
Chapter 1

Hello, welcome to this fan-fic. and.. yeah, I'm not good at this. Anyways, there is no discord and this won't have any harem. If you don't like it, then idk, get lost. Anyways, enjoy the Chappy.

(Imma do author note here at the top instead of the bottom since you can see what I wanna say instead of you ignoring it at the bottom.)

(Also, through the chapters, I make various mistakes like 'Hagaromo' when its supposed to be 'Hagoromo', or things like 'Mangekyo' instead of 'Mangekyou'. I will be using Mangekyo, and the correct way of spelling Hagoromo, but that is in the later chapters which is around chapter 20.)



{System Talking or Mission}



[So.. I'm dead?]

[Deceased, Yes.]

[Where the hell did that truck even come from?!]

That's the part where I tell you what happened. Our MC, known as Alex, was walking to his friend's meetup party where they were going to watch The Last: Naruto The Movie for the 697th time, however, on his way across the street, he is greeted by the sudden materialization of a golden truck. It rams into Alex and hits him dozens of meters back, onto a wall shop. The truck disappears out of thin air and Alex is left there with the feeling of cold and hot. He got hit, yet the truck went through everyone else. Screams littered the surroundings as Alex thought his last thought.

'Is this.... w-where I die...' questioned Alex. Constant fears and regrets emerged from within him. He was overloaded by said fears and regrets.

'I haven't remembered every word in the Last Naruto movie yet!!'

'Why is this so painful?!'

'Why me?!' Thought Alex in a rush

'What is it like to die?! Is it just black?! Nothing!! No Memories, NO ME?!?!' He questioned himself. He started to slowly close his eyes, trying to keep them open. Out of the corner of his eye, an ambulance came and people were rushing out.

'I knew.. that I would live..' he said before finally dying. He contradicted himself at that time he finished saying that.

And so, we are brought to the present, where god was Kowtowing towards Alex

[I am truly truly sorry!! If I hadn't given my son that toy, he wouldn't have dropped it and killed you.. I tried to have everyone just go through it, but I couldn't get to you in time..] said the god

[So your god?] questioned Alex

[Yes...] he said with guilt

[Why the hell didn't you make my death a painless one?! Yes, if it is already too late, at least grant me a painless death!!] said Alex

[I was going to do that until...] he stopped

[Untill...?] questioned Abel

[My wife told me to not kill you.] he said

[OK, NANI THE FU-] before he could finish, he was interrupted

[Now, Now!! Don't scream!! I'll tell you the reason. The reason is to prepare you.] he said

[—CK, prepare me for what?] questioned Alex while continuing the swear word.

[You see, the time differs in your realm and our realm. In fact, the last thought you had was 'I knew I would live..' And at that moment, you died. Since then, a couple of Earth minutes have passed. However, a couple of centuries have passed for us. And let me tell you, I'm not God. Let me give you the hierarchy of everything. Animals, Humans, Cultivators, God's, Cultivator God's, Creation Gods, Cultivator Creation Gods, and then me. So you can say even with everything combined in everything, even my wife and son, I would still beat them with the air pressure sent by a wave of my finger.

Anyways, what I am preparing you for is the next world you are going to live in. You see, you were supposed to become 100 years old and then discover that Chakra was real. So you invented a new era, and you developed a Jutsu which reversed your body's age. You would only die when the Elite 7, the strongest 7 of that time, around Kaguya level strength teamed up on you and beat you. You would then die and reincarnate without memories.

So, as reimbursement, I have given the fate that you had and switched it with a friend of yours, meaning when he is 100 years old, he would find chakra and Yada Yada. From this, I was able to make out a completely new, unpredictable fate. You will get a few wishes, 4 to be exact, and 2 perks. I will use one of the wishes to do a few minor things, like change your looks, choose your birthplace, send you to a world, and give you a system of that world.

So if you choose to go to the Naruto world, you will go to the Naruto world with a Naruto system. If you go to One Piece, you would get a One Piece system, and so on. Now, you have 3 wishes and 2 perks. Pick your looks, world, and what clan you want to be in since I'm sure you will pick the world called 'Naruto'.] explained this 'higher being'.

Alex contemplated about life for about 2 hours before returning to himself and thinking about his wishes.

[Let me think... Ok, I got my wishes and perks. You already know I'm gonna pick Naruto world, so I'll go to Naruto world. I will be the twin younger brother of Itachi Uchiha. Make sure I'm in the original timeline, or one pretty much identical, and for my looks, make me the most handsome I can possibly be. With a bigger, 'thing'.] said Alex

[.. Ok.. onto your wishes and perks.] he said

[Ill go with my perks first. Is there any limits though?] questioned Alex

[None whatsoever.] he said

[Ok then, I want for my first perk to be chakra. Every day, I will gain 1 tail's worth of chakra and my body will keep up with the chakra.] said Alex

[Denied. It's not that it is impossible, its that even if your body were to keep up, your mind wouldn't. You would most likely die from internal organs exploding on your 100th day alive. And even if you survived past 100 days, you would definitely die in the next 7 days. So, I'm going to change it to 1 year. Every year, you will get 3 tails worth of chakra. You should be able to handle it, and your body will keep up.] said the god

[Good enough, I guess. The second perk, I want an Instant Mastery for Absolutely everything.] said Alex. The reason why he didn't do something like 'affinity with every element' is because a person always has an affinity with an element, even if it is 0.000000001%. So, by using the pure chakra of this element, he will immediately gain the best affinity to that element.

[Good choice. And from seeing your thoughts, I can tell that you know the 'true use' of instant mastery. It doesn't specially say moves, as long as you can get a single thing, you could master it to the best in seconds. And I'm also hearing your thoughts about will you be keeping your memories. To that, I answer, is it much of a reincarnation if you don't keep your memories?] said God

(A/N: Imma call him God because it's faster to type than 'higher entity')

[Aight, for my 3 wishes now. My first is that I want the knowledge of all Jutsu's from Past, Present, and future in a memory palace I have in my spiritual consciousness. I should be able to access it whenever I want, and any foreign knowledge that gets implanted into my brain will either become memories into my brain or go into the infinite storage memory palace. I can pick either. And if you let me, I would like to add a search function so when I have too many memories, or I want to single something out, I can just search for it.] said Alex

[It's acceptable. Usually, Cultivation Gods and above have a memory palace of sorts, so it's good. And the search function was already going to be there, so all good.] he said with a nod

[For my second wish, I wish to... I got no idea. Can I just save this for later, or something? I already got plenty.] said Alex

[Yes.. I could. I will store the energy necessary for the wishes into your system, so you can wish for anything from it. Maybe you will get an idea sooner or later. Now, with these deeds settled, I can undo my negative karma. Farewell-]

[Wait, what's your name?] questioned Alex

[Name? Uhhh, I think it went by the name of 'Alex', the same as yours. It's been simply too long. All that I remember is that I had 7 reincarnations until I did a few more reincarnations and became like this.] he said

[Then, thank you for everything, God. I will pray to you 5 times a day, my meals and when I wake up and go to sleep!!] said Alex with a lot of enthusiasm

[No need for that. Just enjoy your life. It was my mistake, after all. If any gods or higher rank enter fear with your life because of me, you will be granted my divine protection. Maybe the next time we see each there, we will be drinking buddies.] said God with a light chuckle. Alex nods with a little tears in his eyes as he slowly starts to lose color out of his transparent body. He waves goodbye and then completely disappears. He then appears in a black-pink place that felt like water, and its as if he was connected to a tube.