
The Miracle Clinic

[SERIES ON HIATUS DUE TO LIFE. THOUGH I WILL BE REVISING OLD CHAPTERS. The new revised stuff won't have a "X" at the start of the chapter] Do you believe in miracles? Well for two high school students named Marcus Veridan & Ronnie Everst, they certainly do as they've managed to make a club all about making miracles happen. Despite the club struggling to find its footing, they manage to quickly find two new members in the form of Elizabeth Moore, a shy nerdy girl that somehow gets into drama pretty easily, and Alex Smith, a hot heated athletic dude that thinks with his fists. Together the four of them and their club named "The Miracle Clinic" will slowly but surely begin to shake the entire groundwork of the city they live in, one miracle at a time. ________________ this is my first ever webnovel story I've ever done so I'm sorry if some things are a bit rough at the start.

Preston108 · Urban
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109 Chs

xChapter 77 - End of Freshman Year [END OF SEASON 1]

It still took a few days for Ronnie to be released from the hospital but during those days a lot of people came and visited, and a lot of them told him different things.

His mom Sally Everst was almost always there – and while she was grateful that he was safe – what she wasn't so grateful for was Ronnie spending the night out when he wasn't supposed to.

Luckily when Alex, Marcus, & Elizabeth arrived they were able to ignore all of the hardships they all recently went through. They just talked about whatever was on their mind and were able to put their worries behind them. When Ronnie eventually did get to hear about all of what happened with Marcus, he didn't know what to say, but seeing how optimistic his best friend was about his future, Ronnie's worries soon washed away.

Another time the folks from Burrito Bistro decided to pay him a visit. While Mister Garcia was mainly there to make sure he was alright, Ronnie got to properly meet Mesto's kids; Landon & Avery. With the twins' three-year birthdays coming later in June, Ronnie figured he would need to find some sort of present to get them. However, once those two left, Hunter arrived to greet Ronnie. Despite the two of them not being on the best terms, Ronnie could tell Hunter had changed drastically since middle school, especially recently. And if Marcus could give him a second chance; he begrudgingly accepts that Hunter is starting to change, and if he keeps changing for the better then maybe they can properly get along.

While Ronnie was supposed to be in school, some of the faculty visited after school to drop off homework papers. When it was Sam Penningberg's turn, he always made sure to give notes and tips with the papers to help him understand the assignments more. When it was Zesti Champion's turn, she made sure to bring in some food for him to have that she baked. When it was Wilsten Jefferson's turn, he showed up and then left almost as if he felt this was beneath him. When it was Ray Ramirez's turn, despite him saying how he got forced to be here he did slip him an answer sheet for one of the tougher assignments. And when it was Aken Amnestor's turn, the history teacher would always make sure to remind Ronnie that he should focus more on recovering than homework.

When he got the news that he was going to get discharged from the hospital at the end of the week, Ronnie was surprised by how many classmates showed up to celebrate. Christopher told him about how working out wasn't the same without him, Crunch remarked to Ronnie that they needed to do something really fun when he's out, while Suzy Dark made sure that Crunch didn't get too hyper in the room. X, despite already visiting each day around the same time, showed up again with the students to celebrate the news. Hamster made some of his famous muffins for Ronnie to eat while Carli Kim made sure Bennet the hamster didn't eat the muffin first. Even Rebecca Jenksin showed up, and while she did say it was out of obligation, Ronnie nonetheless appreciated the gesture.

What shocked Ronnie the most was when Dirty Fang visited. It was just four members though; Vanessa Deli, Blanko Deck, Graham Dirt, & Andy Nibble. And they all brought him gifts. Vanessa brought him an ambulance toy truck she found at the hospital's gift shop, Blanko gifted Ronnie a gift card to his family's bodega, Graham Dirt gifted him some school supplies, and Andy Nibble gifted Ronnie a 480-piece puzzle. While he understood why Vanessa and Blanko were there, Ronnie was a bit confused about why Andy and Graham showed up. Still, he was appreciative of the gifts and the puzzle was something he and his mother spent the rest of the day trying to complete.

When they finally did though, the next guests paid Ronnie a visit. This time it was the folks from the bookstore; Ivan Turnip, Professor Powell, & Selina Gulvonac. They brought him a ton of books to keep him busy for a while. Selina seemed pretty interested in what Ronnie thought of Starlight High while Ivan talked with Sally Everst about the old times. While they were still there; The Three Ts paid Ronnie a visit too. While Tom & Tim apologized to Professor Powell about the purse robbery they tried to do, Tim-Tom chatted with Ronnie about his recovery. Despite that, Ronnie noticed something about Tim-Tom felt off. He felt that the whole time he was visiting him, Tim-Tom was thinking about some other thing. And it was that thing that created a small rage inside Tim-Tom which he tried to mask during the visit.

