
The Merchant Prince Viserys Targaryen SI (ASOIAF,GOT)

A man wakes up as Viserys Targaryen on the eve of his departure to Dragonstone. He decides he wants nothing to do with Westeros and tries to build a new life for himself and his new family in Essos. But fate keeps trying to push him towards Westeros, whether he likes it or not.

Illusiveone · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

The Winemaker

Alessio was born into the Marino family, a prominent merchant family with a long history in commerce. His grandfather and father had made his family one of the richest in Braavos. He received the best education, studying under private tutors who instilled in him knowledge of various subjects so he could eventually take over his family business.

But he had no interest in doing that; his interests lay elsewhere. His passion was winemaking. He loved wine; he loved everything about it. Some would say he was obsessed with it. His mother often told him that his love for wine was so strong because she craved wine while she was pregnant with him.

His love for wine led him to Pentos, where he apprenticed with a renowned winemaker. He left his home despite his father's disapproval, determined to make a name for himself in winemaking.

His time in Pentos was life-changing. He fell in love with the lush vineyards that stretched as far as the eye could see, the smell of fermenting grapes in the cellars, and the joy of tasting a well-aged wine. He spent his days learning the intricacies of viticulture and wine production, gaining hands-on experience in the vineyards and cellars. He relished the meticulous care required for each stage of the process, from tending the vines to the final bottling of the wine.

He also met the love of his life in the city. Livia was intelligent, kind, and had a deep appreciation for the art of winemaking. Their love blossomed amidst the vineyards and wine cellars, and Alessio knew he had found both his life's passion and his life partner.

His relationship with his father grew strained to the point that he had all but banished Alessio from returning to Braavos. Despite this, his mother continued to support him. She gifted him an old vineyard she had inherited from her family, a property that had been left barren for years, taken from some Pentosi during the last war between Braavos and Pentos.

Determined to make the most of this opportunity, Alessio and Livia poured their hearts and souls into reviving the vineyard. It took years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. They restored the vineyard, nurturing the vines back to health, and experimented with different techniques to improve their wine. Their efforts paid off, and the vineyard quickly became known for producing high-quality wines that were well-received in Pentos.

He was satisfied with his life in Pentos, but his life took a drastic turn when his father died. One of his family's many enemies had struck, and they faced the prospect of losing everything.

At his mother's request, he returned to Braavos and took charge of the family business. Using the wealth his family had left, he began buying up more vineyards in Pentos, steering the family business towards winemaking.

He joined the Brewers and Vintners Guild of Braavos. He distinguished himself within the guild by focusing on innovation and quality. He experimented with new grape varieties and fermentation techniques, consistently producing wines that set new standards in Braavos. His wines were known for their exceptional flavor profiles and impeccable quality, quickly gaining popularity among the elite of Braavos and in the Free Cities.

His natural leadership skills and ability to forge beneficial alliances helped him rise through the ranks of the guild. Alessio's efforts paid off, and the family's fortunes grew as their wines became highly sought after. He transformed his family's business into Braavos' most prominent winemaking enterprise.

The Brewers and Vintners Guild flourished under his influence, and eventually, he climbed to the top and became the guildmaster, a position that allowed him to guide the guild and the industry towards greater heights.

For twenty years he had been guildmaster, leading it as best as he could. He had faced several obstacles and challenges and led the guild through them as best as he could, but he was getting old now, nearing seventy. As he read through the letter from the shipping guild, he was reminded of what his grandfather used to say.

"I'm getting too old for this shit," he muttered as he threw the parchment away.

He heard footsteps behind him and turned to see his wife walking towards him. Her expression changed to one of concern as she saw him.

"The shipping guild?" she asked.

He laughed; she knew him too well. "Yes, it's always them, isn't it? Has been for the last ten years," he grumbled.

She saw the parchment lying on the ground, picked it up, and began reading it. "This is theft," she said, looking at him again. "You need to bring this to the Sealord, to raise the shipping rate to this much?" she asked, shocked.

