
The Merchant's Path to Immortality

In the cutthroat world of cultivation, Lin Feng starts as a struggling merchant with grand ambitions. Driven by dreams of power and wealth, he establishes Phoenix Treasures, a fledgling business that quickly gains a reputation for its high-quality goods and innovative trading strategies. Despite numerous challenges, including rival merchants and sinister sects, Lin Feng's strategic mind and unwavering determination propel him forward. Throughout his journey, Lin Feng attends prestigious events like the Grand Alchemist's Symposium, where he learns advanced alchemical techniques and forges valuable alliances.

JianTian21 · Action
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15 Chs

The Market of Xingzhou

As Lin Feng and Mo Chen entered Xingzhou, the vibrant energy of the city was palpable. The streets were alive with the clamor of merchants hawking their wares, the scent of exotic spices and roasted meats wafting through the air. Tall buildings lined the streets, adorned with colorful banners and intricate carvings that spoke of the city's rich history and culture.

Lin Feng's eyes widened with wonder and determination. This was a place where fortunes could be made, where dreams could become reality. But it was also a place of fierce competition, where only the shrewdest and most cunning would thrive.

"We need to establish ourselves quickly," Mo Chen said, his eyes scanning the bustling marketplace. "A small shop to start, dealing in goods that are in high demand. Herbs and medicinal ingredients are always a safe bet."

Lin Feng nodded, his mind already racing with ideas. They found a modest shop for rent in a prime location, its previous owner having retired from the business. With their combined savings, they paid the rent and purchased an initial stock of herbs and medicinal plants.

The first few weeks were challenging. Lin Feng had to learn the intricacies of the local market, understanding the needs and preferences of his customers. Mo Chen's guidance was invaluable, teaching him how to negotiate with suppliers and attract loyal customers.

One evening, as Lin Feng was closing the shop, a middle-aged man entered, his robes marking him as a cultivator. "I hear you have some rare herbs," the man said, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Lin Feng nodded, recognizing an opportunity. "Indeed, we do. Please, take a look."

The man examined the herbs carefully, his eyes narrowing with interest. "These are of excellent quality. I am Meng Shan, an elder of the Silver Lotus Sect. We are always in need of high-quality herbs for our disciples. Would you be interested in a long-term supply arrangement?"

Lin Feng's heart raced with excitement. A partnership with a powerful sect could elevate their business to new heights. "It would be an honor, Elder Meng. We can discuss the details tomorrow."

With the deal secured, Lin Feng felt a surge of confidence. The Silver Lotus Sect was known for its influence and wealth, and this partnership would open many doors. Over the next few months, Lin Feng worked tirelessly to fulfill the sect's orders, ensuring that the quality of their goods was unmatched.

Word of their high-quality herbs spread, and soon, other sects and clans began to take notice. Lin Feng's shop became a bustling hub of activity, with cultivators from all over the region coming to purchase their wares. The profits began to roll in, and Lin Feng reinvested them into expanding the business.

But success brought its own challenges. Competitors began to take notice of Lin Feng's rising star, and some were not pleased. One evening, as Lin Feng was returning home, he was confronted by a group of thugs.

"Lin Feng," their leader sneered, "you've been making quite a name for yourself. Too bad it's going to end tonight."

Lin Feng's heart pounded, but he stood his ground. He had been training diligently under Mo Chen's guidance, and he was not the same weak boy who had left Huaguang. With a swift motion, he summoned his Qi, ready to defend himself.

The thugs attacked, but Lin Feng's movements were precise and controlled. He dodged their blows and struck back with calculated force, using his Qi to enhance his strength and speed. Within moments, the thugs were on the ground, groaning in pain.

"Tell your master," Lin Feng said, his voice cold and firm, "that I am not someone to be trifled with."

As the thugs scrambled away, Lin Feng knew that this was just the beginning. The road to success was fraught with danger, and he would need to be vigilant. But he was ready to face whatever challenges came his way.

With the business flourishing and his reputation growing, Lin Feng felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. But he also knew that there was still much to learn and many challenges ahead. He continued to train under Mo Chen's guidance, honing his skills and deepening his understanding of cultivation.

One day, as they were discussing their future plans, Mo Chen revealed a piece of news that would change everything. "Feng, there is a place called the Hidden Valley. It is said to contain ancient secrets and treasures beyond imagination. If we can find it, it could elevate us to new heights."

Lin Feng's eyes gleamed with excitement. "Then we must go. The Hidden Valley could be the key to achieving our dreams."

And so, with their business in good hands and their path set, Lin Feng and Mo Chen embarked on a new adventure, ready to uncover the secrets of the Hidden Valley and continue their journey from humble merchants to powerful cultivators.