
The Might Of A True Uchiha {Completed}

A weeb, the best of the best regarding Naruto, dies when he goes to watch The Last: Naruto the Movie for the 697th time. On his way to this friends house, he crosses the steet and by the time he is in the middle part of the road, a truck materialised right infront of the Weeb and kills him. He is given a 3 wishes and a 2 perks from god for making his son drop his toy truck, and he is then reincarnated into the world of Naruto. What awaits the master of Naruto IN Naruto? But, is he really who he seems to be? The Cover is not mine, so if it belongs to you and you dont want it up, I will take it down. It is completed, if you haven’t read the title.

SomeSpookyGuy · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Chapter 114

Gonna try *1st Pov* in this chapter.

I was too confused about the situation to even think of what that "person" had said. I ended up talking to Lucy to try and get a hint of the current situation. She seemed to be the most knowledgeable about what was happening.

[I can't explain much about that person, or what he said. However, Ill inform you of your situation. Firstly, your fucked, even with Nanika's wish. Second, you have 3 minutes until you reach the core, where your soul will burn from the Nen flames. Thank the natural order of this world for having a larger planet compared to normal planets. Thirdly, when you asked for a library inside your mind from God, he got lazy, and instead just modified the Library of Heaven's path before giving it to you. Thus, it was able to house your soul for a few extra minutes.

I would recommend you using one of that God's wishes. That is to either reform your body and be teleported to a different world, or instead just reverse time. In the end, it's your choice.' Explained Lucy. By the time that Lucy had finished explaining everything, an additional 20 seconds had passed.

Well, I don't really have an option here. Either way, I'm using one of the wishes. However, it's good that I'm using it. I had no real plan to use it, so this is a way to make use of it, instead of having it lay to waste.

'Lucy, use one of the wishes. Use it to teleport me to a proper cultivation world, not some kind of novel or manga, and in there, reform my body. Don't possess, I don't need that. Just recreating, and putting me in a safe area is fine.' I responded to Lucy after a small ponderation. I received a mental nod from Lucy, and soon after, a white light engulfed me. The next second, I was forced outside of my mental library, well I guess the Library of Heaven's path now.

The second after that, and now I could see everything within a 1-kilometer radius. Subconsciously, I checked what powers I had activated. I had my origin eye opened, yet it was different. Before I could assess the situation, a small figure appeared right in front of me. A beauty with golden silky hair, and robes. I couldn't even open my mouth before the beauty talked.

[Alright then, Frey, Ill now explain the situation to you.] The beauty said. I recognized the voice, I couldn't mistake it otherwise. However, it was rather cold.

[Lucy?] I questioned

[Looks like you really do have a brain cell. Now don't interrupt. Brainless mortal.] said Lucy. I ignored her insults.

[Several changes have been made. First of all, the powers that you have amassed have all been unlocked and upgraded from the natural Qi in this realm. There are 4 realms, the lower realm, the middle realm, the higher realm, and the God realm. You are in the middle realm.

Returning back to the matter about your powers, they have been collapsed and reformed into a bloodline, mainly centered around your origin eyes. Your cultivation is automatically at the lowest level. I don't need to waste my time telling you the levels of cultivation.

About my situation, my consciousness and ego were sealed into the system and slowly unsealed. They were fully unsealed during my sleep. That was a simple excuse that your mortal brain couldn't bypass.

The situation previously prior, Ill explain it now. Similar to the God that reincarnated you, there is another force out there that is still a huge level under him, but using underhanded means, has weakened the god who reincarnated you, Alex. That is also a fake name. His real name is something that your ears cant hear. I am 2 small levels below the person who had killed you.

Now, I am finally free from the shackles of the system. So, I will re-ascend to the God's realm. Should we meet after your ascension to the God's realm, our reunion won't be one without bloodshed. I don't take joy from killing mortals after all.

The All-suiting soul physique is a unique physique that lets you merge into any treasure that needs a specific type of soul wavelength. With your physique, you can merge with all wavelengths. This is also the reason why you can use all the powers you even have. Physiques aren't things that can simply be given or wished for, even by the God nicknamed Alex. It is simply a thing decided by fate, a power on par with the God nicknamed Alex.

Lastly, your eternal youth simply doesn't exist in this realm, so instead, it will be converted into extended longevity until you ascend to the God's realm, where it will finally mature into Eternal Youth. Any questions for your puny brain?] Lucy finished her speech, and by the time a minute had passed, I had finally processed everything.

[Alright then. Get lost. I need time alone.] I said. She thought she was the only one hiding something? My attitude to everyone was simply an act. My respect for Eren? That was simply using chakra to manipulate my brain into feeling sorrow. The death of Killua? I had barely known him for more than 10 years. Kaguya? I did that relationship just for the frame that was formed to trick any "observers" that could be watching me, like Lucy, or that "Evil God".

This was the same ever since I could remember. So what if you gave me a new life? Did I want it? So what if you helped me? Did I ever ask for it? It's not arrogance. It's simply analysis. Anyone with half a brain cell could perform this to a certain degree.

[Oh, I must mention. All dimensions that you have previously been in have been destroyed. There is no going back to the Naruto world, Attack on Titan world, or any other world.] added Lucy, not expecting the sudden expression change of Frey's face.

[Even better. Now, I have no responsibilities for the lives there. If you are done, get lost.] I thought and said at the same time.

[I could kill you right now. Including your soul, unlike with that evil god. What retains the fearless side of you?] she questioned with a curious, yet mocking expression.

[I wonder what makes you stay here. Is it sheer curiosity? Or is it the fact that you are deaf?] I questioned in an equally dumbfounded expression. Her face lit up with red for a microsecond before calming down.

[Fine then. Enjoy your puny life.] said Lucy

[And enjoy being deaf.] I replied. The next second, she was gone without a trace.