Waiter-"If you need anything just call me over."

Raphael-"Will do. Now guys Let's dig in."

Chris-"Man these ribs are good but the ones in  Southsage are still better."

Nadura-"Wow I didn't think human food would taste so good. I hope to be able to eat more human food in the future."

Raphael-"For sure we'll take you out to eat more in the future. Ok now that we're done eating. Chris Where is this vampire located."

Chris-"Like six buildings away from this one. She usually comes here every year to visit her family. So let me talk to her first. If she sees you both she might think you guys were enemies or that I'm setting her up and she might try to kill you guys."

Raphael-"Ok sure. Me and Nadura will be waiting not too far from the house waiting for your signal."

Chris-"Come on then. You see that house with the red that's the one. I'll put my hand in the air with two fingers up when everything chill ok."



Chris-I walked over to the house to slightly knock on the door. As soon as I did that the chatter inside the house went quiet."Hello in thei." Someone grabbed me and slammed me against the wall shaking the entire house. "Man you didn't have to slam me so hard Blair."

Blair-"What you doing here and who are those two people hiding. Were you trying to set me up? Answer now before I Rip your throat out."

Chris-"Ok you know that wouldn't work but could you loosen the grip on my throat please it's kind of hard to speak when someone is squeezing my throat sweetheart."

Blair-growls."Well tell me what I want to know or I squeeze harder. Also I'm not your sweetheart." She says as she squeeze harder."

Nadura-"Raphael I think we should help him. I worry for Chris' safety."

Raphael-"He's fine. If we go in to help we're just going to make the situation worse by making her think we might be enemies. Just trust me Nadura he'll be fine. Just wait for the signal."

Nadura-"Fine but I don't like this at all. If something happens to him I swear she is done for."

Chris-"We need your help Blair."

Blair-"I'm done helping you. Last time I helped you my enemies found out about my family and went after them."

Chris-"We took the Raptor out though. They are not a threat anymore. We need your help with something big ok. I wouldn't have brought them here otherwise. Just listen to them please."

Blair-"Ehh fine. This better now be a waste of my time. As she let's go of Chris' neck.

Chris-I grunted as she let me go.He put his hand with two fingers in the air.

Raphael-"That's our signal Nadura. Lets go."

Nadura-She nodded

Raphael-"Hello there My name Raphael and this is my friend Nadura."

Blair-"Why does she smell so different. As she zoomed over to smell her. You're not of our species. Are you miss."

Nadura-"Your right I'm not human."As she put her hood down.

Blair-"Your skin is so red and your eyes look like when vampires are about to feed. Fansticing. So what do you people want? My dear friend here said you needed me."

Chris-"That's how you treat your friend by choking them?"

Blair-"Get over it you big baby your fine."

Nadura-Yes we need you to join our team here to help us stop an alien Invasion that's going to happen In 3 days."