

Nathan King, powerful head of his legendary family's cattle empire, who has everything. Nathan King has grandsons; Alex King, Antonio King, and Matteo King. * Alex King is the eldest grandson of a prestigious family. It's his duty to expand the King empire -- and he must also choose a bride and father a son! Gina Terlizzi already has a baby son -- she's not looking for a husband! No matter how breathless the chemistry between them, she's simply a guest in Alex's home to attend a wedding -- or is she the intended bride? * Powerful Antonio King is on hot coals, fighting not to mix business with pleasure with his new employee Hannah O'Neill. Yet when Hannah's past catches up with her and the risk of losing this intensely desirable woman stares him in the face, a passionate possessiveness drives him to an impulsive solution: marriage! * Matteo King is the last unmarried grandson of the King dynasty -- and determined to stay that way! When a writer is hired to explore his family's history, Matt is shocked to realize the willowy redhead is a woman from his past.... Nicole Redman is shaken to the core by the sexual energy between herself and Matt King -- and his belief she's a gold digger! So what has Matt ultimately got in mind when he insists they discuss the terms of her contract -- in the bedroom?

EdimaWealth · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
81 Chs

Chapter 46

THE telephone!

The realisation of where she was and what she was supposed to be doing came like a thunderclap, jerking Nicole up from Matt King's embrace. Eyes wide open with the shock of having lost track of everything, her gaze instantly targeted the radio clock on the bedside table: 18:33. Only forty minutes left to get ready for tonight's premiere and be down in the lobby for the trip to the theatre!

"Look at the time! We've got to move!" she shot at Matt, heaving herself off him and rolling to the side of the bed to pick up the receiver.


The quick agreement helped to get her mind focused on dealing with the situation. First the call, which was probably from her employer to ask about today's research—her employer who was footing the bill for this hotel accommodation which had just been used for...nothing at all to do with the agenda Isabella Valeri King had approved for today and tonight!

It was some relief to feel Matt moving off the other side of the bed, going straight into action. Nicole swung her legs onto the floor, sat up straight, took a deep breath, lifted the receiver to her ear, and spoke in a reasonably even tone.

The caller was Mrs. King.

Nicole quickly expressed satisfaction in the information she'd collected from newspaper archives, replied to various other queries about her day, gave assurances that her hotel room was fine and she hadn't forgotten the seven-fifteen deadline in the lobby, lied about having had something to eat, and every second that ticked by increased the tension of losing more time.

She had her back turned to Matt but she could hear him moving around, pulling on clothes. No sound of his exit, though. Which doubled her tension as she managed to conclude the call. Bad enough that she'd had no option but to remain naked while he dressed. What was he waiting for?

Didn't he understand there was no acceptable excuse for not being punctual tonight? And it would be dreadfully inappropriate not to be properly dressed and groomed, as well.

Her heart pitter-pattered nervously. What was his reaction now to what had transpired between them? Had it been as world-shaking for him as it had been for her? Suddenly feeling intensely vulnerable, she forced herself to look at him over her shoulder, needing some reassurance that he had been deeply affected, too.

He stood near the short passageway to the door, his gaze trained very intently on her. He was fully dressed, looking every bit as respectable as when he'd entered, ready to meet anything or anyone.

"Don't try skipping out on me tonight, Nicole," he fired at her, his eyes blazing a command that promised she would rue any deviation from what was planned. "You be in the hotel lobby at seven-fifteen. We'll take it from there."

He was gone before Nicole could even catch her breath. He'd brought an electrifying wave of aggression into her room and his exit left her with the same sense of force which would not be denied, no matter what ensued from this moment.

It stunned her into losing a few more moments.

Her mind rallied to examine what he'd said since it had to be a lead to what he was feeling. Skipping out on him... Was that how he viewed her choice to take an earlier flight today? Perhaps even further back, a reference to the family luncheon she'd deliberately missed.

He must have taken both absences as very personal slights. Which they were. But this had to mean he'd been thinking about her as much as she'd been thinking about him, and getting highly riled about it. And he wasn't about to walk away from what had just happened.

Be there!

The command of a very determined man to have her with him. He certainly hadn't had enough of her. Which was fine by Nicole. She hadn't had enough of him, either. Which brought a crooked little smile to her face. She'd leapt in at the deep end with Matt King and didn't know if she'd be able to keep her head above these turbulent waters. But she wasn't about to drown yet.

The black taffeta dress.

Yes, she'd be there in the lobby at seven-fifteen, but not as a woman submissive to his will. In fact, she'd do her absolute utmost to knock his eyes out. Teach him not to take anything about her for granted.

Matt was the first down. He was early. Eight minutes past seven. He hoped to catch his grandmother before Nicole appeared and ensure the right seating in the limousines and at the theatre. He didn't care if this raised her eyebrows or gave her satisfaction. Nicole Redman had certainly proved his match in bed but that didn't mean marriage was on the line.

Ten past seven. Matt breathed a sigh of relief as he saw Rosita, Alex and his grandmother emerge from an elevator. Alex, as always, looked impressive and totally in control of himself. Nonna was in royal-blue silk, very regal with her head of white hair held high and all her best jewellery on. Rosita wore burgundy lace and was beaming with excitement. They all smiled at him.

Matt forced a smile he didn't feel, knowing he should be sharing their anticipation of pleasure in the show and a triumphant night for Gina. All he could think of was getting Nicole Redman to himself again. As the others joined him in the middle of the lobby, he directly addressed his grandmother.

"So what's the arrangement, Nonna? You three go in the first limousine, the rest of us to follow?"

She appeared to consider, then slowly answered, "Nicole may want to ride with us."

"Won't look good for the red carpet arrival at the theatre," he argued. "I think Alex should take both your arm and Rosita's for the walk in. Which would make Nicole the odd woman out. Better that she be accompanied by me, stepping out of the second limousine."

"Matt has a point there, Nonna," Alex remarked supportively. "Peter has lined up media coverage. Bound to be cameras on us."

Was that a smug little smile flitting across her lips? Certainly there was a twinkle in her eyes as she answered, "Then we will do it Matteo's way."

Inwardly he bridled against seeming to fall into her matchmaking trap. He didn't pursue the issue of seating at the theatre, deciding he'd hold on to Nicole's arm so that any separation would not occur, unless she made a point of it. Unlikely that she would carry out a public snub in these circumstances.

The problem was Matt didn't feel sure of her, despite the intimacy they had just shared. Giving in to mutual lust behind closed doors didn't guarantee a positive response in other areas. They hadn't talked, hadn't reached any kind of understanding he could feel comfortable with.