
The Miracle Doctor Has Returned

As a highly talented medical university student, his future was completely destroyed due to a single instance of academic paper fraud. After becoming a matrilocal son-in-law, he found himself facing inexplicable imprisonment. However, three years behind bars transformed him into a renowned doctor, and he also formed connections with influential figures. Upon his release, he vowed not to let go of those who had looked down on him, framed him, and harmed his family.

Dawn Broke In Neon Lights · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 4 Trouble Arrives

Translator: Inschain Editor: Inschain

While Charles expressed his gratitude to Selina, he also asked a few questions about Wendy.

As he had guessed, Wendy dropped out of school to take care of Tess.

Tess' advancing age and declining health made it difficult for her to work, so Wendy decided to go out and earn money.

Selina had seen Wendy setting up a stall on the street several times and actively supported her business. 

However, in these past few days, due to debt collectors' harassment. Coupled with Tess' limited mobility, Wendy had no choice but to stay at home.

"Why would you let your sister run a stall if you have such impressive medical techniques? You seem to care about her a lot." 

Selina's question hit Charles right where it hurt.

If it weren't for the three years he spent in prison and Sarah's betrayal that opened his eyes to reality, the well-being of his family would still be of no concern to him.

"Selina, didn't I say I had a meeting today? I don't know when it will end," a white-coated elderly man approached from the corridor, his hair white and disheveled, but still exuding an elegant demeanor.

He was Robert Green, one of the leading figures in the medical field in Zeacam Land.

The smile on his face appeared kind, yet carried a hint of authority.

Charles had rarely seen such a prominent figure before, especially up close like this, and he couldn't help but feel somewhat restrained.

Selina waved her hand and smiled, " Grandpa, I told you I would wait for you. Did you forget?"

"Is that so? I must have been too busy today to remember.

" Dr. Green lightly stroked his granddaughter's head and looked at Charles with confusion. "And who is this?"

"Grandpa, this is Charles, Wendy's brother!"

"Oh? Wendy's brother?"

Selina would often introduce her classmates to her grandpa. 

Dr. Green only had a deep impression of a few of Selina's classmates, and Wendy was one of them. 

He knew she was a very hardworking and ambitious girl. It was a pity that she had dropped out recently due to certain reasons.

"Grandpa, he wanted to see you, so I brought him here."

Upon learning that the young man before him had come to see him, Dr. Green couldn't help but ask curiously, "To see me? Are you here for medical treatment?"

"My master asked me to find you. He said you could help me prove my innocence."

Charles didn't even address Dr. Green, which made Dr. Green slightly furrow his brows. 

No elderly person would dislike polite young people, so Charles' impression score plummeted in Dr. Green's mind.

"May I ask who your master is?"

"Elder Hall. He asked me to come and find you, saying that you could help me prove my innocence."

Upon hearing "Elder Hall", Dr. Green's face suddenly changed! 

"Young man, the Elder Hall you mentioned..."

"He entrusted me with this letter to deliver to you."

When Dr. Green finished reading the contents, tears filled his eyes instantly. He could recognize that it was indeed Elder Hall's handwriting.

However, this scene frightened Selin.

This was the first time she had seen her grandfather so excited.

"How is Elder Hall doing now? I wonder if I can meet him?"

Twenty years ago, Dr. Green had the privilege of meeting Dr. Hall. 

 At that time, he was amazed when he saw Dr. Hall's miraculous acupuncture technique that saved a patient who was on the verge of death.

Since then, he had been inspired to study Traditional Chinese Medicine. 

In response to Dr. Green's request, Charles firmly refused, "Master Hall is not available at the moment."

Dr. Green immediately smiled awkwardly and said, "It's alright, it's my impoliteness." 

"You look about the same age as my granddaughter, so I'll just call you Charles directly."

"Whatever you prefer," Charles replied. 

"Alright, since you are the disciple of Dr. Hall, is there anything I can do to help?"

