
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

We're no

/Frank POV/



{I suppose that was successful to some extent since she sort of believes me, now all I have to do is just change the course of reality to whatever I want.} Frank thought to himself as he took a look at his Status that his goddess, Ereshkigal, gave to him.

Name: Frank


Level: 1

Strength: %(&^$^%%#&#&###@@%$^#!#!$%%$& (EX+)

Endurance: #^%^)%)%#)@%^#$^%%(#%#*# (EX+)

Dexterity: ^%(%$&*Q#%$%$#%&%*&%#% (EX+)

Agility:%&#^%@^%%$*^$@^* (EX+)

Magic: #%^#&#&^#&@@#@%$! (EX+)


Development Abilities: [TH# W&*L %$ ^$% S!%#@R] [3643252321342151435] [38956543612929565126495] [3635634523542137984519514] [3223642146252139`45223]


Skill: ????????????


Magic: ????????


Curses: [Raving Insanity]



{Ah as expected, nobody knows my true strength, but holy fuck this is really good. The only estimate they can get is the EX+ on my attributes, and that's not even quantifiable in their standards. Oh well then, if anyone wants a piece of me than can just line up, it's not like anything in this reality can pose a threat to me.} Frank thinks to himself as he smiles at his strengths and no apparent weaknesses, until he looked at the very bottom of the paper, where there was a single curse, raving insanity, he sighed at this curse and his mood dropped near instantly. He then decided to think about making breakfast for his goddess, since she was still asleep on the bed. He shook his head and smiled at the sight of the sleeping goddess, whose hair was disheveled and drool was dripping from her mouth. He carefully wiped her mouth with a clean cloth and set out to do some work with this gloomy room.



He first carefully put on some cleaning clothes and covered his mouth with a clean cloth, then, he started by getting rid of all the trash that was just lying around the sewer and threw it outside of the manhole, afterwards, he got himself a rag and a bucket, he quickly grabbed some fresh water from a nearby fountain that was simply outside from the manhole, since ,they were for some reason, were living near an intersection between Daedalus Street and the local park. He got work by wiping up the dust that was covering up the furniture, and every time the cloth seemed to be dirty enough he dunked it into the water and rubbed it so that it would get cleaned again. After about ten minutes of wiping he saw that the furniture was already glossy from the water, he knew that it would dry off by itself thanks to the fact that there was a little hearth that was right in front of the bed. He then placed the cloth in a cupboard and dumped out the water. He then grabbed a mop and dealt with the grimy floors. After about two hours of cleaning up the sewer no longer had that terrible smell of rot or sewage, but instead it smelled of fresh lavenders that Frank had grabbed from the local park and replanted it into a little hanging pot. after seeing his handiwork he felt satisfied and went to wake up his goddess, but not before purchasing basic foodstuffs like eggs and bacon, which costed one point each for every ten kilogram, Frank purchased five kilograms of both eggs and bacon and placed them in a nice spot where his goddess could see it from. He then went to her bed and gently blew on her hair. (Good morning my goddess, I cleaned up the place since it was filthy.) he says as she noticed that his face was quite close to her, she then covered her face with the blanket and said to Frank (T-T-Thank y-you Franku-chan! I-I'll go a-and make b-breakfast!) she says to Frank as she was under the covers. (Very well my goddess, I've also purchased us some foodstuffs for breakfast, do have a look in the pantry.) he says as he looks into the little wooden wardrobe that only contained her clothes, which included her underwear.



(Pardon me my goddess, but, do you only own a single hanger full of clothi-) he says right before the wardrobe was completely slammed shut by the goddess that had a completely red face and an angry expression on her right then. (Go cook something already! Can't you see that I need to change!) she says as she tries to push Frank out of the room. Already having his full of teasing the goddess, he allowed himself to be pushed out and simply chuckled as he said to the blonde (Please note my goddess, you'll be the one cooking right now since I have to attend to some business in the meantime.) he said as he went up the ladder to see the world above them. and boy was it still surreal every time he sees it with his own eyes. {Now this, this is nice to anyone who wants to live simply, but then again, who said that I wanted to live a slow life?} Frank thought to himself as he used his skill to change his creepy smiling face to the Tap face. It was time for him to go to the Guild and catch up with the loli that he helped. {System, chart a course to the Guild.} he thought as it prompted a window and showed him the way to were he wanted to go.



