
The Dust Settles

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Everyone was stunned when they saw that.

Especially those from the Song family, who looked at the scene with utter incredulity.

Since when did the police dare arrest those from the Song family?

They would have gotten wind of any tip-offs that involved them, and they would have been able to suppress any investigations. They should not have been caught by surprise.

Who in the Capital police force dared issue a warrant of arrest on one of them?

Moreover, they had only received the tip-off that morning. Why would they be acting so quickly?

"You all must be mistaken! Let me go! Let me go, dammit! What tip-off? I've never done anything wrong! You're framing me!

"Don't you know who I am? I am the eldest grandson of Old Master Song. You have no right to arrest me!"

Song Linfei struggled.

"Ha!" The police officer smirked. He looked at him with condescension.