
The Misadventures of Marvin

Marvin was the product of a relationship between God and a woman named Mary... Mary was a loving mother and wanted to stay with her son, even though she died immediately after giving birth to Marvin. Her soul was transferred to Marvin so he could live on. This system worked for 7 years, until it became unstable and Mary's body was destroyed. This incident led Marvin to look for his mother, but even after looking everywhere, he still couldn't find her. So, Marvin wished really hard and appeared in a white room with a strange man who appeared to be writing something. Through a series of unfortunate events, Marvin ends up in a new world with his mother taking place of his soul and she is doing her best to lead him through a new world. Marvin's power shall be explored and adventures shall be had. P.s. This is a little bit of fun for me, I love system based novels and novels with game elements. I have a system in place and I will be going a more realistic percentage of distribution of power. For now, around 3/10 people in this world are adventurers of some kind. The reason for this is the decentralized nature of the world and the unpredictability of the monster spawns. Most people need to be at least strong enough to fight a goblin. Ranks 0-9 with only 10 people at Rank 9. 74% are rank 0 with some levels. This world has magic but it is more free form in nature and it can be used in many ways. The true limiter is the linear nature of stats. Normally a person wouldn't drop everything into STR because they get one shot if they are alone so most builds follow patterns of distribution. 2 VIT, 2 STR, 1 DEX, then 1 AGI alternating. It doesn't matter how hard you swing your axe if you get killed by an arrow.... There will be a lot of levels and the MC will follow a more INT based build ;). I hope you like it and I am aware of how bad I am at writing. CY@

JohnnyRebirth · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: A great pain

Marvin was sleeping peacefully by the fire, dreaming of when Mary used to take him to the movies. He remembered watching his favorite superhero fighting the purple man.

Iron man always had the coolest toys and he was known for creating amazing things, that's why Marvin liked him so much. You see, Marvin takes after his father quite a lot and when he was around 4 or 5 years old, his mother bought him a Lego set and Marvin built amazing things. He was like a savant with Lego engineering. Marvin could just build whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. Over time, Marvin collected so many Legos that he couldn't move them all at once. Even Mary, couldn't pick up the crate of Legos. So, Mary called one of the guys that she worked with at the hospital to come over and help lift it, but when Mary and Steve walked in the room, they saw a massive model face of Mary. Next to the giant beautiful face was a little boy, laying on a pile of Legos without a care in the world.

That's when Mary thought her son might be gifted, because it was a perfect statue. Steve was blown away; he didn't even know Legos could be used to shape a human face.

Now, Marvin is laying here, peacefully sleeping. But that is about to end…



"Baby? What's wrong, what's going on?"

"My Lord, what is the problem, are you okay?"


Marvin took a deep breath because the wave of pain began to recede. This was without a doubt the most pain Marvin had ever felt and it gave him the notion that it would be coming back unless something was done about it.

"I-I am okay now, I think…I just had this wave of pain and it feels like it is coming back…"

"Oh, baby, I am so sorry…Ask Randle and Roger if they know what it might be."

"Mommy wants to know if you two know what it might be…"

"My Lord, I have not seen anything like this, Roger?"

"My Liege, it could be mana toxicity?"

"What is that Roger? Is it dangerous????"

"Well, my Liege, it typically only ever affected people that wait….um, my Liege, you did spend your points, right?"

"My points??? Oh, do you mean the stuff I got from…the deer…I um, haven't used it yet…"

Roger and Randle stood there with a stupid look on their face…

They couldn't believe they were so stupid…

How did they not remember to check his level…

"Baby, tell them to treat you like you are from a different world…"

"Roger, Randle, mommy said to tell you that you should treat me like I am from a different world…"

Roger and Randle stood there, they had the idea cross their minds, because someone so powerful shouldn't have no clue what is happening. It didn't really matter to them if their King was from a different plane, but it matters if their King is unaware of how this plane works.

"My Liege, do you remember getting notifications when you slew the deer? Try to remember what they said, and you should see it appear in your vision."

*Ding* You have slain Lvl. 38 Storm Deer Fawn *Ding*

*Ding* Congratulations, you have reached Lvl. 29 *Ding*

*Ding* You are eligible for your first class *Ding*

*Ding* You have been blessed by the world!!! *Ding*

*Ding* You have access to a hidden class *Ding*

*Ding* Please distribute your status-points *Ding*

*Ding* Warning, please distribute your status-points *Ding*




As Marvin repeated the list of notifications, Roger and Randle stood in object horror. Normally, people with overloaded mana cores explode. There are clear risks of damage being done to someone with a mana core that is overloaded. Roger then asked Marvin to bring up his status screen.

