

Amelia's days were numbered; there were exactly twenty-five to go, the passage of time was accelerating when she didn't want it to, because although it was hard for her to admit it, she didn't like that time was passing so fast, it meant that she would leave there much faster, that she wouldn't feel how that little boy was pouncing on her, almost breaking her in two, that she wouldn't feel his arms around her while he pretended to be asleep.

Those thoughts had not left her, she supposed they would leave her until the day came to leave, which she saw very near.

"I can't believe you got attached like a stupid girl," her head reproached her every chance she got, but that didn't help too much to get the feeling out of there, the feeling that she didn't want to leave so soon, maybe she should have agreed to stay for more days, like he had proposed when Dylan had started calling her "mom".