
Chapter 2, pyro

My name's pyro, and as you may probably be able to tell by my name, I am a pyromaniac with the ability to start fires with my mind when transformed. That ability got me kicked out of metropolis because of my lack of self control, those personas up there have it easy compared to the surface. It is not only filled with monsters during the night, but strange creatures and even mindless, husk like personas that are supposed to be dead reappear here often, and they are very aggressive.

I am walking through a forest at this point, avoiding the native ogre villages while I follow the metropolis, because if you stray too far from it, the monsters that hide from Wyvern will come out of hiding and rip you to shreds without a moments hesitation. Ogres are weak in comparison, but that dose not mean that are incapable of doing the same whilst working in a pack.

I hear the raptors overhead, they spotted me agian and I hate those little persistent fuckers so much! All I did was burn a single nesting tree, but these little bastards keep finding and attacking me! I have no idea how they are managing to do it, but I think after ten days of pecking my face and pulling out my hair, they would have had enough by now?!

One of the Raven like raptors landed atop my head, but this time was different. The little bastard decided to sit on my head... I was quite surprised at this, since they had been attacking me with such zeal only a day or two ago, but it is still better than having my hair pulled out...

I heard a caw cry out above me and the raptor be coded to look at my face while still sitting atop my head, it tilted its head, and I tilted mine, so at least it seemed we were not all that different.

I just realized that I probably needed to get going before a group of three ogres began to charge after me. "Damn!" I hissed before transforming into a slightly taller but still mostly the same transformation with black feathered wings, pointed ears, and two goat like horns that poke through my hair. I used my increased agility to sprint away from the ogres, but they were still catching up. I then focused in on the closest ogre and they burst into flames with the help of my ability, which caused the others to panic as they ran into the ogre and burned themselves as they threw out their arms to try and stop themselves from running into the currently flaming ogre. Everything has a fear in this world, and for ogres, fire is the most deadly thing to use against them.