

Nathan King, powerful head of his legendary family's cattle empire, who has everything. Nathan King has grandsons; Alex King, Antonio King, and Matteo King. * Alex King is the eldest grandson of a prestigious family. It's his duty to expand the King empire -- and he must also choose a bride and father a son! Gina Terlizzi already has a baby son -- she's not looking for a husband! No matter how breathless the chemistry between them, she's simply a guest in Alex's home to attend a wedding -- or is she the intended bride? * Powerful Antonio King is on hot coals, fighting not to mix business with pleasure with his new employee Hannah O'Neill. Yet when Hannah's past catches up with her and the risk of losing this intensely desirable woman stares him in the face, a passionate possessiveness drives him to an impulsive solution: marriage! * Matteo King is the last unmarried grandson of the King dynasty -- and determined to stay that way! When a writer is hired to explore his family's history, Matt is shocked to realize the willowy redhead is a woman from his past.... Nicole Redman is shaken to the core by the sexual energy between herself and Matt King -- and his belief she's a gold digger! So what has Matt ultimately got in mind when he insists they discuss the terms of her contract -- in the bedroom?

EdimaWealth · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Chapter 10

GINA stood at the kitchen sink, idly washing the breakfast dishes as she watched Marco through the window. He was wheeling his little trolley around, pausing at chosen places to set a plastic block on the lawn, creating a pattern that satisfied his eye for whatever game he had in mind.

It was a good backyard for him to play in, securely fenced, with a small vegetable garden adding the interest of watching things grow and picking them when they were ready to be picked—tomatoes, capsicum, cucumbers. Gina grew the flowers she loved in the front garden, ensuring they wouldn't be damaged by bouncing balls.

The house itself was an old wooden Queenslander, built high to catch breezes, verandas providing shade from the hot sun. It was nothing grand or flash—certainly no castle—but it was a home, a home of their own which both Angelo's parents and hers had helped them buy to start off their marriage. Except she no longer had a husband and Marco didn't have a father.

Was it a wild fantasy that Alex King might fill those roles? Last night...caring for Marco...loving her...

She heaved a sigh loaded with all the inner miseries that had been building up over his connection to Michelle Banks. Maybe Alex and his fiancée had been at odds with each other at the wedding, ending with a big argument, passions erupting. People could go off the rails at such times, but given a day or two to cool down...

The telephone rang.

Gina lifted her hands out of the soapy water and hurriedly dried them on a tea-towel as she moved to pick up the receiver. It was probably her mother calling, wanting to know how the gig had gone at the castle— such an honour to be asked to sing by Isabella King.

Gina grimaced at the need to sound bright and cheerful, pretending nothing of a disturbing nature had happened... like having taken a lover in the middle of the night and not knowing whether he'd even want to remember it in the morning.

"Hi! Gina here," she announced, forcing a lightness into her voice she didn't feel.

"Gina, it's Alex King," came the strongly spoken reply, instantly spinning her into emotional turmoil.

The shock of hearing from him so soon when she'd been thinking she might not hear from him at all, left her totally speechless. Her gaze darted to the kitchen clock. It was only a few minutes past ten. Had he just woken and found her gone? Was he calling to say it had been a mistake?

Her heart seemed to be thundering in her ears. Her chest was so tight, she could barely breathe. Her hand gripped the receiver with knuckle-white intensity. Her mind willed him to say something good, something that would ease this awful tension and give her back the sense of peace and pleasure that had been eaten away by doubts and fears.

"I understand you felt it was the discreet thing to do...leaving early this morning," he went on, his deep voice seeming to throb in time with her pulse. "But can we meet today?"

Meet... today...

For the life of her she couldn't get her tongue around a reply. She was dizzy with shock and joy. It seemed he didn't want to forget that last night had ever been. He wanted to be with her again. But...for what purpose? He might be feeling the need to explain himself, excuse himself...


She tried to work some moisture into her mouth. Her heart was screaming yes to the meeting, no matter what, but her sense of Tightness cried out for more from him. If he was still tied to that woman, why go so far as to ask for a meeting? Did he mean to test his feelings? Or... her stomach cramped... was he hoping to have a fling on the side?

"Gina, I'm no longer committed to the relationship I had with Michelle," he stated in a rush. "I broke my engagement to her after the wedding, when I took her home. There's no barrier to..." He paused, obviously hunting for inoffensive words. "I mean there's no reason for you to be concerned about my playing anyone false. Please believe that."

He was finished with Michelle Banks! This news was like a star burst going off in Gina's head.

"I should have told you so last night," he said regretfully. "And I apologise very sincerely for any grief it's given you this morning."

Her relief whooshed out in a heartfelt sigh. "Thank you, Alex. It did worry me." Understatement of the year, but it didn't matter now. The weight of misery had lifted and her blood was zinging with a bubbling fountain of hope.

"I would like very much to spend some time with you today," he pressed. "Could I bring a picnic lunch and take you and Marco out somewhere?"

