
The Miracle Clinic

[NEW CHAPTER EVERY THURSDAY!] Do you believe in miracles? Well for two high school students named Marcus Veridan & Ronnie Everst, they certainly do as they've managed to make a club all about making miracles happen. Despite the club struggling to find its footing, they manage to quickly find two new members in the form of Elizabeth Moore, a shy nerdy girl that somehow gets into drama pretty easily, and Alex Smith, a hot heated athletic dude that thinks with his fists. Together the four of them and their club named "The Miracle Clinic" will slowly but surely begin to shake the entire groundwork of the city they live in, one miracle at a time. ________________ this is my first ever webnovel story I've ever done so I'm sorry if some things are a bit rough at the start.

Preston108 · Urban
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113 Chs

Chapter 8 - Sun Shorts Collection No. 2

Author's Note: Hey it is me the author of this series, Preston108. I hope you enjoyed the second storyline to The Miracle Clinic. I hope to continue to entertain you as this series goes on. Also the name of this volume isn't a typo it's a play on "The More The Merrier" & Elizabeth's last name (Moore). Now, this chapter is also just going to be a collection of sun shorts so I hope you enjoy them!

SUN SHORT #1 - There's No Such Thing As Ghosts...right?

"Man my back is killing me," teacher's aide Ray Ramirez remarks to colleague Zesti Champion.

"Well, if you want I know a pretty good chiropractor Pennies and I go to," Champion remarks, "Maybe that'll help."

"Yeah, maybe-" Ray begins to reply.

However, before he can respond, a buff freshman by the name of Christopher Wrinkle runs up to the two of them and starts shaking Ray down.

"S-s-s-s-s-sir!" Christopher whimpers, "You gotta help me!"

"Why what's wrong?" Ray asks.

"I think I just heard a gh-gh-gh-gh-gh-ghost!" Christopher exhales.

Now normally, Ray Ramirez is the faculty member most of the kids get along with well. He helps explain subjects better than some teachers, he always picks the best movies to watch for classes, and he's also a pretty recent hire too.

However with school having ended a while ago, and with Ray already having to suffer a long day of work….his patience is at a complete low.

"You're fucking with me, right?" Ray asks, "Did Mister Penningberg set you up to this?"

"No, I'm being for real!" Christopher stammers.

"I don't get paid enough for this shit," Ray scoffs under his breath.

"Where did you hear the ghost?" Zesti Champion asks.

Christopher trembles as he points down an adjacent hallway.

"Okay, you can head home we'll take a look," Zesti reassures.

Feeling somewhat relieved, Christopher jogs off. Ray & Zesti begin to walk down the hall.

"Why'd you say we'd go look? It could be a kid playing a prank on us," Ray sighs.

"Well the kid seemed frightened, so hopefully us looking puts his mind at ease, and besides," Zesti remarks as dollar signs fill her thoughts, "We're gonna be set for life if we actually discover a ghost!"

"True but there's no such thing as ghosts," Ray grumbles.

However just as he finishes his sentence, the two faculty members hear what sounds like a little girl giggling as some of the lights flicker.

Ray looks at Zesti.

Zesti looks at Ray.

And together the two of them turn around and start walking the other way.

"Fuck that," Ray remarks with Zesti nodding in agreement.

SUN SHORT #2 - Old Trophies

Mrs. & Mr. Moore are sitting in their bedroom watching TV.

"It seems like our Eli has made some new friends," Mrs. Moore states.

"Yeah, though I'm glad she's in a new club," Mister Moore admits, "Hopefully she can pick up some more trophies in that one."

"Honey, you know that isn't the type of club she's in now," Mrs. Moore remarks, "And besides, we need to have some room left for when Nhung & Hai's start getting some."

Elsewhere in the apartment is a large bookcase, one filled to the brim with trophies Elizabeth has won in her past. They're all first-place trophies for several different events; chess tournaments, taekwondo matches, table tennis scrimmages, and many others.

However, out of all of the trophies on there, there is only one second-place trophy, which just so happens to be the latest one she received back in middle school for a taekwondo match.

SUN SHORT #3 - After Hours

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Mesto-Presto exits the Burrito Bistro restaurant after a long night shift. He's wearing a black crew neck sweatshirt with white pants and raggedy shoes. After he locks the door, he overhears a loud thud that came from the alleyway next to the restaurant.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Mesto walks over to see a punkish-looking teen wielding a bloody metal baseball bat standing over several beaten thugs.

"That should teach you a lesson on who not to mess with," the teen remarks as he talks to the unconscious thugs, "If you still want some more, then make sure that next time you can handle the heat."

The teen turns to see Mesto staring at him.

"What? You want a piece of me too?" the teen remarks as he makes his way over to him, "Well that's fine, I'm more than happy to give you crooks your just desserts-"

Before he can finish his sentence, the teen's stomach grumbles loudly.

The teen looks at Mesto.

Mesto looks at the teen.

"You hungry?" Mesto asks.

"No," the teen lies before admitting, "Yes."

Mesto sighs before unlocking the doors to the restaurant, "Just make sure you order something simple kid."

"It's Hunter, Hunter Huntingson," the teen remarks, "and fine."

As Hunter enters the restaurant, Mesto notices that the beaten-up thugs had vandalized the side of Burrito Bistro by spray painting the letters 'C.A.' onto it. Mesto sighs as he realizes his already extended night shift is going to be longer than he once thought.

SUN SHORT #4 - What Did I Miss?

Ronnie is running towards the school cafeteria while he carrying his backpack.

"Damnit, I just had to forget my backpack in Jefferson's class when I had lunch!" Ronnie scolds himself, "Hopefully there's still a few seats left."

However, for Ronnie, his worries of not finding a table to sit down at quickly vanish as he gets a proper look at what the cafeteria has become.

Several students are all yelling at one another, lunch trays are scattered all across the ground, a kid is sobbing, & Alex is getting ready to throw hands with X.


See You Next Chapter!~