
Is it bad news or good for Emrald?

"What's this? It smells nice, so comfortable, I didn't know my plushie smelled like soap.... Eh?"

The next morning Emrald woke up next to Hyungwon, she found herself in his futon, hugging him with a surprised expression on her face, she then slapped him hard and screamed.

"Oi, oi...That's a bit harsh you know considering you're the one who crawled in here in the middle of the night and slept while hugging me." Said Hyungwon with a straight face."Ehhh? No way, that can't be true!" Exclaimed Emrald. "It sure is, don't you remember? The bad dream?" Said Hyungwon with a smirk on his face. Emrald suddenly remembered what she did and gasped in horror; she had a nightmare about the boy from middle school, smiling like a psychopath, covered on blood while holding a sharp kitchen knife and next to him the lifeless body of her middle school cooking instructor. She shuddered upon remembering that,then appologised for slapping Hyungwon.

"Hey look there she is, Emrald!" Waved Sunako; the others came after her to meet up with Sunako at the Shinjuku train station. "Wait something feels different, you look more kawaii today and oh my god! Who is that with you? You already got yourself a beau?" Exclaimed Akari as she always overeacts to everything. Hyungwon chuckled at the sound of the word 'beau', he tagged along afterall.

"Um no that's not it, we're not..." Emrald tried to convince Akari that their relationship wasn't like that but Hyungwon interrupted, grabbed Emrald's shoulder and pulled her close to his chest and said with a mischievous smile "that's right, she's my betrothed."

On hearing that Emrald blushed and said into Hyungwon's ear "what's the meaning of this 바보 요? (Are you an idiot?) "

Hyungwon then whispered back into her ears "No, just play along if girls think I'm already promised to another, they won't come after me like crazy wolves, you have no idea how intimidating these adimirers are and same goes for you since you're beautiful, your beauty level is far beyond average, I'm more tha sure even you didn't notice that but men will, they are just as dangerous and cunning as the ladies are, so, in short this is a win-win solution got it?" And Emrald whispered back in his ear "Got it!"

"You know we aren't invisible...I'm a bit envious though I must say; this gentleman is rather handsome!" Said Akari who was nodding her approval. "I must as, when are you willing to introduce us? We don't even know our future brother in law's name." Asked Sawako politely. "Right, ladies, please meet Lee Hyungwon; an exchange student from South Korea and from my class. Also I would like to add that there is more brains to him than his handsome stature."

Hyungwon bowed and said "Pleased to meet you all young ladies. I see Emrald has some good friends, why, that is a relief!"

"Wow South Korea eh? He looks like a kpop idol, he even has long toned legs, how tall is he?" Thought Aiko out loud without realising it and made Hyungwon and Emrald feel a little awkward so they looked at each other as if communicating by telepathy.

"Thanks...I guess, I am 1m81cm" said Hyungwon.

"Eh? Did I say my thoughts out loud?" Asked Aiko flabbergasted,

"yes you did" said Wendy, "fancy seeing you came Lee Hyungwon-sshi! Remember me?" Asked Wendy. "Ahhh The Park Wendy, how could I forget you? You were the leader of the mystery club and the top student who always came in second place while I was first place." Said Hyungwon who was a little displeased to see her, whispered in Emrald's ears "why are you hanging out with HER?"

"I do not see anything wrong with it... Though I must admit she is a bit of a bore, always interested in weird mysterious things and always reading mangas and talking about animes, but second place on exams in school? That comes as a bit of a surprise." Said Akari, the others were  surprised at the statement as well, waiting for an answer from Wendy. "Ladies, there's nothing to worry about, I may have once been very good at my studies, however it was very irritating that I could not get first place no matter how hard I tried. When I transferred to Yamasaki girl's in second year of middle school, I met Emrald who was always first place and I gave up on trying to get first place, my family aren't here to pressure me either so I am rather content with getting tenth place. After coming to Jaoan, I changed completely and became an otaku, my true self as my real dream was to become a manga artist. Lee Hyungwon-sshi 미안 해요! (I'm sorry) For the days I criticised you of having it easy for always snatching first place!" Explained Wendy. "아라써 (Okay) appology accepted." Said Hyungwon still a little annoyed. "By the way, has anyone ever wondered why she has an English name instead of a Korean one? I sure am curious..." Exclaimed Sawako.

