
The Miracle Clinic

[SERIES ON HIATUS DUE TO LIFE. THOUGH I WILL BE REVISING OLD CHAPTERS. The new revised stuff won't have a "X" at the start of the chapter] Do you believe in miracles? Well for two high school students named Marcus Veridan & Ronnie Everst, they certainly do as they've managed to make a club all about making miracles happen. Despite the club struggling to find its footing, they manage to quickly find two new members in the form of Elizabeth Moore, a shy nerdy girl that somehow gets into drama pretty easily, and Alex Smith, a hot heated athletic dude that thinks with his fists. Together the four of them and their club named "The Miracle Clinic" will slowly but surely begin to shake the entire groundwork of the city they live in, one miracle at a time. ________________ this is my first ever webnovel story I've ever done so I'm sorry if some things are a bit rough at the start.

Preston108 · Urban
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109 Chs

xChapter 10 - Into The Kitchen

"Wh-What the hell is this?!" Ronnie asks.

He along with Elizabeth Moore are in the kitchen in Starlight High and the thing that has them so shocked is a tray filled with stacks of cash.

"Is this real?" Elizabeth asks as she goes to touch the money. However, the two begin to hear whistling causing them to quickly hide under a table.

The source of the whistling is the sole kitchen employee of Starlight High, Gabriel Griffon. Gabriel's a recent young hire at the school who is quite popular among faculty & the student body alike. He has short black hair, white skin, a slim yet muscular physique, and a smile that could make anyone's heart skip a beat. He's wearing a black t-shirt underneath an apron, white gloves, brown pants, & black shoes.

"Hm? That's odd," Gabriel says to himself as he goes to turn off the lights, "I could have sworn I already did that."

As Gabriel walks past the table, Elizabeth & Ronnie cover their mouths. Gabriel manages to turn off the lights and then heads toward the back of the kitchen where he continues to mop up the floor. Ronnie & Elizabeth sigh as they get out of their hiding spot.

"We can't be noticed by that dude, he seems like trouble," Elizabeth whispers.

"Yeah and besides," Ronnie begins to whisper as he glances at the money, "if I knew school lunches served this I would have never packed my own lunch!"

"I think that dude might be using that money for something, but for what?"

As Ronnie & Elizabeth begin to look around the kitchen, they notice that there seems to be a trail of blueberries on the ground.

"Didn't Hamster mention how the muffins had blueberries?" Elizabeth whispers.

"Hey yeah, you're right! Maybe they can lead us to the muffins," Ronnie replies.

The two follow the blueberry trail until they get to another wooden door that seems to have people chatting on the other side. Ronnie looks at Elizabeth and the two nod at each other before they slightly begin to open the door to see it leads to the teacher's lounge where Ray Ramirez, the teacher aide, is eating some muffins.

"Damn those kids weren't lying, this shit is so good!" Ray says while stuffing his mouth with another muffin.

Next to him is the chemistry teacher Sam Penningberg, a posh young teacher that seems to have also just graduated college not too long ago. Sam has short gelled brown hair, green eyes, glasses, white skin, and a slim body. He is wearing a white button-up shirt, brown pants, and black dress shoes. Sam is pouring himself some coffee while Ray continues to eat.

"You know, you probably shouldn't have bought all of those muffins off of him," Sam states as he sits down next to Ray.

"And why? So I could save some for those toddlers? All those kids have ever done for me is give me headaches."

"I won't deny it, but still something about that guy just seems off."

"Whatever you say, man," Ray says as he continues to stuff his mouth with muffins.

Elizabeth & Ronnie close the door quietly as they turn to each other.

"So I guess we found our culprit," Ronnie states.

"Yeah we did, but... there's just something that doesn't sit right with me about the guy," Elizabeth begins to reply, "why would he try and sell the muffins to some teachers? He practically caused a riot in the cafeteria and for what?"

As Ronnie & Elizabeth continue to ponder, Ronnie looks around and sees that Gabriel's still whistling away even in the darkness.

"Well, I don't get why he's working in the dark, but maybe he's hiding something," Ronnie says.

"Yeah, yeah! That would explain why he wanted to make the cafeteria crazy, so there wouldn't be anyone bothering him."

"Well unfortunately for him, we're gonna see what he's hiding!"

Elizabeth & Ronnie begin to slowly make their way towards the whistling, the whistling is coming from a corner in the kitchen. While the whistling is fine at first, there's just something about it that sounds off. Just one tiny thing if you too were to hear it, you would begin to sweat nervously. As Ronnie & Elizabeth got extremely close to the whistling, Ronnie noticed a nearby light switch. However, when turning it on, the two would discover a shocking sight.

The source of the whistling wasn't Gabriel Griffon, but rather just a radio looping the same whistling tune. On the ground around the radio, all of the tiles are pulled off and it seems like someone was trying to dig something up from that location, except there's no shovel.

"What the hell?!" Ronnie asks.

"I don't get it, where's Griffon?" Elizabeth asks.

"Oh I'm right behind you," Griffon responds with a smile on his face.

Elizabeth & Ronnie quickly turn around to see Griffon behind them who is holding a shovel in his hand, he begins to lift the shovel up.

"I recommend you get out of the way and keep your mouths shut about this, okay?" Griffon suggests sweetly, "We don't want any accidents now would we?"

As Griffon is about to swing down, Ronnie quickly grabs one of the tiles and tosses it at Griffin's face.

"RUN!" Ronnie yells as he & Elizabeth begin to run through the darkness.

Griffon begins to feel his face as he can feel his nose beginning to bleed. He turns around and angrily shouts, "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT!"

Griffon tosses the shovel at the two but it misses. Griffon then follows the two into the darkness and since he's spent more time in the kitchen, he manages to reach the door before Ronnie & Elizabeth do.

"I didn't want to make my hands dirty, but you really leave me with no choice," Griffon responds.

"Well, it looks like we gotta fight this guy, if you want you can leave this up to me," Ronnie says to Elizabeth.

"Don't worry," Elizabeth begins to say, "I can hold my own in a fight, after all..."

Elizabeth then begins to twist the wooden key she made into a hair tie that she uses to put her hair into a ponytail.

"...I was the best member of the taekwondo & basket weaving clubs!" Elizabeth says.

Griffon begins to laugh, "So what if you've got experience being in a club?"

As Griffon laughs to himself, he picks up two items from the nearby counter, however, Elizabeth & Ronnie have no idea what they are since the darkness is hiding them.

"I know everything about this kitchen, you can't win," Griffon states.

See You Next Chapter!~