
The Midnight Stir

Trigger warning : This novel is a dark romance with a dark plot , graphic violent and sexual situations . Please do not read the story if you will not like the plot or have negative comments over the language or content ; kindly so . -- She thought the roses were a gift , a sign of love from a secret admirer . But the roses were a warning , a sign that he is coming . And when she met him at midnight , she knew that her life would never be the same . As the nightmares continued , she began to wonder if she is better off with the roses than without them . The story revolves around a young woman who comes from a prestigious family but wants to make her own mark in the world. Milica has big dreams and is determined to achieve them on her own, without relying on her father’s wealth and influence. She works hard and has graduated with degrees and bachelor’s, but her life takes a dark turn when she starts having nightmares about a man with a haunting and intimidating face that resembled one of the devil's . At first, she thinks it’s just a nightmare, but when she starts receiving red roses on her eighteenth birthday, she realizes that something sinister is going on. As the years go by, the mysterious gifter continues to send her roses, and she starts to feel like she’s being followed. Her anxieties and panic increase when her room is filled with roses on her nineteenth birthday at midnight when everyone has just left her birthday celebration . She tells her father, and they hire security to protect her. But the nightmare never ends, and she becomes increasingly desperate to find out who is behind the gifts. On the night of her celebration of graduating , she meets the man who has been haunting her dreams and sending her roses. He is totally different than the man from her nightmares . But is it truly him or is she just guessing by how her heart raced and how the hair on her neck stood when he locked gaze with her more than necessarily ? But what happens when he pursues her and demands she marries him ? Claiming that is the only way she would be safe and protected , within his space . Is he the danger ? And why would she want to marry the man who makes her tremble with a single gaze and make the hairs at the back of her neck stand in attention ? Why would she approach danger ? Or is he truly the danger she should be running away from ? -- A/N : The book cover is originally mine and this is my first book , so please support me and leave your comments , and please keep in mind that English isn't my native language but I'll be sure to give you guys the best content .

Dark_Dime · Fantasy
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45 Chs

His weakness

Mila sat staring out the window . She was thankful Jasmine isn't a slight talkative and can actually feel how her mind is running with thoughts .

She did not want to believe Wren's words at first because when they were in the room , the woman had said that she can not determine people's futures and with Mrs Barton , she was familiar with the situation because her grandmother had once helped her mother in her presence , so that is how she is in knowledge .

Mila could not even discern if the woman is lying or telling the truth because of the mask the Wren wore . It was hard to point out the emotions out of Wren's face , but when she had bumped into her when they were on their way of exiting the building , she had caught a glimpse of the emotion on her face . Anxiousness .

When Wren had left the room , Mila had gone through her thoughts . Why her ? Why is this mysterious gifter so into her ? And why wouldn't he or she just show their self ?

Trained men , hackers , trackers and hunters were hired by her father to trace this mysterious gifter . Imagine the money spent on hiring those people and agencies . And their outcome was still futile . Their mansion has cameras surrounding every corner of it , in the inside and the outside , but still , even when going through th cameras after the roses were deliver , nothing is shown in the camera . With how unsafe and anxious Mila felt , she started suspecting the servants that they had in the house since - as long as she can remember . They have interrogated the servants , but still , none of them were found connected to the doings of the mysterious gifter .

Her father is very protective of her , and the man cares more about her health than she cares for her own . Even though the well trained and professionals have interrogated the servants and found them innocent , her father had set them all free , leaving them with only three servants , including Barry , their chef who she still has to go home to and interrogate further about how he got the letter and who gave it to him .

The number of servants back then was more than twenty five and her father had let them all go by paying them their full annual salary .

Amid her thoughts , the car suddenly screeched and to halt . Her head flew foward but the seatbelt restrained her head from hitting the hard seat infront of her . Although she survived not hitting the seat infront of her , the bones in her neck still snapped .

Her head fell back on it's own and she groaned in pain meanwhile rubbing her neck , easing the pain .

"Surround the car ! Weapons out !" The shouted commands came from the head guard in the car with them . Mila heard the commands loud and clear but she could barely move her head to look at what is happening .

The doors of the car they are in opened before two guards got out of the car , each holding out their weapons , as said .

While soothing her neck , Mila turns to look at her side , seeing her sister lying unmoving on the seat . Her golden brown eyes trail to Jasmine's waist and she saw the latter did not put on her seatbelt , like she always does . Mila stretches out her hand but a pained groan escaped from her lips when she felt as if the veins in her hands are pulling the veins from her neck and causing more pain . She grits her teeth , not letting the pain win as she hits her sister with her fingers but that barely cause a stir to the uncousious Jasmine .

"Jas ." Mila calls out .

"All clear !" Another guard shouted from the outside and before Mila could process what is clear , the car takes a sharp U-turn before it speeds back to the city .

They are not heading back home . What is going on ? The car was flying while Mila sits her neck straight , making sure it doesn't make any slight movement that will cause her pain while she looks at the direction where her neck veins don't protest in pain .

"Meet us at the hotel in Swan Street ! I will tell you the room number ! Send a few men and inform Mr Woods ! And get a specialised doctor ." Mila heard the guard roar out orders in the phone .

Doctor ? Hotel ? She rephrased the words , making out the sense of her own understanding . Why aren't they going back home ? And what do they need a doctor for ? Her golden brown eyes glanced at her younger sister before she tried to look at the front , remembering that her mother is in the car too .

The car soon come to a halt and before she could sit up , the door is opened and the guard outside looks at her ," Everything alright , Ms Woods ?"

Yeah , just that I am worried and maybe freaking out a little . Mila did not respond to that question but only remained silent while the man took her uncousious sister while speaking to her ," We will be taking residing the hotel for a while . The doctor would be here to attend your neck ." He glances at her neck which is covered by her hand before he leaves.

Mila watched the man disappear and later on , a guard she recognised came and asked the same stupid question . What do they expect me to say? She could only question her poor self . The man showed out his open palm ," Do you think you can manage to walk , Ms Woods ?"

Mila did not respond but placed her hand on the man's palm who led her out the car . To say that the hair on her skin did not raise when she saw the hoard of paparazzi rushing over towards them would be a lie .

The man tried to lead her to hotel entrance without pushing her to hurt her neck while the voices of the paparazzi filled the entire space ," Ms Woods , are you okay ?" "Ms Woods , do you not mind telling us what happened ?" "Ms Woods , it is your birthday today , how old are you turning?" "Ms Woods , was it an accident or were you committing suicide ?" "Ms Woods , I'm Elle Davis , I wish to invite you over for an interview to tell us more about how it feels being the hottest , youngest female of the year ."

The words were no longer audible when she entered the building and was lead to the elevator .

While she had her hand wrapped over to the guard helping her , the cat-like eyes behind the held up magazine bore into Mila's back . The woman uncrossed her long legs , the black heel touching the ground before she placed the magazine onto the counter . The slight corner of her lips pull into a smirk as she looks at what she had labelled 'his weakness' or priority , but who cares because once she plays her tricks on that woman , it will be the end of his reign .