Such an invitation, including her son, surely meant he anticipated enjoying their company. "I'd like that," she answered, trying not to sound over-the-moon eager. "Crystal Cascades is a lovely place for a picnic, and it's not far from here. I live at Redlynch, on the outskirts of Cairns."

"I know. My grandmother gave me your address."

Another shock, mixed with a surge of pleasure at this proof there was nothing hidden about his intentions. "You spoke to her about me?" The words spilled out, artlessly revealing her need for any relationship between them to be openly acknowledged.

"A little while ago. If I pick you up at twelve o'clock, will that suit?" "Yes," she answered dazedly, unbelievably happy at this train of

events. "We'll be ready." "Good! I'll see you then."

A picnic with Alex King! Gina hugged the telephone receiver to her heart. It was really happening. Not a completely wild dream. Alex wanted to be with her and Marco!

* * *

A picnic! Alex set the receiver down, a triumphant sense of achievement sliding into bemusement over the meeting he'd arranged. When was the last time he'd been on a picnic? He couldn't remember. Yet the idea had popped straight into his mind... Gina, Marco, family picnic. It formed a seductive picture. Which gave him pause for thought.

Was he reacting against Michelle?

Reacting against the pattern of Sunday brunch at some fashionable waterside restaurant...idle chitchat with fashionable acquaintances?

He certainly felt a strong desire to remove himself from that entire scene, to move towards something else. Right now, Gina Terlizzi and her son formed the focus of a new direction, but maybe he should move forward with more caution, more consideration, instead of plunging headlong into another serious involvement.

He'd made a bad mistake with Michelle.

Could he trust his instincts with Gina?

His grandmother's warning came sharply to mind— Please take care, Alessandro.

He should.

He would.

Control was the key.

Yet with Gina...did he want to control the feelings she stirred? Was he even able to? All he knew was the need to see her, be with her, know more of her, was compelling, and no way was he about to deny himself this course of action.

* * *

Gina was still floating on a cloud of happiness when her mother telephoned a half hour after the call from Alex. There was no need for any pretence to be cheerful. A natural joy lilted through her voice as she answered the flurry of questions about the wedding.

"So the duets were well received," her mother concluded with satisfaction.

"Absolutely," Gina enthused. "Mrs. King was delighted with the double act, and Peter Owen said he'd contact me about doing more with him."

"Well, that is a compliment, coming from a real professional. Not that your voice isn't lovely," she added with a warm ring of pride.

Gina laughed. "I know what you mean, but I don't know how serious he was. Peter Owen is the kind of guy who pours out flattery."

"You must come over for lunch and tell me all about it."

"Mum, I really have no more to tell," Gina quickly protested, though she hadn't mentioned the most important development from last night. A deep residue of fear and doubt seeded a reluctance to speak of Alex King to her mother. Not yet, she argued cautiously. Not until she was sure of what Alex actually wanted from their meeting today. "Actually, I've promised Marco a picnic so I can't come anyway," she excused. "Though thanks for the invite."

"Oh! Well, I'll catch up with you during the week. Give Marco my love. No, put him on the 'phone. I'll have a chat to him myself."

She couldn't risk Marco blurting out about the man who'd slept with Mama. "He's outside playing. Leave it 'til next time. Okay?" Hopefully he'd forget that highly sensitive information in the excitement of more recent events before he did speak to her mother.

"Of course. I'm so glad you've had this opportunity, Gina. I'll go and tell your father you were a big success."

"Thanks, Mum. Bye for now."

Gina put the receiver down more thoughtfully this time, having reached the sobering realisation that while she certainly matched Alex King in bed, he might not see her as his match in other areas of his life. She remembered all the questions he had asked about her family and background after they'd danced, before he'd kissed her and then declared he wasn't being fair.

Not fair to kiss her while he was committed to marry Michelle Banks, or not fair, given her life would never meld with his? Sexual attraction had nothing to do with either. She'd had proof enough of that reality. In the darkness of the night, hadn't their desire for each other overridden every other sensibility? It was true of her, and most probably true of him, too.

Detaching himself from Michelle Banks might not mean anything in the long run, except he'd decided he didn't want to be married to the glamorous designer. It didn't mean he'd prefer Gina as his wife. She had to be very careful not to assume too much from Alex's wish to spend time with her today. The intimacy they had shared last night was fresh in his mind. He could be feeling guilty about it, simply wanting to clear himself with her.

On the other hand, he could have done that with his phone call, so it seemed more likely he did want to pursue the attraction. Besides, there really was no point in stewing over where it would or could lead. Gina knew in her heart, however reckless and wanton it might be, she was not about to deny herself the chance of any kind of relationship with Alex King. As far as she was concerned, it was a once-in-a-lifetime chance.

The plain truth was she didn't want to talk it over with her mother or anyone else, didn't want to hear doubts and fears and cautions. She could think up enough of them herself. Whatever the consequences, she was going to listen to her heart, first and foremost. Surely instincts were more important than opinions shaped by other factors.