
The Merciless Fighter

In a small village nestled in the mountains, there lived a young boy named Kai. He was an orphan who had lost both of his parents in a tragic accident when he was just a baby. The villagers took pity on him and raised him as their own, but Kai never felt like he belonged. He was always different from the other children, more aggressive, more restless, and always looking for a fight.

Yutaro · Action
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30 Chs

Chapter 22: Prison Escape

Ryu's determination to survive and overcome his circumstances remained unshaken despite being in prison. Even though he had lost everything, he still clung to the hope that he would find a way out and rebuild his life.

Ryu spent his days working out and training, honing his skills and biding his time. He knew that he needed to be strong and ready for any opportunity that presented itself.

Months passed, and Ryu's reputation as a tough fighter grew. Other inmates respected him, and some even feared him. Ryu didn't care about that. All he cared about was getting out of prison and starting over.

One day, Ryu overheard a conversation between two guards. They were talking about an upcoming transfer of prisoners to another facility. Ryu saw this as his chance to escape.

He began to plan his escape meticulously. He made connections with other inmates who were also planning to escape and gathered information about the prison layout and the guard's routine.

Finally, the day of the transfer arrived. Ryu and his allies put their plan into action. They attacked the guards and overpowered them, stealing their weapons and keys. They made their way out of the prison and into the surrounding forest.

The escape wasn't easy, and they encountered many obstacles along the way, but Ryu's determination never faltered. He knew that he had to keep going, no matter what.

Finally, after days of being on the run, Ryu and his allies managed to evade the authorities and make it to a nearby town. They parted ways, each heading in their own direction.

Ryu was now a fugitive, with a long road ahead of him. But he was determined to make the most of his second chance, to rebuild his life and prove to himself and the world that he was more than just a merciless fighter.