
The Millionaire's Matchmaking

BILLIONAIRE'S GAME SERIES 1 Alexander Montgomery, a billionaire who is 28 years old, was single for two years after he separated from his ex-wife four years ago. He focused all his energy on his business during those two years and decided not to look for a new partner. But, everything changed when he met Isabella Heyes at an event for single people. Her green eyes reminded him of something, but he wasn't sure what. He used his wealth and contacts to learn more about her. What started as just an interest soon became a deep liking. However, his ex-wife came back into his life, trying to ruin his growing relationship with Isabella. He had to face a hard truth that could affect their feelings for each other. Will Alexander and Isabella win in this difficult game of love, or will they face a key point where they have to decide if they should stay strong or give up?

Ms_alexa · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

I hurriedly entered the room. It's our exam today, and it looks like I'm late! When I arrived, the proctor was already there and had started to pass the examination papers to my classmates.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am, I'm late," I apologized as I walked in.

"You're just in time, but make sure this doesn't happen again. Take your seat quickly."

"Yes, Ma'am. Thank you."

I hurried to my seat and took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. I grabbed a pen and focused on the paper in front of me.

"Alright, everyone. You have two hours to complete the exam. Remember, no cheating. If you have any questions, raise your hand."

I glanced around the room. Everyone was already busy writing. I took another deep breath and started reading the questions, determined to do my best despite the late start.

The examination took the whole day to finish. Sheena also came to our department with her classmates.

"Best! How's the exam?" she asked as she entered without hesitation.

"We have one last subject," I replied, stretching my arms.

"Same here. I swear, my brain is fried," Sheena said, rubbing her temples. "If my brain had a 'battery low' warning, it would be flashing right now."

I chuckled. "Well, at least we don't have to charge it overnight."

She laughed. "True! But I could definitely use a coffee recharge. Want to grab some after this?"

"Definitely," I agreed. "We deserve it after surviving today."

"Surviving?" Sheena teased. "More like barely making it! But hey, at least we didn't get eaten by zombies, right?"

"Zombies would probably run away from the exam papers," I joked. "Even the undead have standards."

After we talked, they proceeded to their classroom. I also waiting for my last exam until it reaches the exact time to do the exam today.

We finished the exam for one hour. I felt like I'm having a headache. I should have rest my mind today. Suddenly, I heard Sir calling my name, 'Ms. Heyes?'" I noticed that he glanced around as he entered the room.

"Sir?" I stopped in front of him, expecting that he had something to tell or show me. Time was running out, and only a few of us remained in the room after the exam.

"The dean asks your presence. Please go straight to his office now," our professor said. I couldn't help but feel nervous upon hearing his words. I knew why I was being summoned.

I still had a significant balance to settle due to my inability to pay it off promptly when my mother fell ill last year. I've been gradually paying it off, but it wasn't enough to cover everything at once. The tuition for the course I chose was expensive, and I wanted to avoid taking it, but my mother insisted that I pursue my dream course because she didn't want me to regret it in the end.

In the dean's office, I nervously shifted in my seat, my heart pounding. I cleared my throat as the dean looked up from his desk.

"Dean Williams, thank you for seeing me," I began, my voice quivering slightly. "I know I still have a remaining balance for tuition, and I'm here to request some more time to pay it off. I've been juggling multiple jobs, and I'm doing everything I can to catch up."

The dean looked at me with a stern expression, his fingers forming a narrative of their own.

"Ms. Heyes, I understand your situation, but the university has policies in place for tuition deadlines. We can't make exceptions for every student facing financial difficulties."

My shoulders slumped. "I know, Dean Williams, but I'm so close to graduating. If I can just have a bit more time—"

Before I could finish my sentence, the dean's assistant entered the room, holding a piece of paper.

"Excuse me, Dean Williams, I just received an urgent message. It seems someone has paid off Ms. Heyes' remaining tuition balance."

My eyes widened in astonishment. "Paid off? But... I didn't—"

The assistant handed me the paper, and my eyes scanned the contents. "It's a receipt for the payment, and there's a note here," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

Dean Williams leaned forward, curiosity piqued. "What does the note say?"

I cleared my throat, my hands trembling slightly as I read aloud, "Ms. Heyes, I believe in the power of education and the pursuit of dreams. Consider this a helping hand on your journey. - A Friend."

"It seems you have a guardian angel, Isabella. Someone who believes in your potential."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I struggled to hold them back. "I... I don't know who could have done this."

Dean Williams smiled gently. "Sometimes, acts of kindness come from unexpected places. I'll mark your balance as paid, Isabella. Focus on your studies and make the most of the opportunity you've been given."

As I left the dean's office, my heart was filled with a mix of gratitude and curiosity. I couldn't help but wonder who the mysterious person was, the one who had eased my burden and believed in my dreams. But I can't just sit here and relax. I have to find this person and pay them back.

I walked out of the gate, not expecting to encounter people I didn't want to see at the moment. I didn't want my day to be ruined because of them.

One of their group noticed me and said to his friend, "Hey, the one who used to have a crush on you is here." All of his buddies turned to look in my direction, but I ignored them and continued walking.

Before I could turn away from them, someone grabbed my wrist, startling me. "W-what is it?!" I couldn't help but raise my voice. He just chuckled.

"Relax, I just wanted to talk," he said, his grip firm but not painful.

I pulled my wrist away. "I don't have time for this," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Come on, no need to be so tense," he said with a smirk. "We just want to catch up."

I took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. "I have things to do. Excuse me," I said firmly, walking away as quickly as I could.