*Ding* Class selection in progress *Ding*

*Ding* Status currently locked *Ding*

*Ding* Please select a class *Ding*

"Roger, it won't let me until I pick a class…"

"Uh….okay…then what classes does it say you can pick from?"

*Ding* Please choose one of the following as your main class *Ding*

Choose from one of the following-

Melee- ???

Ranged- ???

Special- (Hidden Class) Creator- Rank -???-

"Roger, it says I can pick a class but there is only one class and it is called "Creator"."

"My Liege, what rank does it say it is?"

"There are just asking marks next to it."


"You mean, "?" marks" Said Roger as he drew the symbol on the ground."

"Yes, those, there are 3 of them."

"…My Liege, I have never heard of that, ever. Classes are usually capped at a certain Rank and you must switch classes when you reach the final stage."

"My Lord, I may have an idea. If you are the first one to obtain the class, then maybe it will be ranked once you obtain it."

"So, do you want me to take it…."

"Yes, my Liege."

"I would advise so, my Lord."

"Sweetie, you can always change to a different class later, right? Plus, you like building things!"

"Yeah! I do. Okay, I am going to accept it…"

*Ding* You have selected (Hidden Class) Creator- Rank -???- *Ding*

As Marvin stood there, he felt the wave of pain flood back, but it was different this time. The wave of pain seemed to flow around him, missing him by almost nothing. Marvin even felt…good. It was like he was the master of this wave and he could make it do whatever he wanted.

Marvin began to glow softly, but he didn't notice as his eyes were closed.

"Roger, why is he glowing like that? That shouldn't be happening with his first class…"

"Randle, our master is a different type of being, judging him by this world's standards is a fatal mistake…"



Marvin would come to find out why he was glowing as when he woke up it was daytime. When he rose, he noticed that the world appeared to be different. Roger and Randle were just barely taller than him for some reason.


Then as Marvin was freaking out, he took a step and fell headfirst into the fire pit. His legs were so long, but Marvin noticed that he was falling at a much slower speed. Marvin then reached out with his hand and he instantly decelerated. Marvin looked at his arm and he was horrified.


"Um, my Liege, this has happened in the past…you see, sometimes people obtain a class and it changes their constitution or body."

"My Lord, you should probably sit down for a little bit…"

"Mommy, what is going on?"

Mary was staring in shock at her son's body. It was literally perfect, it reminded her of Marvin's father…

"Baby, you look like your father now!"

"Oh, you always say that mommy. What happened to me?"

Marvin sat in marvel at his body. His hands were much bigger, and he felt like he could be like Tarzan. His mother always told him that he would be tall, but that was quick.

Like a fly, Roger had to interrupt his enjoyment with pertinent news.

"My Liege, you should check your status right away."

"Alright, alright, I will."



Name: Marvin

Age: (True age:7/Body age:18)

Race: Demi-human;???

HP: 80 (94) MP: 700


Level: 29 Experience: 25430/40000

Class: Mana crafter- (Creator)

Unused Points- 140 (28x5)


Vitality: 8



Dexterity: 6

Intelligence: 7

Wisdom: *LOCKED*


Status Effects: Blessing of the World (2x Experience gained)

Gift of Knowledge (Effect of Intelligence is increased 400%

Gift of Wisdom (Wisdom cannot be accessed, instead, passive regeneration of 1% mana per minute).

Body of the Creator (HP gains 1/50th of mana potential) (1/10th of intelligence is added to every other stat; rounding down to the nearest whole number).

Titles: True King of the Undead (Title)- Whoever shall hold this title is recognized by the world to be the True King of the Undead. The holder shall have natural affinity with undead creatures and may control undead. The holder of this title shall be able to grant experience to the members of the Undead Legion by sacrificing their own. Undead controlled by the holder of this title are able to use the system in place for sentient races and are no longer considered unholy (weakness to light is null). With this title being claimed for the first time ever, the world may never be the same. Long live the King. +100% Affinity with undead, Experience Shared with Undead servants, Classes, Ranks, and Sentience is available for the Undead.


Companions: Roger Rank-1 Zombie Scout. Randle Rank-1 Zombie Apprentice Knight.

Zombies x 35 (Natural spawn following their king; No Upkeep, Decay rate 7 days without mana infusion (6 Days of mana left)).

Class: Mana crafter- (Creator)

Class Abilities- Mana crafting (x MP), unlearned, unlearned, unlearned, and unlearned.

Class Passives- Mana Control, Matter synthesis, unlearned, unlearned, and unlearned.