

Amelia had not conceived of the dream at all, it was becoming commonplace.

The doubt as to whether all the times he had hugged her like that while she slept had been intentional kept going around in her head, in a kind of hamster wheel that wouldn't slow down any time soon.

The sunlight came through the half-open window, she had gotten up a while ago, curiously, that night, after apologizing for "the habit", Maximiliano had not returned to embrace her while he "slept", the most he had done, was to approach her back, breathing almost in her ear, he wanted to get closer to her, but he was uncovered.

She had spent forty-five nights with him, and in all of them, she had to feel how strong arms clung to her, how the softest hair in the world caressed the back of her neck, while when she lowered her eyes she found a beautiful face, had it all been intentional? Amelia had too many doubts, why would he do something like that?