
The Miracle Doctor Has Returned

As a highly talented medical university student, his future was completely destroyed due to a single instance of academic paper fraud. After becoming a matrilocal son-in-law, he found himself facing inexplicable imprisonment. However, three years behind bars transformed him into a renowned doctor, and he also formed connections with influential figures. Upon his release, he vowed not to let go of those who had looked down on him, framed him, and harmed his family.

Dawn Broke In Neon Lights · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 10 Close to the Truth

Translator: Inschain Editor: Inschain

It was Edward Wilson, the third young master of the Wilson family, who questioned!

He was notorious for his arrogance and domineering attitude in the circle of Starbain's wealthy second generation.

The key was not his overt arrogance, but his tendency to undermine others in secret.

Many people who went against him ended up ruined.

So in the eyes of the guests present, Charles had become a cripple. 

"You've got guts," Edward's forehead veins were bulging.

It was the first time he had seen someone dare to challenge him in the Wilson family. 

He felt that something was wrong, so he turned around and asked Tom, "Who is this guy?"

"Mr. Edward, he was just released from prison a few days ago. He used to be a nurse's aide before he was imprisoned."

Learning that Charles had been in prison, Edward immediately reminded him with a cold face, "You have one minute to get out of Woodside Mansion, my Wilson family's property. This is Starbain's auspicious site and I cannot bear to see someone like you present here!"

The people of the aristocracy dislike this kind of person the most, so Edward was immediately furious. 

There were also a few lackeys behind him who mocked Charles.

Before he went to prison, the word cowardice had brought Charles too much pain.

At that time, he had no background or strength and could only be manipulated by others.

Now, hearing Edward's humiliation, with a sudden "snap" sound, Charles directly overturned the dining table in front of him. 

As he stood up again and rubbed his wrist, he smiled and said, "Are you sure you want to fight me? Believe it or not, I can make you kneel down and beg me right immediately?" 

These words sounded like nonsense.

Who would dare to touch the Wilson family in Starbain? Not to mention that this was the Wilson family's place unless the one who was courting disaster.

"Congratulations, you have successfully annoyed me."

Edward suddenly shouted at the door, "Security, kick him out!"

Although Edward called them security, who rushed in were several burly middle-aged men in suits.

Judging from their physical fitness, they were far from ordinary people. 

"I remember that the Wilson family spends a lot of money on security systems every year. So, the security level of Woodside Mansion is unmatched,"

"That's right, I've heard about it too. He also knew that these security guards…They were all former mercenaries from overseas!"

Tom listened to the discussions of the surrounding crowd and thought that Charles had brought this upon himself. 

Although he didn't know why he was impotent, he suspected it had something to do with the tea Charles had given him last time. 

He planned to go to the hospital for a check-up in the next two days.

Of course, he must witness firsthand how Charles would be ruined before going.

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it," Edward said.

With Charles' current strength, dealing with a few former mercenaries would be no problem.

Mainly, he came here this time with the intention of keeping a low profile and finding Evelyn to inquire about the truth of the past, without intending to cause a scene at the engagement banquet.

Now that Edward had started it, then he had the right to fight back. 

Faced with the sudden appearance of multiple security personnel, Charles clenched his right hand. 

Just as he was about to make his move, he heard a delicate shout not far away, "Stop!"

The security guards suddenly stopped in their tracks, and everyone curiously looked in the direction of the voice. 

After seeing an extraordinary figure, Edward was somewhat hesitant. 

Charles also noticed and realized that it was a beautiful woman wearing a white dress, with captivating charming eyes and a black mole beneath them.

In addition, her exquisite features outlined a stunning appearance that seemed untouchable and not to be profaned. 

Charles had a momentary daze but quickly recognized the woman's face as someone familiar. 

Combining it with his childhood memories, he immediately realized that it was Evelyn.

The ingrate who had caused him to be imprisoned!

Over a decade had passed, and he didn't expect her to become even more beautiful now. 

"Look, that's Evelyn. Thompson family's daughter who is about to be engaged to the Wilson family's young master."

Tom introduced Sarah while his gaze remained fixed on Evelyn's face.

Even he, who had seen countless beauties, couldn't resist her charm.

Sarah also knew that everyone present was someone important.

Even though she felt jealous in her heart, she casually nodded as if nothing had happened and said," She's indeed beautiful."

"Evelyn, why did you come down?"

Edward hurriedly came to Evelyn's side with a smile on his face.

Many people had heard that the Thompson family's daughter was quite capable. 

Even before marrying into the Wilson family, she managed to make Henry Wilson's younger brothers obedient to her.

They didn't expect it to be true... 

Evelyn glanced at Charles and explained to Edward, "Today is my engagement banquet with your brother. I don't want anything to go wrong."

"That's right, the visitor is a guest. It was my lack of consideration! "

"I'll deal with you after the engagement banquet is over!" Edward reminded Charles with a fake smile."

Seeing that there was nothing to see, everyone dispersed.

Unexpectedly, just as Evelyn was about to go back upstairs, her slender arm was grabbed by Charles.

This scene stunned Edward, Tom, and everyone present!

"Are you f*cking courting death!"

Edward became furious and rushed up to kick Charles away. 

But with a snap sound, Charles turned Edward's head with a slap first. 

Then he turned to ask Evelyn, " Did you have anything to do with me being framed and imprisoned?"

"If you still want to walk out of the Wilson family alive, let go of your hand."

Evelyn frowned and didn't intend to answer the question.

The more she acted like that, the more Charles felt that something was fishy. 

He thought that Brian wouldn't lie, so he continued to ask, "Why did you do this? Just because I drove away a group of thugs for you back then?" 

"We don't seem to know each other, do we? Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about," Evelyn replied. 

"You really don't know, or are you pretending not to know? My name is Charles Johnson. Back in middle school..." 

Before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly heard a contemptuous laugh in his ear. "I was wondering who it was. It turns out to be that trash from back then." 

The crowd in the hall instinctively made way for him.

A blond young man was walking slowly towards them from the stairwell.

His long hair was flowing, and he was wearing priceless earrings on his left ear.

As for the facial features, they were extremely three-dimensional and likely a mixed-blood.

"I didn't expect you to not learn your lesson after three years in prison."

It was none other than Henry Wilson, the eldest son of the Wilson family.

Henry came to Evelyn's side and smiled meaningfully, "Evelyn, why is he here?" 

His tone was gentle, and there was a hint of tenderness in his expression.

But it made Evelyn tremble involuntarily, and she tried to restrain herself and replied with three words, "I don't know." 

Those few conversations made Tom and Sarah stunned.

In their impression, Charles was a complete trash, with no money or background, and was extremely ordinary. 

Sometimes they even thought that he was so cowardly that he couldn't even be considered a man. 

But it was this kind of Charles who actually knew the daughter of the Thompson family's eye and the eldest son of the Wilson family?! 

The most surprised person was Charles himself. 

He really didn't expect that Evelyn's fiance was the culprit who sent people to beat him up at the school gate back then. 

"So, I became the biggest joke when I stood out that time?"

Charles suddenly regretted his decision back then. 

If time could go back, he vowed never to help her again. 

But Evelyn opened her mouth, hesitated, sighed, and left a cold reminder, "Leave the Wilson family, this is not a place where you can come."