

Lyre and their mother ran upstairs at the sound of Clar's voice.

They first raced to her room but didn't find her.

"Where is she?" Their mother asked, panicked at the thoughts that ran through her mind.


Once again, her calls came.

And this time, they were able to locate her.

Lyre ran faster than their mother and got to Rain's room before she did.

Clar stood in front of Rain's room, with her hands placed on her waist, and a glare levelled at Rain.

At the sight of a semi-naked Rain, Lyre completely forgot why he came there in the first place.

"What's wrong?" Her mother rushed towards her and knelt in front of her. "Are you hurt? Why did you shout? Did you see a bug? Are there cockroaches in your room? Did you—"

"Mother!" Clar embraced her mother.

The once fiery girl acted like a wronged baby.

"Pfft." Rain tried to control his laughter, but it still escaped.