
the Mineral Company

After VR became a real thing every one tot they were gone de the OP MC. striving to join the biggest guild, fighting each other, hunting monsters. but why, its not the only way to make money in the game, you can make money with everything as long as you have the patios, time, connections and luck. Any blacksmith needs ore but nobody wants to be a miner. How is so stupid to waist their gaming time farming. Their are a couple but not many. (English is not my primary language so please correct any mistakes I make. i'm sorry for the horribly writhing. It's my first time.) (cover art is not mine if owner wants it removed just leave a comment.)

old_hermit · Games
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9 Chs

Home sweet home

Finding the inn wasn't difficult it has a sign outside saying 'inn' after all.

Walking in the first ting I noticed is the counter with a middle aged man siting behind looking to the left there seams to the some sort of bar with some old man drinking and playing chess. maybe more of a restaurant instead of a bar.

I asked the middle aged man.

''Are there any rooms available?''

''Sure, what kind of room do you want one with two beds, one with a double bed or just a single bed one.''

''Just a single will do.''

''With lunch and dinner is 90 copper a night. without is 50 copper.''

''Can I have lunch now?''

''Lisa, a customer wants lunch.''

A blond teen ran in to the reception, and looked at me

''If you want lunch go site in the restaurant I'll bring it straightaway.''

''Thank you.''

Walking to the restaurant, I tot to my self, if we can be killed will offline then how em I gone survive alone in the endless mountens. Just because I haven't seen any monsters up until now doesn't mean I'm not going to. As I'm spawning in a less popular area doesn't mean there are gone be less monsters those two things are not related to each other, a popular area is not gone have a higher spawn rate just because there are more people there and vice versa.

This game don't have a spawn system, but if you kill all the monsters in a certain area monsters of nearby areas will try to take it over some times even other species. When this happens and a territory opens up two or more species from different areas try to take it over fighting each other for supremacy players can participate in this fight that is how they can built town or even city's. villages don't require this because they are just a couple of dirt huts close to each other, but all three, villages, town and city's will suffer regular attacks from monsters.

By the time I finished tinking about this stuff I was already seated with a plate foul of eggs , bread and some meat. Not having eaten anything the enter day my appetite was huge noting was left after just a couple of minutes.

Walking back to the resection I asked the middle aged manager were my room is.

''Just go up to the terd floor it's the last room number 213.''

Before I new it I saw a perfectly made bed in front of me .

''Log out''

----real world----

Siting on my bed I tot about the future, having just finished high school. my parents told me to either get a job or get a higher education. but honestly I don't want to do either.

So here I em starting for my self doing whatever I feal like.

I moved to Spain with my parent when I was just 5 and it was great but 2 years ago the got divorced and moved back.

Me and my brother staid here he was studding and had a part- time job but quit both 3 months ago he and said he is looking for a new one but I don't know were he is looking but he sure as hell won't find it in some girl pants.

After realizing that he won't get work for at least anther year or so or until he got ride of those hormones I have to work and the game is the method I chose spending all my money I have both the gear and software needed to start now I have to do it.

Enough self pitteing lets just eat and be done with it

I set down in my kitchen and started making something to eat nothing fancy just some bread and a glass of ice tea. I have to go back to the game now.

this beginning period is supposedly the most importend to get ahead of others.