
The Mid Laner Belongs To The Jungler

Synopsis: Fu Yue suffered a hand injury and could no longer play in the competition but he never thought that the day his e-sport career ended, his life as well also came to a stop. However, the next thing he knew was that he somehow crossed into another world. Everything was fine, he no longer had a hand injury, his new family was also very nice just that... Why does he have to be an Omega?! Anyways, after some time passed Fu Yue came to accept the reality. He is a man who chases after a career, not love so Omega or whatever it means nothing to him! Filled with determination, Fu Yue decided to focus on returning to the e-sport industry. As luck has it, he found a very good pro player who shared the same mind as him in the game. Fu Yue then joined his team to become the new starting Mid Laner. Fu Yue, " Captain Wei, one more round!" Wei Chen," Mm." Some time later after getting together... Fu Yue, " Captain Wei, I-" Wei Chen, " Mm? One more round? Okay." The game in the story will be using League Of Legends (LOL), a MOBA game as a reference. This is an original novel so inevitably there will be a lot of errors. The cover is drawn by @Pineapplrr

B1ackDiA · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
84 Chs

TM Vs TB (2)

After the previous fight, Fu Yue had three kills. Wei Chen helped push the wave and continued with his jungling.

The first dragon would be spawned in another 40 seconds. Taking account of this objective, Ben signaled his Bot laners to engage in the fight.

There were a total of four elemental dragons. Feiry Dragon, River Dragon, Ogre Dragon, and Stormy Dragon. Each dragon gave a different buff. If they were to capture four dragons, they would receive a dragon's blessing.

As it happened, the first dragon to be spawned was the River Dragon. Capturing it would give the team 5% health regen during out-of-combat and increase the healing and shielding effect by 5%.

It was not the strongest buff in the game but it was a huge deal in the early game.

Especially so for TM's comp. In the Top Lane, they had a bruiser that could lifesteal and shield. In the Mid lane, Sen could heal with his E, and in his shadow form, he could recover his health during his W. Ilay could dash to his teammate to give a shield and heal with his passive.

Lay was already in a good position and had been bullying Yulu. If she were to have sustain in the lane too then there would be no coming back for Yulu anymore.

No matter what, they have to fight in Bot Lane and take the dragon!

Hanz as the primary engager for his team went in first. He accurately tossed a hook in Lay's direction. Unfortunately, Ilay dashed to her at this same time which in turn blocked the hook for her.

Although it was not their primary target, getting a kill on Ilay was not bad either. The three swiftly changed their target and quickly focused on killing Ilay.

On the other hand, Lay didn't run away. She tried to deal damage as much as possible hoping to save her Support.

Speaking of Ilay, after getting hooked, he immediately got rooted by Yulu in the next second. By the time he could move again, he almost died. With a quick reaction speed, he used his knock ability successfully hitting both the enemy Jungler and Support.

Taking this opportunity, he flashed and made a run toward the bush in the river.

Ben and his Support immediately gave a chase.

However, all of a sudden, Ilay got a heal from somewhere. Simultaneously, Ben got hit by a white binding spell coming out from the bush. Before he could even react, another wave of black magic spell appeared and he died immediately!

Realizing what was going on, Xieyu who was clearing the mid wave warned, "Sen got his shadow form and teleported to the Bot Lane!"

Even without his warning, everyone at the scene knew what was going on but it was simply too late to do anything.

The person who walked out of the bush was no longer the spotlessly white and divine Pope but instead, it was an eerie shadowy figure with a pair of red eyes holding a big sword in his right hand as it smiled wickedly at its prey.

Hanz as the front line of his team had his health maimed by Lay a long time ago so he stood no chance of surviving and soon became the second victim.

"Double Kill!"

Yulu on the other hand was zoned away by Lay and was unable to join the fight. He was crippled but at least he survived or so he thought.

With no regard for his health, Sen continued to chase him under the turret and killed him with his Q. Just as he was about to die from the turret, he casually activated his W to reset the turret aggro and coolly zoomed away.

