

Yuria, a married wife, in the age of 30 years, lives a normal life with her family in a apartment, consisting of a 13 years old son and a 36 years old husband, who works as a salary man and comes late at night. Her life was simple, feeding the family, working as teacher, helping her family and do groceries. It was without much thrill and excitement. She has rarely sex with her husband, but thinks it‘s normal, until she went to a meeting with her friends, who also were married wives and heard of a new app. The most didn‘t think much of it and ignored it, but Yuria was bored with the recent activities and decided to download it later on the same day. This was her biggest mistake... Disclaimer: Art in the cover isn’t mine. If the art creator wants it changed, please contact me. Notice: I‘m writing this in my free time, don’t hold much expectations. **If you dislike female lead, then don’t read it** **Yes, this is inspired by The Housewife Netorare App**

Goju_Zero · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

The Blissful Night II

(In order to solve confusion, here a quick reminder: Black(no racist)->Hifumi, Neighbor->Reju, Athlete->Kouki, Fat->Rin)

The nightly cool breeze entered the bedroom filled with the reek of sweat and a desperate man gazed at himself in the mirror, reflecting his body.

„What..Is wrong with..me?", Kouto muttered in disbelieve and even if he figured the source of this addiction, he didn't bring himself to knock on Reju's door.



Another series of moans made his dick rock hard and as he tried to distance his hand away, it immediately retracted.

„I caaaan'tt..!!!", he screamed in annoyance and closed his eyes with the other hand to expand his imagination.


The moon shone very bright tonight and as I stared down at my body, multiple streams of cum was findable on many parts of my body.

I deeply gazed at the reflection in the mirror and found a wreck, but by further identification, it was clearly me.

A slut humping and riding some unknown man, named Hifumi, bathed in bliss. My face only proved my point, as I liplocked the cock of Kouki and left no room for his cock to escape from my mouthpussy.

Despite saliva dripping from the corners of my mouth onto my body, I simultaneously increased the pace on my hips and had to achieve a double creampie.

Frankly, I mentally noted down every combo of creampie I received to highlight my weak points in sex and realized, I sucked at titjobs.

*Pah* *Slam* *Pah*


„Ohhh..you are greedily sucking my cock!"

„Shiit..but not like her pussy swallowing my dick, hehe!"

The both enjoyed themselves and Kouki's dick twitched, signaling his load incoming.

He put his hands on my head and slammed roughly into my throat with his long dick. It felt as if a snake forced it's way into my throat and used me as a sleeve to his liking.

Meanwhile, Hafumi thrusted like a madman inside me and with each time rougher. His thrusts increased to an absurdly pace, that I felt his veins popping up on his dick and slamming inside my cervix.

My husband never had nearly this much control in bed and I knew, he dreamed of something similar, but thinking of him never obtaining control made me more wet and tightened my insides onto Hifumi's cock, like a hungry puppy awaiting it's food.

*Pah* *Slam* *Pah*

„..aaahhh..I'm gonna die..aahh..from pleasure..!!"

„Not until you get the cherry on top!"

„I'm cumming deep inside her!"

*2x Spurts!*


Doube loads of cum filled my insides and the back to the top of my throat, resulting in cum leaking from both holes, as their cocks left me.

„siiiigh..that was great!"

„puuuh..a fantastic whore!"


Although I panted with an arched back on the sheet of the bed, my pussy was left with a wide shallow hole and the bliss tiring out, created an addiction.

My eyes lost their strengths to stay and spun around, whilst my tongue rolled out asking for another cock.

My convulsed muscles regained the initial form and energy flooded the body.

„My turn!"

„We will finish her!"

Reju gripped my buttocks and positioned me into doggy, as Rin appeared in front of my big breasts with greedy eyes lusting after them.

„I never skip starters!", Rin shouted before he slammed his mouth onto my left nipple and squeezed the other with satisfied eyes.

The touch of a man caused my body to tingle and an itch for a dick soured inside my body.

*Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp*


Contrary to my beliefs, my pussy got wet and sprinkled onto the fingers of Reju, who inserted his fingers into the depths of my insides, hitting my g-spot.

„Now, I need some joy!"

Rin retracted from sucking my breasts and placed his thick dick in front of my mouth.

The gaze he gave me, his command was clear and I curled my tongue around his thick cock, as if it's a tasty lollipop.

I worked my way from the glans down to the shaft and swallowed his dick. My jaw hurt at first, but slowly got used to it and continued with a horny gaze.

My body flew and embraced by a soft cloud, but as the fingering stopped, causing me to be disappointed, my eyes rolled up after a second.

„Ooohh..Perfectly tight!"

Another object entered and hit me on my cervix, which I replied with thrusting back to him in a matching rhythm.

I was sure by now of smelling after cum and my hair was totally ruined, but the heavenly pleasure was all I needed.

*Pah* *Slam* *Pah*

„..aaahhh..thrust rougher..!!"

„Oohhh..if you insist!"

Reju groaned and picked up on speed, resulting in rougher thrusts. My insides tightened up to not let him escape and force him to burst his load inside me.

At this point, I only wanted pleasure and didn't care about pregnancy. The sight was only focused on the men pleasuring me and as I was on soft clouds, the cocks twitched.

*Pah* *Slam* *Pah*

„..aaahh..Cum..insidee meee..!!"


„Same heeeree!!"


Both groaned loudly and massive loads of cum stuffed my throat again, causing me to almost choke on it.

Simultaneously, Reju slammed as hard as he could to reach my uterus and blasted his load.


Multiple orgasms overwhelmed me and my body moved on it's own to increase the sensation.

With a satisfied and happy smile on my stained face with cum, I wondered about my husband activities and whereabout.


„sob..Yuria..forgive me..sob.."

A man with his flaccid dick laid on the sofa and noticeable were the multiple stains of cum on his stomach or sofa.

His eyes were still closed shut and this sight was pathetic, if Yuria would have seen it.

Took a week as break in holiday and enjoyed the sun!

Goju_Zerocreators' thoughts