
The Miserable Misadventures of Gar.

From his dark damp cave out into the world of Azeria. Gar miserably gets thrown in the most outlandish adventures. When really he just wants to stay in his damp dark cave by the swamp. But a dark and deep secret may change his understanding completely. This story is branched off a Dungeons and Dragons campaign i ran. Some events take place from sessions. Releases will be a little slow due chaotic work schedule and finding time to write. Recent things happening!!!! I am slowly revising each chapter. So possible rereads will be needed as they are being looked over and things added to chapter as details are being expanded. Chapter 1 - 2 have been revised so far more to come.

Rithbane · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

7. Gar and the Frozen Courtyard

Gars eyes opened slowly and all he could see was pale skin pressed against him. And he heard small sobs coming from the owner of the skin. "Why Kah cry?" His small voice said. And Kalyssa pulled him tighter. "My small green knight!" She then pull apart from him. She had him on her lap, leaning against the village fountain. She smiled to him tears still falling from her eyes. She helped Gar stand and he got a look at her. She was still a mess from the battle before.

"Kah hurt?" After he said those words the voice of Nayana came to his mind. "Place your palms upon her belly and cheek, love" Gar blinked to the sound of the goddesses voice and first placed a hand on Kalyssa's cheek then on to her belly. She winced at the pain. And went to move his hands but Gar spoke.

"Trust Gar." Green light came from his hands. They watched as the wounds started to stitch together with a green light that looked like a plant. As soon as the wounds were stitched the excess plant light clipped of and disappeared in a glittering display.

Kalyssa looked to Gar in confusion. "Where did you learn to do this Gar?" Gar shrugged and said. "Gar no idea. Gar just do." Gar then notice her attire was still torn and said with fear of another naked female incident. "Kah have other cloths?" He said looking away with a nervous blush.

Kalyssa blinked then looked at herself. "Oh.... sorry. I was so worried about you that i forgot to change." She opened a small bag to her side and out of it she pulled out some bandage cloth and unrolled it. "Ok, Gar. I'm going to need you to hold this side. Under my arm." Gar places his hand on the bandage and thought 'Ok she will warp it over and done.' But Gar was wrong. Gar watched as she just lifted her shirt of armor, exposing her medium size pale breast. Her nipples were perky and light pink.

Gar froze and stared. 'What is wrong with females and exposing theirs bodies to Gar.' After she finished wrapping her tits and put the armor back on. She then stood up and looked at her skirt. "Damn it. Ill have to have Thia repair them. When I catch up to them."

Gar sighed and started to head towards the castle. Kalyssa followed him as they approached the gates. He pushed the gate open and held it open for Kalyssa.

They came to a large open area filled with statues all acrossed the area. They walked closer to the statues and noticed something off. They were ice statues with people encased within. Kalyssa took a closer look to see that none of them were her friends and she sighed with relief.

Gar approached one that held a small human creature within it's frozen prison. He slowly placed a hand on the ice and thats when an image took over his sight.

The image shown was thru the eyes of the small human. He held a few drinks in both hands as was enjoying to what seemed to be a celebration. The image then plashed to people running away in fear of something behind them that gave a ferocious roar. The halfling didn't move as the image shifted to a large wall of wintery white wind barreling towards him.

Gar yanked his hand away before the wall hit him and with deep breaths he looked around again. Then Undine's bubbly voice entered his mind. 'The water tells stories, love.' Gar blinks then nods slightly.

"Frozen from big wind." Gar says to Kalyssa. "Beast create wind and" Gar then makes a frozen like gesture. Kalyssa cocked her head and questions her companion. "How do you know?" Then before Gar could respond an arrow whizzed by and embedded into the sculpture.

"Damns!" A dragon-born stood on the steps just outside the castle door with his bow drawn and about to reach for another arrow. Kalyssa slid in front of Gar and drew her bow. Her stance and form unmoving as she stared at her friend's attacker.

"Draw it and you wont even touch your string!" She said with a hiss. The dragon-born dropped his bow and put his hands up. "Whoa there lass. You got a beastie by you....." she interrupted instantly. "Beastie you say, but correction. I see one ugly one just beyond the tip of my arrow. Cause only a true monster would strike an unarmed and unaware foe." Gar hid behind Kalyssa shivering in fear.

A female voice came from inside. And from the doorway came a robed female. She was looking to the dragon-born as she spoke. "Who are you talking to.....?" and as she turned to look. Her eyes widened and yell. "Kalyssa! What in lights name are you doing here? Thokk! Come here!" The one named Thokk exited the door holding a display box. He looked as if trying to concentrate on opening the simple latched case. "Cant open, Thia...." He looked up and seen Kalyssa. "Lissa!" Before hustling over he hurled the case behind him and it easy opens as it hits the ground spilling a few daggers out of it. Thokk and Thia ran to her and she relaxed her bow and stood. They hugged her and Thia started to question her. Kalyssa then says.

"I will tell you in time but for now I need to introduce my companion." She then motioned to Gar. Who was trying to stay a-little hidden. Thokk growled but Thia elbowed him hard in the ribs. She then turned to Kalyssa. "Thats a goblin dear. Why are you traveling with a weird...." Her voiced trailed of and noticed something about Gar. She then got closer. Thia had long dark black hair the spilled over her shoulders and she wore eye glasses that helped enhance her brown eyes. He could then hear her mumbling something. She then looked at Kalyssa and said . "And he is green..... How is this possible."

"No idea but there is something special about him." Kalyssa said with a grin. Thia then looked at her again and shrieked. "Your torn and exposed. What happened?" She starts to tend to the skirt with using a wave of her hand the skirt started to mend together like it was untouched. As she worked. Kalyssa told how she had followed them from the festival, up the mountains, met Gar, and the battle in the village. She told of what Gar had done to the imps which she told Thia they were Ice Devils.

"And you say you were hurt?" She said looking at her face and belly. "But i don't see any wounds." She said in surprise. "Thats the thing. Gar healed then expertly." Thia then was back to examining Gar.

Gar was transfixed on the half elf, half orc in front of him. He was glaring at Gar. "This Gar! Slay imps with magic chains! He is but a goblin." Gar slinked back behind Kalyssa as Thokk howled in laughter. "He cant even slay a fly!"

This angered Kalyssa and she spat. "And some warrior that is afraid of a mere chicken at home." Shen then mocked. "Thokk cant go Chicken is loose."

This hurt Thokk. "You promised Lissa! Not to tell anyone!" Kalyssa then poked Thokks chest while saying with each word a poke. "Then don't be mean to Gar!" Thokk put up his hands. "Me sorries."

They moved to the castle door. And Kalyssa looked to Gar and said. "No one will harm you. Come lets go meet the others." With a smile she took Gars hand and they entered the castle.