
The midnight diaries

Cast away by her father and his new evil wife , Emelyne must face the fact she's not only been abandoned in some new boarding school, there's something strange about the people within it.

StrawBerryKate · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

The intrusion

Emelyne hurl


Night 1

It was the first night of a series of nights I'd never forget ever, in my life. I couldn't decide whether it was the unnervingly loud shriek of the wind or the eerily quietness of the dimly lit school that made my stomach turn in to little knots. The school was too quiet and odd compared to my old school. There was a strangeness about it I just couldn't put my finger on and it made me nervous. The old wooden floor boards groaned and creaked beneath my weight. It Reminded me of home where my old house would creak and groan from the old rattling pipes. Home...; The place I longed to be, but also glad I wasn't. There. I know it sounds odd, and You would probably think I'd prefer to be at home with my family, but I'm not really sure how I feel.

Hate. It's a strong word, but  for my fathers new wife, that's what I really feel towards her. She'd stopped at nothing to always get me in to trouble with her stupid lies and excuses. " emelyne did this " emelyne did that " That's how she had me sent here, she wanted him all to herself. The moment my father agreed because of my " unruly " behaviour I felt betrayed, my eyes stung; and for a moment I saw her grin at me, not a nice grin, but a sickening grin. I don't care if she use to attend this school, I just wish my father would have listened to me and not her. It's like he really can't see what she's doing. Though, I have to admit this place was gorgeous. I found myself Standing in a beautifully decorated foyer. I stared at the untimely decor that poked out from the shadows.Every nook and cranny that wasn't dusty was beautifully carved, statues and medieval candles loomed down up on me, judging me from every angle. The place had a faint musty smell which made me sneeze several times. The grand stair, caught my eye, with its golden banister and heavily polished marble stairs. Each cherub statue perched high on the banisters, glaring down at me amidst the darkness,  I felt something boring in to my back. I turn to see a blonde, blue eyed boy staring quietly at me. His eyes were intense. A smile tugged at the side of his sharp mouth and his arms placed firmly across his chest as he leaned against the wall stairing silently. " I thought I could smell something." He sneered at me, he seemed to be mocking me. His voice was low and smooth. " Hey! I..I don't smell!" I say, irritated, at his rudeness. I couldn't believe the audacity of this stranger. Paranoia sets in. I take a deep sniff of my under arms hoping I don't smell of body odour. It must of looked pretty silly actually because he lets out a laugh clearly amused at my performance ,before mumbling to himself. " stupid. you humans are all the same." He talks as if I'm the only human here. As if I'm a dumb animal that can't understand him. I watch as he scoots off down a dark corridor. " Hey, wait!" I hesitate before running after him. He had already vanished and I was completely alone in this place. Or so I thought. Another boy slips out from the shadows, startling me. He licked his lips playfully. " well well, what do we have here? A little bitch" he smirked at me menacingly. I backed away slowly, I felt so uncomfortable in his presence. " mm you look so yummy! Little bitch." He taunts me.

He removes his hands from inside his pockets, and grabs me as I try to escape him; snaking his way closer and closer until he was pinning me toward the corridor wall and begins to press his lips to my neck. " where do you think you're going, little bitch? I'm not done with you" I could feel his voice vibrate and tickle my neck.  He opened his mouth wide.

what are you-? "  I started to say but got cut off by another voice.

" Luka , what are you doing?" His head snaps over his shoulder . A man no older than him stares him down disapprovingly. He was beautiful, all 3 of them were, but somehow he was the most beautiful, he was like an angel. " I ,uh, forgive me lord Grimsby " he lets go of me and bows clumsily, forgetting that I am still here. " I was just curious of the new..me-" He hesitated before spitting out " visitor." " I see." said Grimsby, lazily. His eyes narrow in to slits. " head back to class. I will deal with you later." The boy scurried off. Lord Grimsby turned to me. My heart skips a beat as his face softens and he places his hand at the small of my back as we begin to walk. " I am very sorry about Luka. He will be punished." its ok-"

"please, it was inappropriate  of him. " Grimsby lead me to a comfortable little room. " this will be the room you will be staying in; as long as you attend here.

I promise that won't happen again. " I look up in to his long dark lashes. "what about class?" The school worked nocturnal. " suddenly a small smile surfaced on that face.

"Ah, yes, you will attend class tomorrow evening. For now, you can settle in."

" okay thank you. " I bow just as luka had. I don't know why but I feel I must. I feel like it's important.

