
The Men of Wesley Lake Box Set

Two of Sarah Hadley Brook's best-selling M/M romances are now available in a box set! Contains the stories:<br><br><strong>A Love to Remember</strong> Graham Hayes decided long ago he'd never be in a relationship. It was better to stay single than to fall in love only to be left alone, which he was certain would happen to him. He'd seen Alzheimer's ravage his family members all his life, leaving their loved ones to deal with the fallout. Some of them stayed, but some didn't. Graham isn't going to risk it.<br><br>When he hires nurse Sam Morgan to take care of his dad during the day, his pledge to stay single is put to the test. He soon finds it difficult to maintain a professional distance.<br><br>Graham's guarded his heart for so long, but his resolve is crumbling. Will he be able to conquer his fear to give himself a chance at love? Can he trust Sam to stick around for better or worse?<br><br><strong>Everything He Wants</strong> Graham's best friend Marc Byrne has been in a self-imposed dry spell for the past six months, reevaluating his life. Tired of the bar scene, he wants something true and lasting like Graham found with Sam. He wants to find Mr. Right.<br><br>When Marc meets the gorgeous, motorcycle riding, tattooed man of his dreams at a lake party, he falls hard and fast. Reminding himself that was how he was hurt before, he puts the man out his mind. Easier said than done.<br><br>Aiden Wright is blown away by Marc and wants to get to know him better, but he keeps running and Aiden can't figure out why. The attraction between them is intense and Aiden is sure he can give Marc what he wants, if he'll just take a chance.

Sarah Hadley Brook · LGBT+
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56 Chs

Chapter 2

Fuck, now he was hard and he hadn’t even finished his beer. He drained his glass and set it on the bar, then took a deep breath. Only one way to get his wish. Get out on the dance floor.

He weaved through the crowd and stood on the edge of the dancers, the strobe lights flashing on their faces for less than a second at a time. He felt the strong pull to join them. He loved dancing—something he was good at. He could lose himself in the music. His confidence always soared when he danced.

Graham gave in to the chaos and jumped in. Bodies closed around him, pressing against him as the beat of the music pulsed through him. Suddenly, he felt alive. Firing on all cylinders. He closed his eyes and sank into the rhythm of the crowd. Songs blended. Bodies moved. Sweat poured from his skin, dripping down his back. The musky scent rolling off the other dancers acted as an aphrodisiac. Hands brushed against him. His body hummed with pleasure. Desire. Need.

When a pair of strong hands gripped his waist and pulled him backward, he leaned into it. His back pressed into a hard chest, his head tucked under the chin of the man behind him. Graham’s hips moved with the man’s and the electricity raced through him—much more than he’d expected from just a quick dance. A hard cock pushed into him, and Graham wanted a peek at the man. He tried to turn, but the hands held him in place. Graham gave up and grabbed the big hands, pulling them tighter around his waist as they moved together, the music and heat fueling his need.

By the time the song ended, the stranger’s hands roamed Graham’s chest, his arms, his stomach. This time, when Graham turned, the man let him, and he found himself staring directly at a broad chest, covered in a tight gray T-shirt, nipples poking the fabric. He lifted his gaze and his heart stuttered. Shit. That neverhappened. The stranger was gorgeous and built like a fucking warrior. The man had to be at least six-five, a good eight inches taller than Graham. Eyes that could have been any color in the darkness drank him in. Through the flashing lights, he saw the blown pupils, and Graham’s heart thumped hard in his chest. Not thinking in time to stop himself, Graham stroked the chiseled jaw, shuddering at the light stubble. God, he loved a man with stubble.

“Want to get out of here?” the deep voice rumbled.

Graham could only nod.

The giant grabbed Graham’s hand, nearly dragging him along as his long legs ate up the floor. Graham struggled to keep up as the guy led him outside, but he wasn’t about to complain.

Cool air hit his skin. Graham didn’t let go of the man’s hand, allowing himself to be hauled toward the parking lot.

Parking lot.That broke through the haze. What the hell am I doing? He never went home with a man.

“Where are we going?” His voice sounded raspy and he cleared his throat. “Wait. Stop,” he ordered, tugging his hand.

The man stopped, an eyebrow arching over one of those dark eyes. “My place?”

Fuck, the man’s voice sounded so velvety, Graham felt like he was being enveloped in sex. It took all he had in him, but he shook his head. “I don’t do that.”

The man squinted, questions in his gaze, still holding Graham’s hand.

Graham hurried to explain. “I mean, I don’t leave with men I don’t know.”

The giant pondered for a moment before nodding his understanding. He scanned the parking lot and headed back toward the building, once again pulling Graham along. In seconds, they stood at the rear of the building, Graham’s back pressed against the brick, the scratchy cement rubbing through his thin shirt.

The Sexy Giant—or S.G., as Graham now referred to him in his head—leaned down and captured his mouth in a heated kiss that sent jolts of desire down to his toes and up to his dick. The stranger tasted of beer and cinnamon, and Graham moved his hips, grinding his cock against S.G.’s leg and moaned. He wanted this. Needed this. Was ready for this.

“How do you want it?” S.G. asked, his voice rough.

“Do you have a condom?”

The man nodded.

“Fuck me,” Graham said, the simple words belying his need. His heart hammered in his chest and he waited for S.G. to say something.

The guy smiled and Graham’s belly flipped. Fuck, the man was gorgeous.

“Going to take some maneuvering,” S.G. acknowledged, gesturing at their obvious height difference. “Sure you don’t want to go to the car?”

Graham shook his head and glanced around. He was ready now and he didn’t care how slutty that made him sound. He needed to get fucked, hard and fast.