The last people who visited him before he was discharged were actually several members of the Moon Shadow Affiliate. His uncle Ryan Everst, his godfather Ronald Sampson, Santiago Hernandez, & Terry Boats all visited. While they visited, Ronnie wondered if he should let them know about everything he's discovered regarding the MSA; the fact that they profit off of the criminal organizations that run amuck in this city, what Jerry Pitt told him that night Club Azure came to an end, and how he met James Lewis recently. Ultimately, Ronnie decided he'd confront them another time about this, this time on his own terms.

But that would have to wait for a while because after they left, Ronnie finally got to leave the hospital. As he and his mom returned home, Ronnie couldn't help but think about Cameron. He received a letter from him while Ronnie was still recovering. The letter told Ronnie that the reason Cameron couldn't see him in person was because once he got home, Cameron and his parents decided the best thing for him to do was to have Cameron go to rehab. It'll take a while until he's all done with it, but in the letter, Cameron assures Ronnie he won't keep him and the others waiting too long until they see each other again.


The next day at school, Ronnie is walking down the halls towards an all too familiar classroom. As he walks down the halls, he overhears some chatter.

"Hey, school's almost over, crazy how it went by so fast?"

"Maybe for you! This whole school year took forever to end."

"I'm just glad I don't have any more math homework."

Ronnie continues down the hall as he thinks to himself just how much things have changed since the start of the year. From agreeing to join the club Marcus wanted to form to having the person he fought with become a member to getting their fourth member after much convincing to now, so much happened this year.

Ronnie smiles to himself as he reaches the door to Mr. Amnestor's classroom, he opens the door and says, "Hope I didn't keep you all waiting too long for the club meeting!"

In the classroom are fellow members of the miracle clinic; Alex Smith, Elizabeth Moore, and Marcus Veridan. Additionally in the class is Aken Amnestor, who's sipping coffee from behind his desk, and X Locke, who's trying to finish up a test.

"It's fine, I'm glad you're here!" Marcus says.

Elizabeth nods in agreement while Alex says, "Hasn't been the same without you."

"Thanks, guys, though do we have any plans for what we're doing today?" Ronnie asks.

"Well, there is something you need to do Ronnie," Amnestor remarks.

Ronnie is confused as Amnestor hands him a form regarding Ronnie attending summer school.

"What is this?!" Ronnie asks.

"It's me letting you know you're going to summer school," Amnestor remarks as he sips his coffee, "You missed a ton of days while you were gone and while I was going to get them excused, your mother told me to have you go to summer school so you don't miss out on your education."

"But I'm already grounded!" Ronnie sighs.

Hearing Ronnie's plight, the other three members get a bright idea.

"Hey Ronnie, sounds like you're in a lot of trouble," Marcus remarks.

"You think?" Ronnie questions.

"Yeah, it'll take a miracle for you to not have to do all of that," Alex jokes.

Catching onto their joke Ronnie groans, "Please don't."

However Elizabeth continues the joke as she adds, "Well you're in luck! Because if you want to see a miracle happen, you've come to the right place!"

"Not you too Elizabeth," Ronnie sighs.

"Here we make the impossible possible, we make dreams come true because we're…" Alex starts to say.

"The Miracle Clinic!" Marcus says.

"Well if you guys want to say that, then I take it you'll be there with me at summer school," Ronnie suggests causing the three to stop giggling, "After all, if I'm with you guys, then everything will turn out okay."

"Not a bad idea," Amnestor says, "I'll let the principal know all four of you are going into summer school."

Regretting their teasing, Alex says, "You don't want us with you at summer school."

"Uh huh that would make it worse for you," Elizabeth agrees.

"C'mon, you aren't serious Ronnie, right?" Marcus asks.

"We're a club, we should stick together," Ronnie teases back at them, "But not just any club, we're The Miracle Clinic!"

Thank You For Reading The Miracle Clinic Season 1!~

Hey there it’s me but this time at the end of the chapter. I just want to thank everyone and anyone who read the series. Whether you only read a few chapters or read all of them, I’m extremely grateful for any form of interest you’ve taken in this series. Now for some sad news, this marks the end of ‘season 1’ of The Miracle Clinic, and with it means the series will be going on a hiatus for a while. Releasing chapters at least once every week on Thursdays while fun has been a bit tiring and I want to make sure Season 2 is bigger and better than what came before. After all, the main reason I even wanted to write this series is due to all the stuff that will happen in Season 2. If you enjoyed or didn’t enjoy reading the series so far let me know through a comment or a review and I hope that I’ll be able to…

See You Next Season!~

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