
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

This Chapter (and the next) Is Not Sponsored By Anybody, Cuz, you know, I don't have a ko-fi or patre, you already know that.

/Frank POV/





Waiting. And even more waiting. Yeah, that's the basics of what exactly is it like to being in a fucking forest waiting for something to occur. Events are always nice since I can fuck them over. How much change can I make things go through before all of this goes straight to the shitter? And as for one more thing, WHY THE FUCK IS EVERYONE IN THIS ECCHI SOMEHOW ACTUALLY FUCKING SANE?! I hear the soul of Issei you know? It's a sad fucking sight, all that self loathing, bit the scary thing is that he does actually loathe himself. He's not the same. I have been careful not to go to realities where things are extremely different, but how the hell is he so, well, Western acting? He knows that his crippling porn addiction isn't great, that's already applaudable as it stands, but not to mention he may have the Boosted Gear, but it's not leaving him, that's the odd thing that I found out.

There's nothing else that scares yet excites me more than something not being predictable. Mhm, so yeah, there's just the waiting game for all of the marbles to come to their necessary places. And Anti, funny enough, has still not opened the Wiki for Highschool DxD. Oh boy, that's a real funny fucking joke Anti, I wonder what kind of bullshit reason you have today.

(A/N: Tired.)

Oh great, yeah that makes a lot of fucking sense you worthless sack of shit, as if you get tired of anything.

(A/N: You can go and piss right off you asshat. As if you had any of the issues that I have right now.)

Bitch, I am literally like a parallel to you, do you even know what the fuck it is that I'm doing most of the time. You know what? Fine, let's just get back to whatever the hell it is that you wanna do with this shit chapter. Alright, so here I still am, in re middle of the forest camping with the dead body of a stray "devilled" Issei Hyoudou. I know that's not how the name is supposed to be spelled, but I'm lazy as hell right now, so I'm not going to be explaining anything more. So . . . . yeah, that's literally all that I got for the time being. No dead gods, nobody's heads on pikes, and no new fresh souls for me to try and tinker around with. It's almost pitiful as to how drab and boring the waiting aspect of this world is. But hey! I have a little camp, with a nice campfire that's close to a creek, so there's some fish once in a while.

Plus I can always forage around for anything edible. Yeah, that's also a really good option. Welp, as for my nice little tent, welp, I just have a tarp and a couple sticks, and give a plus to me for getting a sleeping bag as well. There's not all that much that makes this cool, but it is nice to chill out a little bit, since, ya know, I just had to kill the main character of this anime a couple hours ago. Yeah, it's been a couple hours already. And no, it turns out that Gremory's peerage didn't actually end up deader than a bag of dicks, as disappointing as that is.

A pretty face, but God is she just, euurgh, fucking stupid as hell. Her and her fucking fiance, that's for damned sure. Hah~ I think I could try to have a talk with a couple of the pantheons that are here, and I might as well just start with the one that's closest to me at the moment. That's right kids, I'm gonna go and talk with the Shintos! Yeah yeah, I know that's probably the wrong way to give respect to them, but let me try and rebut that little argument. I literally cannot give two fucks about how I call the gods .

Yes, surprising isn't it, you literal mongoose, I don't see the point of giving them the respect that they "deserve". I know there are cool gods, like Eresh and Hephaestus, but they're good cuz they're not fully tied into their shitty shitty little divinities. I cannot, for the life of me, see a reason why I would respect Tsukuyomi, and yes, that's actually a name of a Japanese god, it was also very shocking to me when I learned of it a couple thousand years ago. It's amazing. And there's not all that much that I need to clarify for when it comes to the other gods, my mix of my boredom and paranoia should be sufficient enough to explain why I'm going to harvest their fuckin souls as well.

And after they're done, I'll go by who's closer, so I'll go for the Jade Emperor's entire fucking court and see how Strong exactly those bastards are. And if I remember, after that, I could go and get the Indian Pantheons! And I could also hunt Buddha! It's pretty much a win-win! I'm probably going to get so much stress from having to find out a good way to kill these people! Yay! But there's always the little things that are going to try their best to go against everyone and everything that I try to do. I don't even fucking know why the little sisters of the current "Maous" decided to hole up on Japan of all places, but that's probably just some political thing that I'm too dumb to try and actually read it through. I'm just fast, not smart.

