
The Merchant of Death

A Genius Psychopath from Earth transmigrates into the body of Tony Stark which completely changes the fate of the Multiverse. . . . . This novel will follow both The Cinematic and Comic Verse. If you are a fellow nerd then you will be able to understand more quickly than the normies. . AU Dark!Tony . Discord Group - https://discord.gg/53r5Kt2 Discord ID - Lumpish_Haggard#0417 ============= The Reason I'm writing this and not continuing my other novels is that I am in hospital and the chapters of those novels are saved up in my desktop at home. Now till I recover in this Hospital, I will write this fiction and maybe more from my mobile.

Lumpish_Haggard · Others
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50 Chs

The Creation and the Destruction

Tony kept falling towards the Black hole and as time went by, the stress on his body too became intense! He transformed into his Dragon form while his symbiote armor surrounded him completely.

Because Tony was once the user of all the Infinity stones and had used them quite extensively while also being mutated by them, he had quite a good grasp of how they were able to do what they did.

He used his cold control to its peak and started to freeze the dark matter around him.

Casket of Ancient Winters was such a powerful artifact that it could freeze planets after planets with it's infinite chilly winds which Tony absorbed and condensed in the Dragon core of his durable body which was mutated way too many time to call him human.

The blood of Apocalypse, the mutation by the Mind stone, the baptism by the Infinity stones which used to stay inside of him, the Dragon scale, the Extremis virus, the Techno Origin virus which made him able to convert any mechanical part in a biological compound.

On top of all of this, he consumed the Lifeline serum which assimilated all these different modifications perfectly while also boosting their powers. The Devil's breath poison from the Tablet of Death and Entropy had also given him substantial advantage.

Tony's body was extremely durable and on top of that, his armor made from the alloy of Vibranium, Adamantium, Symboit, Uru, and other composites was perfectly complimenting him in his Dragon form.

With Incredible control over cosmic energies, Tony started to compress all the energy around him and made another layer of defense, as he was still falling towards the Black mass.

He suddenly started to see some tear in the Space time fabric around the path where all the light coming from different stars was bending.

"Well...This is a problem!"

Tony although was keeping his body from being harmed by the incredible pull of the Black hole, but he didn't had any control over the path he was taking.

He was in the gravity field of Black Hole and was falling fast in the singularity when he suddenly said


[Using Energy and Particle Manipulation]

[Detecting Higgs field]

[Using Pym particles for the quantum excitation of the Higgs particle]

[Higgs particles detected]

[Removing the Higgs particles from your trajectory now]

Many notifications started to run in Tony's head as one part of his mind was trying to manipulate the Higgs field while the other was trying to resist the sudden incredible pull as he came near the Event Horizon of the Black Hole.

Tony had already thought about different ways to counteract the gravity of the Black hole. He first thought about going subatomic and free falling towards it but he soon rejected that idea as even photon particles get affected by the singularity so going Subatomic was not the way.

Because Tony had the control over Energy particles, he then thought about using Gravitons but they were still not researched upon and had no proof of existence.

He also thought about manipulating the strings using the string theory and somehow leaping into the 26 dimensional space time but that was too much work and he didn't had a lot of time in his hands as he had already detected the ploy of the fate sisters.

He then decided to settle with the Higgs Boson as it is directly correlated to the strength of gravity. The more mass in the Higgs boson, the stronger gravity would be for all matter in the universe.

As he decided on this, he played around with many particle accelerators to study the speed, instability, mass and acceleration of the different particles he tried using to manipulate the Higgs field.

Because of his control over these energy particles thanks to Apocalypse, Tony was able to successfully manipulate the Higgs field, and by virtue of it, gained a control over gravity itself.

Now although he had control over Gravity, The Singularity of Black Hole was entirely different issue which was related to the depression on the Space time fabric itself. It was a one-dimensional point which contains a huge mass in an infinitely small space, where density and gravity become infinite and space-time curves infinitely. The laws of physics don't work near Black Hole which was one risk Tony was willing to take in the bid to use his frost power.

The Dark matter which Tony was freezing was very miniscule but as he reached the Event Horizon of the Black Mass body, the resistance from the Dark matter and his frost power slowed him down a little as much of the gravity was negated by clearing the Boson particles.

As Tony reached the Event Horizon, many parts of his Endo-Sym armor were spaghettified which then immediately started to self heal but he didn't pay any attention to it as he turned around and glanced at the Universe.

Because of Singularity, one can see the beginning, as well as the end of the universe and this was exactly what he was watching.

Although it was only for a brief moment, Tony really and truly saw the beginning and the end of his universe which overwhelmed him! He saw the big bang, he saw the creation of the stones, he saw the eventual end of the universe.

Tony also caught a blinding flash at the center of the universe which he believed to be the Heart of the Universe but that was just his hypothesis and had no backing..It was just his feeling that the immensely powerful blinding flash he just saw was the Heart of the Universe and as he was trying to see everything which was happening, he descended further towards the Black Hole and saw his own self frozen at the Event Horizon.

It was not Tony who was frozen but his image, the light which was reflecting from him froze at the Event horizon of Black hole for a moment and then slowly faded away as Tony kept gliding down the absolute Darkness.



As he fell towards the surface of the Black hole, he didn't slammed against any hard surface like he thought he would and instead passed through an incredibly large Tesseract of time.

He immediately went up to one of the Time strips and was stunned to see his own self in his previous world.

He saw his little self struggling with some problems and hence started making some signs from the Time strips in front of his younger self.

His younger self unconsciously caught the signs and hints and solved them which got him the answer to the problem he was struggling with.

Tony then moved towards a different side of the Tesseract and saw that he was experimenting on the little kid. He knew what was going to happen next and as he kept watching, Tony saw from a third person's perspective, the scene of the incredible Tsar Bomba falling towards his island while the whole of earth started to rumble from uncountable numbers of explosions created by him.

He then saw Tsar Bomba killing him and his soul about to slip away but because he had researched on souls extensively on Heliopolis, Tony managed to direct his soul through Time Strips towards a small fissure in space which was created by the nuclear winter and destruction of his previous earth.

As soon as Tony made his past self's soul pass through the fissure in space, he immediately saw the Earth-616 and directed his soul in the body of his favorite character, Tony Stark.

Tony then moved to yet another side of the Tesseract and saw his newly transmigrated self struggle with the Vibranium reactors.

He again used his psionic abilities and produced some hints and gestures in front of his past self who then unconsciously comprehended them and produced an extraordinary Vibranium reactor.


A crystal drop of Tear escaped Tony's eyes as he was flung in the Tesseract and reached another part of the this unimaginable Time cube.

He was speechless and incredibly overwhelmed for the first time in his life.

Two streams of tears started to flow from Tony's eyes which he didn't even realize and again went towards the Time strips.

This chapter could be confusing to some people who don't know physics.

I touch upon many aspects of science, pseudo science and hypothesis of the particle physics and general relativity.

If anyone wants to ask anything, ask away in the comments and me or someone else will reply to you.

Lumpish_Haggardcreators' thoughts