
Chapter 15: Secret Land?

In early morning, Alexander woke up and tidy himself. As he was thinking about what to do and what to prepare before he venture to hunt, he remembers the ring that he purchased from the old man. “Since I have elemental energy, I should be able to open the ring.” Alexander focus himself and send his elemental energy to the ring. “ding! System detected storage ring being activate. Would you like to bind the ring in the system?” the system suddenly rang and Alexander agreed to it. “binding the storage ring… storage ring binding successful… initializing Secret Land System… initializing complete! Would you like to enter the Secret Land?”

Alexander was shocked as well as excited and agreed to visit the secret land. “Travelling to Secret Land in 3… 2… 1…” suddenly a blinding light appear and he can’t help but close his eyes. “Travelling Complete! Welcome host to your Secret Land!” Alexander opens his eyes and saw a green plains, lush forest, clear blue sky and thin elemental energy that is flowing in the air. “Oh my god! It’s so beautiful here!” Alexander can’t help but be amazed on his secret land. He took a deep breath and tried to explore his land. After a 4 hours of walking and running, he was able to reach the end of his land and as far as he can see, his land is surrounded by water. Alexander pondered what lies across the surrounding bodies of water but he set aside it for now as he is currently weak.

After exploring his land for a 2 more hours, he didn’t see any other living beings or any flower or like mystical fruits. “now, how do I leave this land?” questioned himself then suddenly “notice to host, you can use this secret land as your resting place. You can also cultivate herbs and fruits alike however, depending on the host rank, you are only able to grow herbs and fruits as well as herd beasts that is blue ranker and below. The system fully advice the host to grow stronger by accumulating wealth.” After reading the notice of the system, it all make sense as of he can keep or grow herbs that is higher than his rank, he will be filthy rich in no time. After some more thoughts, he ask the system to exit the land and a blinding light once again blinded Alexander and in a few moments, he returned to his room.

Once his back, he notice that after exploring the land for hours, it’s only been 2 hours or so has passes. “hmm… could it be that the time in my secret land passes faster than outside?” after thinking, it was the only plausible explanation here. Alexander ready himself and took off for his breakfast and prepare to hunt.

Inside the treasure pavilion, a tense atmosphere can be felt. “reporting to young lady, base on the reports from our scout, a group of beasts was seen gathering in the eastern forest and appears to be preparing their siege on our village. Also…” the scout pause “what?” said by Sophie “our scout saw some rankers around the gathering of the beast hence if our conjecture is correct, this beast tide is planned.” Said by the scout. As his last sentence dropped, Grease suddenly bash his palm on the table. “Bastards!!! Do they really think they can fully control the beasts and not harm them?! The Paule Family seems to be getting ahead of themselves.” Sophie can’t helped but sighed. “how much time do we have to prepare?” asked by Sophie “base on the reports, if nothing goes wrong, the beast tide may happen tomorrow.” As the scout said it, Sophie frowned “the time is too short, we can’t evacuate all the villagers in time.” After thinking for a bit “call out all of the scouts, as well as our rankers, inform all the aristocrat families as well that they would need to prepare for the worst.” After saying that, the scout nodded and took off.

In a carriage, a fat man and a young man is currently travelling back to Sleeping Forest Village. “Manager, how’s the beast tide preparation?” ask by the young man. “rest assured young master, if nothing goes wrong, the hidden forest village, together its aristocrat family and the treasure pavilion will be in ruins by tomorrow.” The fat man reported “very good! Once this affair is successful, you may go back to the main house and claim your rewards.” The young man said when the fat man heard it, his fat jiggles in excitement and in joy. “thank you young master! I will not let you down!” the fat man bows and the young man said nothing smiles.

After taking his breakfast, Alexander walks around the village and gather some information about the hunting grounds here near the village. “hey kid, if you are looking to hunt safely, you can go to the eastern forest as all beast there are only yellow rank or below though if your lucky, you might find a blue ranker beast as well.” Said by one of the locals. After some pondering on where to hunt, he decided to hunt at the eastern forest as it is closer to the village. Though beast forest is also a good spot and on its way to sleeping forest village, the highest rank is only yellow rank. Since he also have some silvers left, he decided to purchase some rations, ten throwing javelin, a Hunter’s dagger and some healing agents. Although he has countless of experience as a hunter on his previous lives, it won’t hurt to be a little cautious. After some preparations, he stored all of the items on his storage ring and took off to eastern forest.