" After so many years, you only ask now? My name is actually Park Wei Wei. Mother is from Chongqing, China, and father is from Seoul. When I was in elementary school, my best friend started calling me Wendy instead saying it sounds cooler as I looked like Wendy Marvel from Fairy tail apparently and since then I got used to being called Wendy as everyone started to do so and I started introducing myself as Wendy instead of Wei Wei, even asked my parents to add the name Wendy to my register." Explained Wendy who was feeling slightly nostalgic in the moment.

"Well whatever it is that happened between the fight for first place in school, put the bad past aside and get over the bad blood alright? Now then, without further ado, let's go and have fun!" Said Akari; as usual she is the hyperactive one and there was another hyperactive lady in this group, she shows it only when they go out together since she loves shopping for books, fabrics, embroidery threads and any sewing materials, also going out in town or the city with friends, even if they only walk around and go to a cute cafe, "Oh yes let's go to the new bear themed bookstore that recently opened, then go to a sushi restaurant!" Yes dear readers, as you may have guessed already; the other hyperactive young lady is none other than Emrald Kaizen herself.

They had a lot to buy, Hyungwon helped Emrald with buying two pairs of shoes and two cardigans, and she did the same for him, they both had a unique sense of style and Emrald got some pastel flower printed soft cotton fabrics to make some new dresses. The other girls liked clothing and fashion as well but they preferred buy clothes rather than sewing. Before having lunch, they went to a fancy jewelry store where Hyungwon bought Emrald a silver charm bracelet and got a matching one for himself. "Wow must be nice to have a romantic beau fufufufu..." Chuckled Akari "We can hear you you know..." Said Emrald and Hyungwon simultaneously. After that they went to a revolving sushi restaurant where they were also going to meet Hyungwon's friends.

"There they are, hey mates! Over here we reserved some seats for you!" Called Hyungwon over to his friends, they were all very becoming, as if they were webtoon characters.

There were three of them, all well known as the princes of their schools and were rather popular as they were all highschool models you would see on the front pages of teenage magazines; Hattori Asaya, Kuroba Kyoya and Mizobata Shinichi. How does he know those models? Thought Emrald. Her friends were all just as overwhelmed by their arrival and suddenly felt really full so they could not eat properly, the other customers were also whispering about them which made the ladies loose their appetites even more.

*Who are those ugly girls? Their maids? Why are they with those models? Who is this one, a newbie? He's like a prince, doesn't look Japanese, maybe from China? Taiwan? Thailand? No no he's got a South Korean vibe to him and kind of looks like a kpop idol from monxta X; Chxe Hyungwxn...*

Hyungwon got annoyed and suggested to roam around the town rather than staying at the restaurant after eating only a few plates. The others nodded and went bowling, ate crepes, bought some desserts and garlic-cheese naan from a popular home bakery with cottagecore vibes, then went to a nearby river bank, played in the river until it was already tea time. They greeted each other goodbyes and went separate ways, Hyungwon was going to stay the night at Emrald's again and go back to his apartment the following morning.

Sunday afternoon...

"Nani kore?(What is this?) Okaasama(Mum), what is the meaning of this?" Asked the bewildered Emrald in utter upon seeing Hyungwon smiling and a good amount of luggages in her room. Mrs.Kaizen came up rushing, and her lips curled into a smile "surprise! Hyungwon is going to live with us as of today, he is going to share your room until we finish renovations in the playroom facing yours, we'll make a room for him in there and it will take at least a week." She said.

"Thank you so much for the offer Madam Kaizen." Said Hyungwon pleased yet a bit embarrassed. "Oh please don't be so modest dear, make yourself at home and call me or Emrald if you need anything." Said mrs.Kaizen then she headed back to the kitchen, smiling.

Meanwhile in Emrald's head...

"Nani? Eh? Nande?Are wa ii wa nai yo!"

(What? Eh? Why? This is not right!)

"Omo sesange... what's wrong Ems? Are those tears? Oh you're that happy that I'll be living with you eh? Hey something's coming out of you, that your soul? Haha, it got back in..." Teased Hyungwon. "Ni bi zuì!! Wo bu shihuan!!" ( You shut it!! I don't like it!!) Shouted Emrald. "Dearest Em(u)rald(o), I was not aware that you could speak Chinese, though I could not understand it, impressive... Oi oi, calm down please and stop crying... ouch! Hey that hurts you know... Stop hitting me with your pilows while wailing like a child! Mian, mian...(Sorry, sorry...)

It was a happy and lively evening at the Kaizen household, what more adventures are awaiting them?