"I must go now. " he is about to leave the room before he stops and looks back at me." oh, and Emelyne? Please don't wander around at night by yourself." He gives me a half smile that makes my heart flutter, then leaves  me standing in the room feeling goofy. My mind was burning with curiosity, like, what was with the blonde boy ? And why are the classes night time scheduled? Why did Lord Grimsby have to punish Luka? He didn't actually do anything, sure he was acting quite strange, but nothing worthy of punishment. And last of all, why did Lord Grimsby's very presence make me tremble, yet swoon so easily? I felt like I would do anything for those lashes, those eyes. That beautiful angel; but here I was, swooning over a guy I barely knew at all. It had only been a couple of hours and already he was making me blush and my heart race.Those were questions I wanted so badly to be Answered.


It was the afternoon when I woke. I jumped out of bed immediately at the sight of my watch. 3:15pm. I couldn't recall falling asleep last night. I scrunched my face up hard trying to remember, but all that  I was given was a headache. I pull on the school outfit, black pleated skirt, blouse, black knee high socks with a red upside down cross , Mary jaynes. And a blazer with a Red upside down Cross ,which was laid out for me neatly on an aged dresser. Who put that out for me? It wasn't until I reached the canteen, that none of the guys i'd encountered last night were to be seen.I realised there was other girls and boys just like me. Normal. Normal as in an ordinary person with no specific good looks or powerful presence. Just ordinary schoolers doing normal things and acting normal.  Some were helping themselves to food, while others lazed about in groups until class. I heard one girl mention Luka so I sat near by to listen in." Luka stopped by my room last night!" She squealed excitedly to her friends, who squealed with her. " oh he's so handsome " she swooned, currently in a daydream. My thoughts swirled around in my head at the thought of someone liking being called ' little bitch'. I couldn't relate to the appeal. " so, what did he want?" One of her friends smiled, nudging her out of her daydream." I don't know. " She shrugged, suddenly looking confused. "But didn't anything happen?" The girl sighed as if she had all the problems of the world weighing on her shoulders."he kissed me, and... " " And..?" The other friend prompted her. " He was about to kiss my neck and he knew how in to him I am, and.. And then he said he couldn't do this and walked away." She started to cry. Jesus, you'd think this was the most awful thing to of happened in this world by her reaction. I get it, it sucks. That didn't sound like the Luka I ran in to, he would have bit me no doubt. But at least he had some kind of interest in her. So now I know I'm not the only one he finds so yummy. Why should I care anyway, it's Grimsby that seems to make my heart beat. Or does he? A voice inside me asked. " Isn't it because you find him scary? Maybe because he's so 'nice ' to you, that you class it as liking him more than friends? You'll never truly understand what that feels like. You don't even know who he is. Or what he is.. He's not interested in YOU." It taunted me. It was right. I didn't know him and he was too beautiful to ever be human and I didn't stand a chance. Perhaps he was an angel. "No don't be silly! " I scolded myself. By the time I looked up, a lot of the students had left. 1 hour had passed by. Grimsby was sat at the opposite end to me drinking from a crimson cup. He gave me a small smile.He scooted over to sit next to me, and a group of girls stared me down. " So Emelyne, how is your first day?" His voice is just as warm and soft as it had been last night and it made my heart beat. His eyes smoldered. Or was that my imagination? My cheeks flushed. " oh, it was quite pleasant, thank you. I really like the architecture of the school." I say. God Im such a dumbo. starting up a conversation about the architecture and interior of the building was as about exciting as watching paint dry. Though it was pretty amazeballs. " yes, it is quite wonderful. This school was founded by my great grandfather." I couldn't help but look in to those eyes. I bit my lip as my eyes traveled to his lips, which were slightly parted. His gaze fell up on my lips too for a second and then my neck.

The look in his eyes became more interesting and intense. " oh, do you own this building then?" " yes, to a degree. It belongs to my uncle now, in our family heritage. I'm just the dorm president." We were getting stared at again. His eyes briefly flickered to the girls then to the antique grandfather clock. "You should get going soon, you have class to attend. "" oh, yes." I looked down. I didn't want to leave. " what is it?" I look up in surprise. I notice that not just his voice, but his eyes are full of concern. " oh,it's nothing " I reassure him, avoiding his question and suspicions, though even I couldn't have fooled myself with my weak voice and the forced warm smile. I couldn't tell him I was beginning to really like his company. All I want is to stay with you a little while longer. I just want to know more about you. I have too, and that may mean getting to know the others too.. Which will mean prowling around at night.

My stomach was churning at the idea of being alone in a dark corridor against luka again and also at the thought of a class full of strangers. That overpowering presence of his makes me feel safe in this place. After all, he did save me from Luka.  He's been the only nice person so far. He was still staring at me. " Emelyne, I want you to promise me you won't go out looking for trouble. "

" What? " he caught me by surprise . "Try to have a good lesson. Im sure it will be alright." And with that comment he left me sitting at the table dumbfounded. It's as if he read my mind. Like he knows how I feel. But that couldn't possibly be true. Could it? It would be impossible.