"Yes, that seems to be the only option now," he muttered.

The shipping guild controlled almost all the sea routes and ships in the city. They had a monopoly on transporting goods, and their tariffs had been increasing steadily, diminishing the profits of merchants like him. For the last decade, the guild had been extracting every last coin from their clients, knowing full well that they had no alternatives.

"I have to go to the guild meeting today," he said, looking at his wife wearily.

"Is this about Sereno and his firewine?" she asked.

"Yes, another headache to worry about," he said.

Three years ago, the guild was approached by representatives of a family supposedly from Tyrosh. They wanted guild approval to sell a new drink in the city. But the guild did not approve of it and refused to have it sold through their vast network of distributors.

The memory of tasting that wretched concoction made him grimace. The firewine tasted strong and burned his throat, nothing like the refined wines he loved. Yet, it seemed they did not give up. Over the next two years, they began selling it to the wealthy of the city, and soon it became popular among them. Firewine was being sold ten times the amount of wine and Braavosi beer. Some even boasted of having firewine, which was fifty times the price of the finest wine his family sold.

It had become a drink of the wealthy, and the guild had taken notice. Firewine had caused infighting in the guild. One side claimed they should have welcomed the maker of the firewine to the guild, salivating over the profits they were making. The other side hated the firewine and wanted to drive it out of Braavos.

"I will be meeting with Sereno today," he said as he got up from his chair.

"So he will be offered a membership then?" Livia asked.

"I may not like that wretched drink, but there are those who do. It was a mistake not to bring him into the guild," he admitted reluctantly.

"Tell Rogar to prepare the boat. I will be leaving soon," he added.

"Don't stress yourself too much, my love. You are not a young man anymore," Livia said with concern.

"I'll be fine, no need to worry about me," he said, planting a quick kiss on her and walking out of the room to prepare for his journey.




Alessio entered the guildhall, a stunning example of Braavosi architecture. Situated on one of the smaller islands of the lagoon, the building was a testament to the city's grandeur, with its intricate stonework, tall arched windows, and elaborate carvings. The island was also home to buildings that belonged to other vintners and brewers, each structure showcasing the wealth and artistry of its owners.

As soon as he stepped inside, familiar voices reached his ears, two voices embroiled in a heated argument.

"If I remember correctly, it was you who rejected Sereno. I wanted—"

"Yes, yes, I know what you wanted…"

"Janus, Marco," Alessio called out, putting an end to their squabble.

"Guildmaster," they both greeted in unison.

Janus and Marco were master vintner and brewer, respectively, and the two who were next in line to be elected guildmaster after him.

"Is everyone here?" he asked.

"Yes, Guildmaster Alessio," Janus replied.

"Good. Let us wait for Sereno then," he said, walking into the room reserved for the guild's masters.

There, he saw other high-ranked members of the guild, fellow brewers and winemakers, gathered for the meeting. As he walked in, one of his fellow winemakers approached him.

"Cato, my friend, you look like you haven't slept for days," Alessio remarked.

"That's because I have not," Cato replied wearily.

"Please, don't tell me… I thought we resolved that issue. Your shipment should have arrived from Pentos three days ago," Alessio said, his concern evident.

"Apparently, they have been delayed," Cato said angrily. "And have you seen the inflation of costs? You may not feel the strain now, Alessio, but you will soon."

"I will fix this," Alessio assured him, placing a calming hand on Cato's shoulder. The price hikes and shipping delays were severely affecting Cato and several small winemakers, damaging their reputations among their customers.

He spoke with the members present, hearing the same complaints about the shipping guild and their unfair practices.

'Perhaps Livia was right. It was time to approach the Sealord,' he thought.

As he discussed the matter with the members, he was informed of the arrival of Sereno. He, along with the high-ranked guild members, left the room to greet their guest.

