
Part 1

In 1985, a strange meteorite hit Earth, releasing a virus that began turning humans into elves. After a while, the elves started to evolve worldwide, gaining superpowers. The remaining humans, who didn't get infected, became jealous and initiated a war. The Earth was divided into three main factions: Humans, Elves, and rogue elves, and humans.

The humans began developing a serum that could transform a human into an elf hybrid with the powers of normal elves. The elves, having forgotten their human origins, developed a strong hatred for all humans. The rogue elves and humans, however, managed to live in peace but were despised by the other two factions.

The serum that the human faction invented was way too underdeveloped for use in warfare. Consequently, the humans started kidnapping elves and conducting experiments, killing them to study their DNA. One day, a scientist discovered the perfect combination of human and elf DNA to create the ultimate being. However, the success rate was low, resulting in the death of many humans.

Milo, the leader of the operation, was displeased. He instructed the scientist to perfect the process. Milo brought in one elf and said, "This elf is special; I won't tell you why but do not kill her."



Milo: James, the serum needs to be perfect. We can't afford any more failures.

James: I understand, Milo. But why is this elf so special? You never told me.

Milo: Some things are better left unsaid. Just know that she holds the key to our success. Don't let anything happen to her.

James: Alright, I'll be careful. But what if the serum works? What will we achieve?

Milo: Power, James. Unprecedented power. Imagine an army of beings with the combined strengths of elves and humans. We'll be unstoppable.

James: But at what cost? We've lost so many already in these experiments.

Milo: Sacrifices are necessary for progress, James. Remember that.

Months pass, and James becomes more immersed in his work. One day, he meets the special elf, Elena, who has been taken hostage.

James: to Elena, You must be the one Milo was talking about. I'm sorry for what's happening to your kind.

Elena: coldly Save your apologies. Your kind has caused enough suffering.

James: I'm just following orders. There's more to this than you know.

Elena: Orders or not, you're no different from the rest. You're all the same.

Despite James's attempts to explain, Elena harbors deep resentment, making any connection between them seemingly impossible.

James: regretful What have I done?

As James continues his research, he keeps sneaking in food for Elena, water, and even some clothes to ease her discomfort. Despite his compassion, Elena remains distant, resentful, and desperate to escape.

Elena: pleading James, please let me go. I beg you.

James: Elena, I can't. If I do, they'll execute me. You have to understand.

Elena: Understand? You're imprisoning me, just like the others. How can you expect me to understand?

James: I'm trying to make things bearable for you. I know what we're doing is wrong.

Their interactions become a delicate dance of conflicting emotions. James struggles with his conscience, torn between loyalty to Milo and his growing empathy for the elves.

James: whispering I wish there was another way.

Elena: James, I can't believe you're part of this. Experimenting on my kind?

James: Elena, I had no choice. Milo gave orders, and I can't defy him.

Elena: You're just like the others—using us for your gain.

Elena, filled with anger and betrayal, distances herself from James, leaving him torn between loyalty to Milo and the newfound empathy he feels for the elves.

James: sigh What have I become?

One day, Milo comes to the lab to ask about the serum's progress.

Milo: So, James? How's the serum? Is it almost done?

James stutters, trying to find the right words.

James: Oh, uh, I... I, um...

Milo: Out with it.

James, hesitant, finally speaks.

James: I'll be honest, sir. It will take a lot longer than the amount you gave me.

Milo, frustrated, pushes James against the wall and yells at him.


James, struggling to find his voice, manages to speak.

James: Why!? Why is the power you need so urgent? Why do you need it right now?

Milo, letting James down from the wall, begins to shed a tear.

Milo: My son... he's sick.

James, surprised, removes his angry expression, and starts listening.

Milo: He has terminal cancer. I did research, and I found out that elves aren't getting sick.

The revelation leaves James astounded, opening a new chapter in their quest to uncover the secrets behind Milo's operation and the true nature of the elves.

James goes back to his lab where he sees Elena, who had heard the yelling and screaming through the wall but didn't understand it. As Milo leaves, James sits down near Elena's cage, pacing the other way.

Before James can utter another word, Elena, driven by a newfound determination, puts her hands through the cage and starts choking him.

Elena: I'm sorry, James, but I can't let Milo have this power.

James, struggling to speak, manages to gasp out an explanation.

James: Milo's son is sick. This is just for the cure—

Elena, letting James go, says, "Then let me go."

James: Did you not hear anything I said?

Elena: I don't care about Milo's son. The guy imprisoned me, held me hostage.

James: What about me? If I let you go, I die, no matter what I do.

Elena: Not if you ran with me.

James, caught off guard by the proposition, contemplates the idea of escaping with Elena.

James: Run with you? But where would we go?

Elena: Anywhere but here. Away from Milo, away from all of this.

The room fills with the weight of their choices, and James is faced with a decision that could change the course of his life.