"Triple Kill!"

"404 is unstoppable!"

"TB figured that Silence was Topside and 404 was back to the base. They thought it was an opportunity to kill Alphabet and BlackLotus before the dragon fight! However, 404 teleported into the river and came just in time to save his bot lane! Sen's power spike is at level 6. His damage is nothing to be scoffed at! As you can see, 404 could easily achieve a triple-kill! On the other hand, Xieyu used his teleport earlier on and it hasn't come off cooldown yet!"

"TM seems to be always one ste- no! Three steps ahead of TB every single time!"

On the big screen, Sen together with his Bot Laners leisurely started the dragon. Halfway through, Silence who cleared the enemy top camps finally arrived at the dragon pit. He simply smited the leashed dragon and went back to his base.

The commentator spoke emotionally, "This is the first time that I see Silence being carried by his team! 6/0/0 at 6:36 minutes, 404 is having an incredible performance on his debut game. TB should answer him or else, Sen will continue to scale to the moon!"

A while ago, some people were still dissatisfied with Fu Yue for being passive and didn't deserve all the kills so far.

Now they finally get what they were asking for.

After getting the Shadow form, Fu Yue's wave-clearing and the ability to poke just went from the worst to the best.

It was particularly hard for Xieyu to play against him since he was a melee mage. If he wanted to farm, he needed to sacrifice at least 40% of his health.

When his health dropped low, he couldn't go for all in as Chase was supposed to do.

Xieyu initially sneered at Sen pick but at this moment, he was unable to laugh.

Sen could dodge his Q with his W and his R was useless for him to steal.

While Xieyu was frustrated from being poked by Sen for the nth time, the game suddenly gave out a notice.

"Old gets a solo kill at the Top Lane! Silence is attacking the young saint as we speak! TB could not afford to let any more objectives go to TM! They need to contest for this objective!"

Xieyu inwardly scolded his Top Laner for dying at this crucial moment. He impatiently gathered his teammates, "We are fighting for the Young Saint. Our bot lane will arrive before theirs. Let's finish it quickly."

The only saving grace for TB was that Silence hasn't hit level 6 yet but Chase could steal his Ult and use it against TM.

Qiao's Ult was a rooting ability covering a wide area. As long as they could root any one of them, the follow-up would be easy.

Getting Sen's shut down would be huge for their team.

With this thought in mind, Xieyu walked into the river and saw Lin, Qiao, and Sen busily attacking the Young Saint. He paced back and forth trying to find the opportunity to cast his Ult on Qiao.

Not long after, Xieyu found the chance to steal Silence's Ult.

However, something unexpected happened.

Sen suddenly stepped in front of Qiao causing his Ult to be stolen instead!

Xieyu almost violated the rule and swore out loud!

As one had already known, Sen's Ult allowed him to change his form between Light and Dark which Chase couldn't do.

In the end, activating Sen's Ult on Chase would only give him his shadow passive ability which didn't amount to anything!

"Oh no. Xieyu didn't snatch Qiao's Ult and got Sen's instead. If he activated his R, Chase would become more vulnerable in exchange for dealing more damage. Let's see whether TB retreats or goes in. Oh? TB is not backing away!"

After Xieyu's mishap, Ben took a big deep breath and said, "I will try to go for the steal. You guys focused on Sen."

Anyways, it was a 4 vs 3 situation which was in their favor.

TB's goal was obvious and Zhao Fu as a front line took the lead to zone the enemy team away.

Ben got hit by Zhao Fu but he didn't retreat. Patiently biding his time, he finally flashed past him and smited the young saint.

"Will Ben succeed in robbing the young saint from TM?! Argh! Silence is still Silence! What's his will never be stolen! Ben wrapped his Bento and went back to his fountain!"

After Ben died, the situation immediately turned into 3 Vs 3.

Right after killing Jazz, Qiao put down his rocks interrupting Chase and Hanz who were about to jump onto Sen.

Shadow Sen had no CC ability other than his slow. Qiao's ability created room for him to deal the damage comfortably and prevented the enemies from gap-closing.