He hoped this meeting would go well and that Sereno would join without much trouble; he needed something to go his way today.

Alessio entered the small room, a secure space designed for important meetings among guild members. It was constructed to prevent eavesdropping. The room featured a large table with six chairs on one side and three on the other. He took his seat along with Janus Oro, Silvio Pyri, Marco Belario, and Tomarro Dravenna. They were the most senior members of the guild. In a previous meeting with all the guild members, it was decided that the six of them would handle the Sereno issue to resolve it quickly and efficiently.

"Sereno's drink has reached the shores of Westeros," Silvio said as he sat down.

"How?" Marco asked, bewildered. "We received no word from Guildmaster Alaric."

"One of the bankers gifted it to their king," Silvio answered.

"Who is Sereno's ally in the bank?" Janus asked. "I heard it was one of the bankers who gifted firewine to his clients."

"That is not important now. We must bring Sereno and his firewine under us," Alessio interrupted, sitting down.

"If he doesn't, do you think he would accept us deciding prices for his firewine?" Marco asked.

"If he wants to sell to more people in the city and to the other cities, then yes, he will accept," Alessio said firmly.

"Perhaps offer an apprenticeship for young Sereno. He was but a child the last I saw him," Silvio suggested.

Alessio remembered the first time he met Sereno and his guardian. He was surprised to learn that the boy was the last of his line and was protected by guardians assigned to him by his late father. The guardian did all the talking, and he remembered the boy watching intently. He had even taken the rejection with stride and a smile, as if it was what he wanted.

"Guildmaster, I believe Sereno and we have a lot more in common than you think," Master Tomarro said.

"And what is that, Master Tomarro?" Alessio asked, intrigued.

Tomarro leaned forward, his expression serious. "Sereno is in contention with the shipping guild as well. You see, he owns a small fleet and has been trading with it independently. This has ruffled quite a few feathers within the shipping guild."

"Ah, of course, they won't like that," Janus interjected, nodding in agreement. "An independent merchant like Sereno undermines their authority and, more importantly, their profits."

"Sereno has been attracting a small but growing pool of merchants who prefer dealing with him rather than going through the shipping guild. They get better rates and fewer restrictions. Naturally, this has led to friction," Tomarro continued.

As Alessio was about to question Tomarro further, the door opened, and an attendant stepped in.

"Master Sereno and his guardian request entrance," the attendant announced.

"Let them in," Alessio commanded.

The door opened again. In walked a man wearing simple Braavosi clothing—gray woolen fabric cut in traditional style, with a long tunic and loose trousers. He had silver hair and a handsome face, his features sharp and eyes keen.

'Not the same guardian that came with the boy before,' Alessio mused.

Behind him walked a young man who was no longer the boy Alessio remembered. He was tall for his age, with long brown hair and dark violet eyes. He wore clothes unlike anything Alessio had ever seen: a black jacket, buttoned at the front. The fabric was fine, almost gleaming, and tailored to perfection. Underneath, he wore a white shirt with a high collar, tucked neatly into black trousers that were fitted to his legs and ended in polished leather shoes. The entire outfit seemed both out of place and incredibly refined, making Alessio wonder if this was a new style he had yet to encounter.

"Master Sereno, welcome," Alessio greeted him.

"Guildmaster," the young man greeted in return.

"This is my guardian, Alton…" He paused for a moment, as if he was remembering something. "Alton of Tyrosh," he quickly said.

Alessio then introduced the others. "This is Janus Oro and Tomarro Dravenna, two master vintners, and Silvio Pyri and Marco Belario, master brewers."

"Pleased to meet everyone," the young man said respectfully.

"Please, sit. We have a lot to talk about," Alessio said.

"Yes, we have, Guildmaster, yes we have," Sereno said with a grin.




So, Arc 2 will focus on the beginning of Viserys' rise in Braavos and the Free Cities, featuring more adventures in the Stepstones and the Greyjoy Rebellion.