As I distanced myself from them, I felt frustrated. I had more important things to focus on, like finding out who paid off my tuition. That mystery was now my priority.

"Whoa, feisty. Got something to prove?" he teased, and they all burst into laughter.

I raised an eyebrow as he refused to release my wrist. I had long stopped giving him any attention, trying to spare him from embarrassment, but it seemed like they were intentionally taunting me now.

We had been friends since high school, and I decided to attend the same university because of him. Initially, I harbored a crush on him for a while, but I never revealed it. However, the reactions of people around us changed when we were together. Gradually, he began to distance himself from me, treating me as if I were a contagious disease to avoid. I wasn't oblivious; I noticed his behavior. After that realization, I chose to focus on my studies and work, disregarding him completely. Yet, I couldn't understand why they were approaching me now and mocking me. I never confessed my feelings to Kalel, so why did they always bring it up whenever we crossed paths?

"Let go of me, Kalel. You're not funny anymore," I stated firmly as I forcefully pulled my hand away from him. However, due to his strength, I ended up feeling the pain myself.

Despite my resistance, he refused to release me, and his friends joined in laughter. Fueled by anger and frustration, I slapped him, silencing them all. His grip finally loosened, allowing me to swiftly retract my hand.

"I've been keeping to myself, but you guys keep ruining my day. When will you all grow up? And you, Kalel, I can't understand why you've become like this. I don't even recognize you anymore," I expressed with a stern look. I didn't wait for him to respond and turned away. However, I immediately stepped back when I saw a familiar face approaching in our direction.

My eyes widened, and I quickly covered my face with one hand, slightly lowering my head.

Why is he here? And why now?

My soul almost jumped out of my body when Kalel suddenly pulled me back and tightly grabbed my arm, causing me to wince in pain. "What's wrong, Kalel... Let go of me," I whispered angrily as I glared at him.

"We need to talk, Isabella," he said seriously, trying to pull me away, but I resisted and pulled my arm back from his grip. Wasn't one slap enough to get this guy to stop bothering me? I wished I had just punched him to make him learn his lesson.

"I told you to let go of me! Seriously!" Despite the pain, I kept trying to pull my arm back, but he remained stubborn. Tears were starting to well up in my eyes.

It was getting painful, and a crowd of onlookers had gathered, which I wanted to avoid at all costs. I didn't want the whole school talking about me because of this humiliation.

I couldn't believe how much Kalel had changed. He used to be a genuinely kind guy who always prioritized me. In high school, everyone assumed we were a couple, and teasing comments followed us whenever we were together. I had a crush on him back then, which would make me blush, but everything shifted when he started acting cold towards me after we went our separate ways due to pursuing different courses.

"You're hurting her," I heard someone say from behind me, their voice trembling. My vision was clouded with tears, so I couldn't discern whose voice it was.

Kalel glanced at me, and his expression softened as he saw me crying. Finally, he let go of me, and I instinctively stepped back to prevent being held in that manner again. The redness and swelling from his tight grip were starkly visible on my small arms due to my petite stature.

"I-I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk to you," he stammered. I didn't respond, only looking at my now reddened and painful arm.

Someone gently touched my shoulder, his large hand lightly squeezing it. Instead of feeling afraid and moving away, I allowed it to happen, my body strangely signaling to me that I was safe.

"If you want to talk to her, calm yourself first. You're a guy, and do you think grabbing her like that will make her listen to you?" the person said, their voice firm.

Kalel looked puzzled when he heard this from the man beside me. I noticed a furrow forming on his forehead as the man's hand remained on my shoulder.

Kalel's friends exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of how to respond. The tension in the air was palpable, but the man's calm presence seemed to diffuse it slightly.

"I didn't mean to scare you," Kalel finally said, his tone softer now. "I just wanted to talk."

"Who are you? What business is it of yours in our argument with Isabella? Do you even know her, Isa?" I wiped the tears from my cheeks and glared at him with anger.

"Don't talk to me like we're okay, Kalel. Just please... leave me alone!"

Kalel tried to approach me, but I took a step back, finding myself grabbing someone's wrist without even looking at who it was.

"Hey, Isabella!" he shouted, but I didn't even glance at him as I marched away. I paid no attention to the students staring at us and simply passed them by. I let go of the wrist I had been holding when we reached the parking area.

I sat down on a bench, my head hanging low, trying to wipe my tears as they fell. I wiped my tears away every time they threatened to fall, but they just kept coming.

I couldn't hold back any longer, and I cried openly. It hurt because Kalel was capable of hurting me just to satisfy the expectations of his friends. He wasn't like this before. He used to defend me whenever someone picked on me, but now he was the one hurting me.

For nearly two years, we hadn't had a private conversation because whenever I attempted to speak with him, his friends would intervene or create excuses to prevent us from talking.

He even changed his contact number, and we were no longer connected on social media, which caused me immense pain. I vividly recall shedding tears over this loss.

A handkerchief was laid out in front of me. I stopped and looked at it before picking it up and using it to wipe away my tears and mucus. I didn't notice the presence of the person because I was so focused on wiping my face.

"I thought you might need a little pick-me-up," a familiar voice said. I hadn't even glanced at anyone earlier, so I didn't know who I had grabbed.

I raised my eyes. It was quite dark, but there was enough light for me to see the face of the person who had startled me.

I saw Alex smiling at me, holding ice cream cones in his hands. My eyes widened in surprise. Damn! I thought I had grabbed someone else, and he saved me, and now even at school, he's here!

"A- Alex?" I still couldn't believe I was looking at him. He just smiled at me, observing my reaction.