
The memories inside the Mystic Library

In a world once embroiled with wars and killings, the humans finally got peace after 30 years of fighting with Julius Von Soar and Adriana Crownfell in the forefront against the demi-humans. This is the story of a young imaginative boy, Arian Crownfell. One morning as Arian woke up mystified. He had lost all his memories. He didn't remember a fuc*ing thing. Has he transmigrated? But he doesn't remember his past world at all. Then, has he reincarnated into his past self? But he doesn't know anything about the future at all. "Oh God... Maybe I was a black summoner and somehow managed to get into this body." But he quickly finds out that he has only suffered from amnesia. A pity is what he thinks. Now Arian has just one goal: to escape from his dangerous father and enjoy his in a rural area, to the fullest! However, he can't help but question if his amnesia is part of a larger conspiracy, adding to the mystery surrounding his situation. What will this sudden journey cost him? He soon becomes entangles with the peace of the whole continent.

its_the_fool · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Who Am I...?

Warm sun rays passed through the clean windows, gleaming all over a boy's face as he lay leisurely in a king-sized bed clammed between two feather white pillows. Arian was forced to open his eyes as the sun was already high in the sky. He felt like he had a very long and good dream, but a sudden headache made him shriek in pain.

"Ouch...my head hurts… Why is it hurting so badly? I don't remember doing anything unusual yesterday. Wait…I don't remember what I did yesterday at all??" His memories were hazy. He recalled some information about last night. He was in a huge room, reading some books, and then he felt a presence behind him. After that, everything was blank. He racked his brain, but it only gave him more pain.

"I only remember reading some comic books and heroes' manhua. What use could it be now?" Arian tried to make sense of the situation but failed. But then, suddenly, he had an epiphany. Maybe he transmigrated from another world, so that's why his memories aren't connected to this body yet? No, that can't be. He immediately dismissed such silly thoughts.

For now, he had too many things to think about, but his thoughts froze when he glanced around him; a room gleaming with a sterile white shine. There were not many pieces of furniture, except for the overly big bed, a wardrobe, and a study table. They too were covered in a creamy white color.

His body shivered, and cold beads of sweat dripped from his skin. "Where the fuck is this? Only a psycho would live in here." Suddenly, he noticed the mirror in front of the wardrobe. He hesitantly walked towards it, his head still aching from the extreme pain. When he stood in front of it, he was dazed for a minute. Such a beautiful person he was, or that was what he expected it to be. Golden blonde hair tied back in a ponytail style. Why did he look so weak? He would be said to be neither handsome nor ugly, just an average person.

"I am an idiot to think about transmigration. Those cliché books are really getting into my head." While he was busy appraising his body, a boy appeared in the mirror behind him. Startled, he moved a few steps ahead, banged his head on the mirror, and fell backward.

"Young Masterr, are you alright?" The boy asked playfully, obviously teasing him.

Arian stood up embarrassed, sizing the boy up and down with his deep crimson eyes. "Young Master?? Why are you looking at me like that?" The boy pretended to be shy and tried to cover his small body with his tiny hands. He was still full-speed teasing his so-called young master.

"What nonsense!" Arian was flabbergasted, and it was getting on his nerves. This little hamster... Arian wanted to curse out loudly, but that tone somehow triggered something in him. He remembered this little bastard, Jerry, his personal butler from the Hamster family. He definitely had not transmigrated, but the problem was he couldn't remember himself.

"Hey! Jerry. Who am I?" Arian asked to test his memory, just to be sure, and he must teach this fellow who is the boss too. Two arrows kill one sparrow! His inner self laughed, but the reaction from Jerry was different from his expectations.

"Seriously, you still intend to play your amnesia games again?" Jerry sighed again. He was a playful child, but he still was the assigned butler. He bowed down a little and answered

Jerry sighed again, he was a playful child but he still was the assigned butler. He bowed down a little and answered his questions.

"You are Arian Crownfell, the young master of this dukedom, young master."

Arian wanted to teach him a little lesson about superiority but he was crushed by him instead. What a pathetic young master I am!

"Wait…What you mean by amnesia game? I really don't remember anything."

"You always do this young master that's why none of the workers are willing to serve you. But you don't have to worry; I Jerry will always be there for you." Jerry said as he took a short glance towards his wrist. A small sword was tattooed with its lower half.

Oblivious to it, Arian was still confused about everything and focusing his thoughts.

"Damn this headache. It won't let me think at all. You tell me about everything maybe I can remember anything."

"Yes young master. You know after doing this multiple times I have become proficient in explaining." Jerry hastily shortened his sleeves and started explaining to Arian.

"This world is divided into three continents. The largest land is occupied by humans and we belong to the most powerful Empire in the Continent, the Sun Empire ruled by Julian Von Soar and his three queens. The two other lands are occupied by demi-humans and the cosmic beasts. Demi-humans are said to be humanoid but with the abilities and appearances of wild animals but nothing is known about the cosmic beasts. It is said that they are mythical beasts and one is enough to destroy a country but they have mild temper so they don't attack unless someone angers it. There are also minorities of people that have abilities in this continent. They are given fame and power by the respected countries, while the Sun Empire has given 7 seats of Color for the most powerful ones. They are red, blue, green, brown, yellow, black, and white."

"Stop…Stop…That is a lot to take for now. I will ask when necessary so let's stop for now."

Jerry stopped explaining when Arian asked and it looked like his young master had really lost his memories.

This time he was astonished. Arian pulled this trick multiple times to irritate others so Jerry was the person everybody dumped this responsibility into, every single time. He didn't like it at first, but every time this happened, Arian could react differently and he found it amusing.

Arian tried to forget his worries for a moment and freshen up. His headache was also slightly fading away. He asked Jerry to bring him some food while he tidies himself. Jerry nodded and went away. It took him more than an hour to bathe himself.

"What took you so long young master?" Jerry had heated the food twice already.

"Nothing, I was happy to see that my younger brother is already so grown." Arian mumbled. "Forget that; tell me about the Crownfell family."

Jerry didn't understand the first sentence but when he was given a chance to explain again he was happy to the bone.

"The Crownfell family lies in the Eastern part of the Sun Empire. A few miles ahead from our territory starts the lands of outcasts, the territory of demi-humans. As the house master of the Crownfell family, Sir Carter shoulders the responsibility of the safety of the borders. Sometimes he goes past it and returns with stained clothes and blood-red eyes. He is too terrifying even for us."

Jerry shivered as he recalled the last time he saw that scene. His father had covered his eyes but he still witnessed the gruesome deaths of some demi-humans prisoners.

"I just remembered one thing. The house master had said if you caused some troubles he would surely punish you this time harshly so be careful."

"I am not a child to misbehave, you have said much about my father but what about my mother then."

The last question made Jerry's eyes go wide in shock. Arian asked many things every time he did his amnesia act and Jerry played along but this time was serious.

"Did you really have amnesia young master? You are not playing this time."

"As I said before, I am not joking and what is this reaction?" Arian said as he got his tie fixed into proper shape.

"Your mother, Madam Irene passed away during your fourth birthday. Please tell me you are joking about this."

Jerry begged Arian to finish his joke when suddenly he heard a footstep coming through the corridor.

Both the young boys paused talking and listened quietly.

Arian thought who the person could be to bring quietness to the little hamster's lips and seeing the look on his young master's face, Jerry said in a low voice.

The House Master is coming.

Your father Carter Crownfell is coming into this room for the first time.