
Chapter 6: Old Wounds, New Problems (Jack’s POV)

The tension builds the instant she crosses into my area, giving me a heartbeat's worth of hesitation before moving past. The weight of the words that remain unsaid hangs between us like a heavy mist. After everything, this is not how I saw us getting back together, especially not with my ex-wife present.

Sarah adds, attempting a smile that stops short of her eyes, "Sorry to interrupt. I stopped by to see how things were going for you."

"Everything's fine," I respond, but the word sounds clunky.

Rebecca looks from Sarah to me, her expression tentative, as though she's trying to assess how things are going to work out. "We were just talking about Lila, his daughter" she replies in a controlled voice.

Sarah's brows arch a little. "Lila? Are you going to see her at last?

I hastily add, "It's still complicated," feeling the need to be clear. "Rebecca just told me she wants to see that through."

With a firm voice, Sarah continues, "I think it's important for her to know her dad," but there's a note of caution. She seems to be still processing the circumstances, from what I can tell.

Rebecca nods, her face serious. "I want to make sure she's at ease and feels safe in every situation."

I sense the tension rising once more as the moment lingers. The two women in my life are colliding, and even though I want to reassure them both that I'll be a good father, I'm caught in the middle of their collision. Sarah says, "Jack," her eyes softening as she sees me. "I want you to know that, no matter what you need, I'm here to help."

I say, "Thank you," with a glimmer of appreciation. "Thank you for that."

My phone buzzes on the table before we can finish the topic, the sound breaking the tension. I notice a message from an unknown number as I look down.

"Pardon me for a moment," I say as I move aside to read it. As I read the phrase, We're monitoring you, my heart quickens.

As I attempt to make sense of everything, a shiver is starting to run down my spine. Who sent this? My mind rushes as I cast a quick glance back at Rebecca and Sarah, who are deep in conversation. There is no way this can be good.

"Is everything okay?" Sarah asks, bringing me back to the here and now with her tone.

Trying to dismiss it, I say, "Just... a weird message. Nothing to be concerned about."

I tuck the phone back into my pocket, but something is bothering me. I know I should be focused on the here and now, but I can't help but feel like I'm being observed.

As I reunite with Rebecca and Sarah, they both look at me eagerly, and the silence extends.

"I apologize for that," I feign a smile. "Where were we?"

Rebecca's countenance subtly changes as she clears her throat. "We were talking about how to get in touch with Lila and how we can make it work."

"Yes, precisely," I respond as I try to steady myself.

With encouragement in her voice, Sarah says, "It might take some time. But I think it could work out if you approach it gently and let her set the pace."

I mutter, "Easier said than done."

The silence lasts there until we are interrupted once more by a knock at the door.

Marcus Shaw.

"Jack," his tone polished yet slightly patronizing. "I hope I'm not disturbing anyone."

"Not at all," I answer while feigning a smile.

Shaw glances at Rebecca, and I can see the disapproval in his eyes. "I see," he says, his tone almost mocking. "I didn't know you were with guests."

Rebecca straightens, hiding her emotions. "Not that it's any of your concern."

Shaw arches an eyebrow and puckers up the corner of his mouth. "Interesting. And here I had assumed Jack was meant to be focused on getting better."

His voice has a sharp edge, and I can feel my temper getting hotter. "Shaw, what do you want?" I ask, attempting to maintain a steady tone.

"I'm here to help with the case," he answers, his stare locking upon me. "I thought that speaking with someone with firsthand knowledge would be ideal."

I say, crossing my arms, "Right. You've been good at that."

Shaw grins, playing on my nerves and I can see the pleasure in his eyes. "We can't afford any lapses, especially not with you back in the fold."

I felt as though he had punched me. "What's the meaning of that?" My voice rising, I ask.

"Let's not pretend like you're in top form, Jack," Shaw responds, leaning back casually against the doorframe. "After what happened... All I want to do is make sure everything is under control."

Rebecca's anxious face is evident as her gaze flickers between us. "Marcus, this isn't the right moment for this."

Shaw turns to face her, and I notice a change in his attitude. "And you are?"

"Rebecca," she remarks in a stern voice. "Jack's ex-wife."

"Ah," he replies, his eyes shining with amusement. "The person who separated Lila from him. Nice to finally associate the name with a face."

I try to put some distance between them as I move ahead since I can feel the tension in the air crackling. "Enough already, Shaw," I say quietly.

Showing off his innocence, he raises his hands. "Just stating the obvious, Jack. I just want to confirm that everyone is in agreement."

"Why don't we concentrate on the case rather than reopening past wounds?" Rebecca says in a firm yet calm voice. "Lila is worthy of more than this."

Shaw nods, but his eyes narrow slightly. "Alright. Let's discuss the case."

As we return to the subject at hand, the mood changes. Even though I can still feel the stress building, I force myself to concentrate. Rebecca excused herself to the kitchen while the rest of us continued

In an attempt to take charge of the conversation, I say, "Sarah and I have been reviewing the old Quinn files. There are connections between Quinn's earliest victims and the recent killings."

"Yeah, I've heard," Shaw responds in a condescending manner. "However, I still don't think your memory is trustworthy enough to help with this."

I feel the rage rising inside of me as I tighten my jaw. "Shaw, I can still recall details."

"But do you?" he asks, folding his arms. "I've heard that these days, your memory isn't the best. Why do you think you can handle this?"

I take a deep breath and try not to panic as I feel the heat rising to my face. "I'm not here to prove anything to you. All I want to do is help."

"Right," Shaw says, leaning in slightly. "Hopefully, it won't result in another mishap. Wouldn't wish to relive the past."

I step back, the weight of his hints falling heavily on me as I feel the pain of past wounds returning.

Sarah sharply interrupts, saying, "Enough. This isn't helping anyone. Let's move forward from the past."

Shaw makes a show of giving up by raising his hands. "All right, all right. Let's discuss the new victims and the information at hand.

But as we review the data, a nagging feeling creeps back into my head. I can't get rid of the feeling Shaw isn't only here to help with the case. He's withholding information from me, but there's more going on.

Finally, Shaw unleashes a bombshell right when I think I can handle no more. He leans back in his chair and adds, in a nonchalant manner, "You know, it's funny. All of this happened after your small 'incident.'"