He would never dare to treat the disciple of a divine physician lightly.

Charles was also surprised by the high reputation his master had outside. He secretly marveled and then revealed the matter of falsifying academic papers.

Dr. Green suddenly blew his mustache and exclaimed, "This... This is simply too excessive!"

Charles, don't worry. I will personally investigate this matter thoroughly."

Nothing could be more reassuring than Dr. Green's promise.

"Thank you very much." 

Now that his goal had been achieved, Charles planned to leave. 

However, he realized that his family was struggling financially, so he looked towards Dr. Green.

But he found it difficult to bring up the topic of borrowing money.

Just as Charles was hesitating and about to speak out, an elderly voice came from behind him, "Young benefactor, so you're here!"

He turned around and saw a young and attractive woman assisting an elderly man as they slowly approached.

The elderly man was the one Charles had saved. 

"Young benefactor, you left too quickly earlier. I didn't have a chance to properly thank you," the elderly man said.

Dr. Green had already recognized the identity of the elderly man. 

He was the head of the ShoreUp Group in Starbain, worth several billion dollars! However, he couldn't understand why the young physician was referred to as the benefactor.

The young woman was the old man's granddaughter, and she was very beautiful.

Especially with her figure and the black stockings, it was hard for men to resist.

She walked straight up to Charles and smiled, emitting a pleasant fragrance.

"Thank you for saving my grandfather. Here's my business card, along with a small token of appreciation." 

Initially, Charles had no intention of receiving any benefits for saving a life. 

But when he took the check and saw the amount written on it, his heart skipped a beat!

He counted it several times and finally confirmed that it was a generous reward of half a million dollars!

Before Charles could react, the young woman helped the elderly man leave.

As they left, the elderly man waved his hand, hoping to meet again in the future. 

Charles stared at the check, his hands trembling.

This was a huge sum of money that he could not earn in half his lifetime. Now, he could easily obtain it.

Thinking that he no longer needed to borrow money from Dr. Green now that he had money, Charles said his goodbyes and left.

On the other hand, Dr. Green, with a contemplative expression, said to his granddaughter, "Selina, you should spend more time with Wendy from now on. If she has any difficulties, remember to help her."

"Okay, Grandpa, I will!"

Although Selina was still a bit confused, she was certain that her grandpa's words must be meaningful.


After leaving the hospital, Charles couldn't wait to cash the check and also got a credit card for convenience.

However, shortly after leaving the bank, Charles noticed a van following him.

Having spent three years in prison, he had learned to sense danger.

Realizing that he was being followed, instead of escaping, Charles deliberately led them to a less crowded place.

One of the thugs in the passenger seat of the van was puzzled. "Mark, why do I feel like this guy is intentionally leading us to a less crowded place?"

"He deserves it. Both Mr. White and Mr. Lewis have given orders to bring this guy back, beaten and broken!" said the scar-faced man in the driver's seat with a sly smile.

When the car reached an alley and saw the target walking towards a dead end, they immediately stopped the car and called for the other thugs. 

Six or seven thugs suddenly rushed out, surrounding Charles, armed with steel pipes, baseball bats, and even bricks.

"Brat, if you don't want to die too horribly, come with us."

Mark approached Charles, smiling strangely at him. 

He was quite impressed by the kid in front of him. He could dare to offend both Mr. White and Mr. Lewis.

If he was caught and brought back, he would either die or be skinned alive.

Charles glanced at the thugs around him and finally fixed his gaze on Mark.

"Who sent you here?"

Charles' calmness seemed to be beyond Mark's expectations.

However, he was the top fighter of Mr. White and had done all kinds of vicious things.

Without a word, he took out a dagger from his waist and pounced forward.

Originally, he only wanted to teach the little brat in front of him a lesson.

However, with a loud bang, he was slapped to the ground by Charles, twitching and foaming at the mouth.