After a few hours of journey, Alexander arrived at the eastern forest. Upon entering the forest, he immediately felt that there’s something wrong with the elemental energy inside the forest. Alexander continue to walk and suddenly a wild beast came out running towards him. Alexander immediately draw a javelin and prepares to throw at the beast. When the beast is in around 120 yards away, he focuses he infuse his energy to the javelin and focus his strength. 100 yards… 80 yards… 60 yards… Alexander jumps “Lightning Bolt!” the elemental energy around the javelin sparks with electricity and throws it with all his might and like a lightning, it strike so fast and the beast was impaled in place.

As Alexander makes his way to retrieve the javelin, the javelin suddenly turned to ash. He sighed “I guess I went overboard to use a blue rank skill with an ordinary javelin.” Alexander retrieve his knife and get the beast’s ‘core’. Upon getting a white cloudy orb “hmm… a mortal beast. Tsk, I waste one of my javelin for a mortal beast.” The color of the beast core represent the beast level. A white orb is a mortal beast followed by a yellow orb for yellow rank, blue orb for blue rank and red orb for red rank.

Alexander follows the path on where a beast came and after a few more minutes of walking, he saw two beasts sleeping and beside the beast was a crimson flower that releases a flame elemental energy. He immediately prepare a javelin and carefully observe the beast. “hmm… that should be a yellow rank red rhinos but what is that flower?” after a careful observation, he was able to identify the beast but not the flower. Thinking at this moment, he remembers that he can store this red rhinos and the horns of the red rhinos are perfect ingredients for a yellow rank weapon and medicine. “system, how can I take these red rhinos to the secret land?” Alexander ask the system. After waiting a few minutes, he got his answer “the host needs to tame the beast so that you can invite it in the secret land.” When Alexander heard the word ‘tame’ he frowned. Although he already experienced to be a beast tamer in his past lives, he knows how hard and arduous to tame a beast. It needs time and patience which he lacks as he would like to finish the quest as soon as possible.

After pondering for a while, he decided to try it. He calmly approach the rhinos. When the two rhinos felt that someone is walking towards them, they suddenly get up and stare at Alexander with full of hostility and are ready to charge at h at any moment. Alexander open his mouth and a gibberish language came out. The two rhinos stare at each other and was dumbfounded. One of the rhinos growl like telling Alexander that “what the hell you talking about kid?” Alexander get it and speak another gibberish then the other rhino growl like it was laughing. Alexander frowned. “the f*ck you laughing at?! I am giving you the choice to surrender but it seems that you two think I’m messing around!” Alexander releases his killing aura with 4 life times combined and suddenly the two rhinos shuddered in fear and immediately whimper like cute puppies. The one of the rhinos growl like saying it is surrendering and the other rhino followed as well. Alexander disperse his killing aura and was about to call on the system when one of the rhino tug his robe. “what?” asked by Alexander, the rhino growl softly and points its horn to the flower saying “what about that flower?” Alexander stare at the flower and walks towards it. “system, use appraise on this flower.” After saying that “initializing appraise skill… appraising complete! ‘Crimson Blaze Flower’ – a blue rank flower that can help a fire elemental beast to increase and refine their elemental energies. It can also help a ranker to boost their chances to reach Red rank”

As Alexander reading the description, his eyes lit up and he immediately command the system to retrieve the flower and plant it on the secret land. “initializing transfer… transfer complete. The flower will be automatically planted in the most suited place.” The two rhinos was confused when the flower suddenly vanished. Alexander opens his secret land and invite the two rhinos. “Congratulations host in capturing two red rhinos! Red rhinos produce are their horns and the system will automatically harvest it when it’s ready.” Alexander was delighted with this sudden surprise. “holy sh*t! You’re the best GMS!” as if the system heard him “Host, the system fully advise to increase his strength and wealth to upgrade the secret land.” Even though the voice of the system was monotone, it was sweet for Alexander as every time he uses the system it is always good news.

After sending the two rhinos in his secret land, it was about lunch time hence he decided to eat some rations and take a few minutes rest and then continue with the hunt.