Xieyu and his Support swiftly changed their target to Qiao who was equally squishy. However, Wei Chen was not a sitting duck either.

Qiao's pushing ability needed time to activate. One needed to predict and place the ability ahead of time.

Having expected this outcome, Wei Chen placed the rock right in front of him and accurately pushed the two away.

Xieyu and his Support landed right on the rectangular area which resulted in both of them stun.

Sen wasted no time and instantly hit both of them with his EQ combo.

Xieyu had activated Sen's Ult before the fight so he couldn't withstand the damage and died. Hanz was quite tanky and luckily survived after flashing away.

Xieyu who died without doing anything angrily asked, "What was the ADC doing?!"

TB's ADC who was mentioned by him annoyingly shouted back, "I have Lin on me, what can I do?!"

Ever since the beginning Zhao Fu dived toward the backline and chased after Yulu who was finding a good spot to use his R.

Chase and Hanz left him behind which was why Yulu who was far behind in gold was helpless to do anything.

In the end, Yulu couldn't outrun Lin and died under his hand.

TB's attempt ended in a major failure.

The commentator sighed with a slight shake of his head, "TB... Is all over the place! This comp should be played around Jazz or Yulu and help them to get ahead early. TM locked in Lin was apparent so TB should try their best to keep their carries alive! Xieyu needs to step up otherwise this game is a goner!"

"The red team has destroyed the first turret!"

While everyone was fighting for the Young Saint, TM's Bot Laners stayed behind and successfully got the first turret.

The commentator praised, "It seemed that TM never intended to rotate their bot lane to contest for the Young Saint. They were so far ahead that they were confident in taking the 4 Vs 3 fight. Now they can just drop this in the Mid lane to get turret plate gold!"

After resetting, Lay and Ilay moved to Mid Lane. Qiao dropped the Young Saint and the turret plate gold was spilt between the three of them.

"The red team has destroyed the turret!"

"The red team has destroyed the turret!"

Two announcements back to back and all of TB's outer turrets fell around 9 minutes which has never been seen before in a professional game.

The commentator grimaced for TB, "This... TM just set a record! They destroyed all three outer turrets in 9 minutes! TB, on the other hand, still has zero kills and zero objectives!"

Just as he said this, everyone who was watching from the god's perspective exclaimed.

On the giant screen, a lone Sen was clearing the wave down the bot lane. His Top Laner just hit recall, while the rest marched in the Mid Lane.

As for the enemy team.

Two walked down the bot lane while another two came down from the river.

Four people are going to collapse on Sen!

"404 is being surrounded! He would drop 1000 gold to whoever killed him. His shutdown could make TB turn the game aroun- Wait, 404 flashed!"

Presumably, Fu Yue finally realized that he was being sieged by the whole team. It was no wonder that he used his flash to dodge the hook but!

He actually flashed right into Jazz's face!

The commentator seemed to realize his intention and excitedly shouted, "404 is trying to drag someone down with him! Will he succeed?! Oh my god! That damage is disgusting! Ben literally got one shot! Uh oh! 404 is after Cupcake too! Xieyu Q + flash arghhhh 404 dodges it with his W! Hanz finally slams his R! 404 sidestepped it! What is this man?! He dodges everything! 404 catches up to Cupcake! Cupcake is dead! But, 404 is on the wrong side of the map! Ah! TM is moving down! TM is moving down! Old and Steel arrived with their teleport! 404 is leading them to where Old is! Xieyu finally lands his Q! But he lands it on Lin who hid in the bush! Steel tries his best to disengage! TB is running away! Oh no, Qiao's R is activated! TB has nowhere to run! Steel sacrifices himself to save his teammates but Ilay activated his R and joined in the fight! Lay is dealing a whole ton of damage and roots them again! Lin dashes and stuns them! 404 also rejoins the fight! Ahhh the damage is huge! TRIPLE! QUADRA! PENTA?! PENTA?!"


"404 is dominating!"