

Evelyn's gaze wandered slowly over Maximiliano, who greeted her courteously, and then took a seat as Amelia instructed.

"We came to keep you c-company, mom" Maximiliano watched as a sad smile faded from Amelia's lips. "Would you like me to prepare you something to eat?"

"Maybe something light, daughter".

Amelia nodded, he could see how she held back her tears at the deteriorated state of the woman, who looked at him from time to time, maybe she didn't feel as much rejection towards him as the first time she had seen him, but he was sure she thought he was a sinner, just like her daughter.

"I'm going to prepare some soup, mother," she told her, standing up; a loose dress covered her body, it was one of the ones he had given her in his attempts to let her grandfather know that all this was true love... the irony killed him. "You stay here, Maximiliano, if you want to..."