
Come home with me

Eve paced the floors of the palace.

This was the fourth time she had tried a summoning spell on AX, but it had backfired as the last one did.

"If I get my hands on that girl, I will tear her to shreds," Eve growled.

She angrily stomped her feet on the ground and matched over to the secret door that led to her potion room.

This place was supposed to be a secret place for her, but AX somehow got to learn of the place.

That was why she was able to take the potions and escape before Eve could notice anything amiss.

Eve frowned as she checked through her remaining potions.

The only potions there were those that were of little or no importance. AX stole the important ones that took Eve more than a year to gather the ingredients.

Eve exited the secret room and made to leave the throne room.

The door to the throne room opened, and AK strode into the throne room.

"My queen." AX bowed the moment she saw Eve.

The bow was a bit clumsy because of her clothes.