

The first image that Maximiliano encountered when he opened his eyes that morning was certainly unexpected.

Amelia, with her eyes closed and her lips barely moving between almost inaudible snores, while her face remained only a few centimeters from his, so much so that he could see a small birthmark that the woman had under her eyebrow, he tried to decipher the shape of that brand, but it did not work, it did not have any shape, but it was beautiful.

Maximiliano gasped when he realized how close their faces were, their lips, then he lowered his gaze, realizing that he was hugging her tightly, that he had his left leg on the body of the woman he was suffocating in a hug.

"How the hell had that happened?" he wondered, slowly loosening his grip. She didn't remember doing any of that. He didn't remember holding her, much less remembered snuggling into the woman's neck, what the hell had happened while he slept?