/Within the Guild/



It was another tiring morning with people still scared about what was going inside the dungeon, a percentage of the adventurers had quit from the dungeon to go work in other jobs entirely since they saw that the risk was too great for them, supporters were out in the streets looking for anyone who would take them for a dive but few were ever told to join in. The only people who were able to go to the dungeon were the big Familias like the Loki Familia, the Freya Familia, and the Hephaestus Familia. The Apollo Familia had all but left the dungeon business and instead focused on the trade that circulated within the city since it paid better than usual. The guild was looking emptier than usual since most people wouldn't go to it since there was a rumor that the dungeon master, who called himself Frank, had made a deal with Ouranos about something, there wasn't enough evidence to back up this claim aside from someone saying that they saw somebody walk out of the elevator with a mask that looked similar to the one that the dungeon master wore when he first made his appearance. But a lack of evidence didn't sway the public's opinion about their decision and still continued to lessen their interactions with the guild. There were still dozens of people who went and came into the walls but it was getting lower everyday, but yet again the staff were still busy with other things. One specific elf within the guild was stretching her neck since it felt stiffer than usual, when all of a sudden she saw a familiar face. (Hello there Miss Tulle! I'm here to update my status!) he said to Eina as she was shocked at what he said when he continued on (I'm actually still Level One, but you might see something interesting from it.) he said mysteriously as he handed her a paper with what seemed to be his Falna. (Tap? Which god is this? I haven't seen this one before.) she says as "Tap" answered back to her question (Her name is Ereshkigal, she's the sister of the goddess Ishtar, and she doesn't know what happened to her sister.) he said as his eyes were starting to fill with worry. Eina hearing it was shocked that a god had descended without an announcement, especially one that ruled over an underworld.



(Well that's about enough of that train of speech, why don't you take a look at my sheet?) "Tap" says as Eina was curious until she saw what was written on the paper. Her eyes went wide as she looked at the paper, then looked at "Tap", then looked at the paper, and looked back again as she grabbed his ear to drag him across the hallway and go to a private room but failed entirely as she lost grip and was about to fall when all of a sudden she was caught by "Tap's" arms. (Be careful Miss Tulle! The floor's been tiled remember? You would've had a nasty fall if I didn't catch you there.) he says with a warm smile as Eina has a slight blush the coughs it away. (We-Well then Tap-san, you're quite a gentleman, but I need you to come with me first, there's something I need to talk with you about.) she says as "Tap" had a blush go onto his face as he replied (S-Sorry Miss Tulle but I'm looking for someone of my own age, no offense you're a pretty woman but I'm just looking for someone else!) he said as Eina was shocked at what he said before tracing back her words and waving her hands at "Tap" as she said to him (That's not what I meant by that! I meant I wanted to talk to you about your Level is all! I didn't mean anything else when I said that!) after hearing what she said "Tap" sighed in relief and nodded at her words. (Well then, I guess we should go to the room, Miss Tulle?) he said as he led the way to the room. Inside Eina locked the door, took one breath, and spouted every question that she had for "Tap". Frank, who was still using his disguise, felt as if she really was as annoying as the anime had portrayed her to be, but then again, she does this since she cares about the people that she advise. (Well Miss Tulle, to sum up every question that you have for me, my answer is that I went to the dungeon, and fought against monsters that were strong, and they never ended, it was a blessing that I even got out of there alive.) he said as Eina looked him with anger-filled eyes.



(Tap-san?) she said in a mock sweet tone. "Tap" heard her voice and felt a shiver down his spine, and when he looked at her face, he knew that he was definitely screwed in this situation. (Y-Yes?) he said as she took a breath, and shouted at him ( YOU STUPID #^$^&#&#@^^#&**##^^, WHY YOU LITTLE %%(%%$)%%$#%^$^$##@#@@!!$*&^%$%^&*.) she spoke obscenities as she chased "Tap" around the room.

1744 words, okay so this is just me spitballing for the mood. I also have a question, how do you guys feel about this fanfic? If you wanna voice it out, leave a review. Oh yeah my cake day is at the end of the month of anyone cares. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace!

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