
The Miracle Clinic

[SERIES ON HIATUS DUE TO LIFE. THOUGH I WILL BE REVISING OLD CHAPTERS. The new revised stuff won't have a "X" at the start of the chapter] Do you believe in miracles? Well for two high school students named Marcus Veridan & Ronnie Everst, they certainly do as they've managed to make a club all about making miracles happen. Despite the club struggling to find its footing, they manage to quickly find two new members in the form of Elizabeth Moore, a shy nerdy girl that somehow gets into drama pretty easily, and Alex Smith, a hot heated athletic dude that thinks with his fists. Together the four of them and their club named "The Miracle Clinic" will slowly but surely begin to shake the entire groundwork of the city they live in, one miracle at a time. ________________ this is my first ever webnovel story I've ever done so I'm sorry if some things are a bit rough at the start.

Preston108 · Urban
Not enough ratings
109 Chs

xChapter 53 - Searching Through The Crowd

As Mesto-Presto is standing by the cash register at Burrito Bistro, he can't help but drift his mind over to what he was told the day prior. That someone was going out of their way to grant him a miracle. Without wanting anything else in return.

As he stands there, he hears the door to the restaurant open, when he goes to see who entered, his eyes are filled with confusion. The person is wearing a black hoodie and has the hood up. When he goes to talk to them, the person ignores them. So Mesto simply continues to do his job – cleaning tables, preparing food, serving customers – all the while being perplexed by the generosity he's being provided by complete strangers and yet Mesto can't help but be grateful.

"Maybe things will turn out fine after all," Mesto murmurs to himself.


"So uh, things aren't turning out fine," Ronnie admits to Marcus.

The two have entered Starlight High's gym as they are amidst the mob of people all spectating the game between the two rival high schools; Starlight High & Seastar High. The gym is so packed that the two can't even see the game going on. Fortunately for them, they notice that nobody is really over by the concessions stand so they walk over to it.

However, saying it is a concessions stand is definitely exaggerating it. What it really is is a small white fold-up table that has a selection of some random candy, a few bags of chips, and some water bottles. The two people running the stand are Alex Smith and Christopher Wrinkle, both being in light blue basketball jerseys.

"Oh hey, I didn't expect you'd be here running the stand," Ronnie smirks before asking, "Got any funions?"

"Yeah well we're too young to be a part of the varsity team," Alex admits, "And we don't have those, only potato chips."

"What kind?" Marcus asks.

"The wet kind," Alex answers.

"Oh, how revolting," Marcus responds.

"Hey bro nice gains," Christopher Wrinkle says as he looks at Ronnie's slightly more broader shoulders.

"Thanks, man, even though I'm nowhere near as jacked as you," Ronnie admits as he looks at the 6'4" 260 lb unit that is Christopher Wrinkle.

"Nonsense bro, you put in the work, you should be proud of yourself," Christopher admits.

"Uh… thanks?" Ronnie asks confused since it was mostly Christopher who forced him to work out.

"Enough yip-yap, how's the search for that Seastar Chick?" Alex asks.

"We just got here," Marcus admits, "I'm guessing Ivory is over by the seastar bleaches."

"Yeah no shit Sherlock," Alex remarks, "Look if she ever comes over to grab a snack I'll let you know but if not then I'll trust you guys got the rest."

"You got it!" Ronnie says as he and Marcus walk over to the other bleachers.


When the two make it over to the edge of the bleachers, they spot Elizabeth & Cameron frozen unable to enter the Seastar bleachers.

"That's where you guys are, what's going on?" Ronnie asks.

"Oh hey Ronnie we're just a bit stuck," Elizabeth admits.

"Really? How come?" Ronnie asks.

Cameron sighs as he points to the very other side of the bleachers where Ivory Dutchingson is sitting, and at the front of them are some Seastar High students.

"So we gotta get through all of them huh?" Ronnie says before stepping forward, "Should be a piece of cake."

Ronnie walks over to the kids blocking the way and asks, "Hey do you mind if I go through?"

"Sure thing pal," The kid says.

"Really? Thanks man," Ronnie says I he begins to walk forward.

"I didn't think it would be that easy," Marcus remarks as he tries to walk forward too.

However the same kid stops Marcus & Ronnie from going forward as she laughs, "Wait you thought I was serious? We wouldn't be letting Starlight High Kids through without a fight."

"God another fight?" Ronnie groans, "Is that all Seastar is good for?"

"Not just any fight," The Seastar High kid replies as she pulls out a Beyblade, "But a battle between beyblades!"

"I uh- I don't have one," Ronnie admits, "but I'd love to play sometime."

"You don't? Aw man, you can go right ahead then," The Seastar High kid says with a sigh.

Ronnie, Marcus, Elizabeth, & Cameron quickly pass her as they are stopped by a familiar face, the rambunctious freshman at Seastar High, Draco Malite. He tries to pick a fight with the group but Elizabeth manages to get in the way, causing the other three to go on without her.

As they reach closer to where Ivory is seated, Marcus gets a tap on his shoulder. When he looks to see who it is, he sees it's Blanko.

"Hey dude, long time no see!" Blanko yells.

"Oh yeah, it's nice seeing you too," Marcus says back, though a bit sad that he couldn't keep going with the others.

Ronnie & Cameron look back before continuing to make their way to Ivory. When they do, she looks at them and waves.

"Oh hey, didn't you visit Seastar High back in December?" Ivory asks as she points to Ronnie, "Nice to see that the people in the section haven't been too rude to you."

"Oh so you remember me, that's nice," Ronnie remarks, "And uh, I actually have a question for you."

"What is it?" Ivory asks.

"Do you know Mesto-Presto?" Ronnie asks.

After hearing those words come out of his mouth, Ivory's whole face turns into one of pure shock.

"How do you know that name?" Ivory asks.

"It's a bit of a long story, actually it really isn't but you get what I mean," Ronnie begins to explain, "If you want, I can show you where he's at and explain things on the way. Is that alright with you?"

Ivory thinks for a few seconds before nodding.

As Ronnie begins to talk with Ivory, he can't help but feel happy that he's one step closer to helping Mesto-Presto see a miracle. All he hopes is that Burrito Bistro isn't too busy when they finally get there.


Over at Burrito Bistro, Mesto-Presto is cleaning a few empty tables while his boss Cedro Garcia hands the hooded person some chips and salsa.

"Would you like anything else to eat?" Cedro Garcia asks.

The hooded figure murmurs something, but Mesto is too far away to really hear what they say.

Suddenly in that moment, the front door opens once more.

"Oh welcome to Burrito Bistro, How can I help-" Mesto-Presto begins to ask before realizing who just entered the restaurant.

Standing in the doorway is none other than the CEO of Club Azure, Jerry Pitt.

"Oh hello there, is your boss around, I would like to discuss a unique business opportunity with him," Jerry remarks with a fake smile on his face.

As Mesto looks at the man, he realizes that today is going to be a much longer day than he anticipated.

See You Next Chapter!~