But then I remember that it's probably just because they wanna get a nice crop of strong humans and devilize them to join their peerage. Yeah, it's probably just that. It could be that, or Sirzechs is just too tired of the politics of the Underworld to properly give a shit about what happens to his little baby sister. Hell, if I remember this correctly, he's pretty much old enough to become her grandfather if she and the rest of her family were humans. Hmm, that reminds me, I wonder if I could change someone's race. I'll put a pin in that for now. But hey, at the very least, the fish that I caught is already good for the eating, thank God I remember how to gut a fish, so yeah, I'll be leaving this all to Anti, as to whoever the hell it is that he's gonna be talking about. So yeah, see you all later losers.



/Rias POV (trust me, I cringed as much as you are about to when I wrote this)/



No, my servants! They're all beaten up by that stupid guy! He even killed my new Pawn! And I didn't even get to know what was his Sacred Gear! Darn it! Oh if only I was able to find out who he was. But, he kept on threatening me personally, it was almost as if he actually knew who I was. It's so odd that I don't even know where to start, should I be worried that he seems to hate devils, or should I be worried that he beat and killed the stray pawn that I just got. Whatever the case could be, I need to be very careful about what I should be doing in order for me to not get hurt.

But he seems so, familiar? The only thing that I remember were those terrible kid tales about a human that was hunting our race down. It was so stupid, as if a human was actually tht strong. If that was the case, then where were they now? A green warrior that terrorized all of devilkind, hah! As if. There's nobody that strong enough to go against all of us. Wait, maybe he serves those Angels? It could be, he did seem that he hated devils, and he did make it very clear that he wasn't the type to beat around the bush. Hmm, I guess I will have to ask Nii-sama for what I should do. But for now, I need to help my cute servants! Whatever will come, will come.



/Sirzechs Gremory, aka, the newest Satan/



I was still working within my office, looking at all of the paperwork that the Old Devil Faction was still sending me. I couldn't help but sigh as I wanted to try and see my cute little sister once more. God, ouch, I wish that these old crones would just cut it all out and be more quiet. Quiet is nice, quiet means that there's less paperwork for me to have to deal with. Quiet means the uselessness strength, which is essentially all that I would really ask for nowadays. The Underworld is still the exact same, everyone still conniving, and everyone still evil, after all, we're devils, it's what we do.

But something, something old, made me stop writing as I turned to to my window as I could feel the wrath that comes from it. It can't be, no, the old man was supposed to be alive a lot longer. And when I stood up from my seat Grayfia, my wife, looked at me and said (My lord.) as she stared into the ceiling of our Underworld. (Call the other Maous, there's something ancient that's been unleashed, and I don't know if we might be able to survive any of this.) I said to her as she then bowed to me as she disappeared. I needed to find a good way to save the Underworld. I know the tales of that . . . monster.

I know of their reasoning for why they would be able to get out of their sarcophagus. And I truly hope, that we've gone far enough from our origins to be able to pass off as another sapient species. After all, if he didn't kill the Youkai in Japan back then and any of the more friendly monsters, then maybe he might actually-

And right as I was trying to rationalize the actions of the being, I heard a great roar as I realized that they just killed the one creature that was close enough in strength to be able to keep the Slayer himself in a stalemate. {So, he's that strong now. I'm, it's too late at this point. We're just waiting to die at the rate that he's going.} I thought as the roar went away as I also lost track of another of the Great Dragon Gods. {So Ophis left as well? I suppose now that Great Red is dead she would want to be getting her home back. But, if she doesn't-} my thoughts and hopes were all cut off as surgically clean as a scalpel as I felt the presence of the Slayer in a place that even I knew was terrible. He was in Japan now, and he was close to my baby sister.

I felt my knees lose their strength as I was sure that he already knew of where to strike us. Of course he would, he still most likely hated all of us. And I heard from my wife as I saw my comrades. (Friends, a great catastrophe has befallen all of us. The predator of our race, has been unleashed.) I said as as Asmodeus then slammed his hand into the wall as he spoke (Don't give us that bullshit Sirzechs, he's always been stuck in that sarcophagus, and he always will b-) and I slapped him across the face as I grabbed him by the collar and shouted the truth straight into his face.

(HE IS HERE, AND HE IS IN JAPAN. I don't know why he was sent there by Ophis, but I know that he is currently on his way to Kuoh. He just started his little journey in Kyoto, and there's not all that much time until he arrives at the city. Serafall, your sister and mine are still in that same city, we need t-) and as I was talking, I paled. My sister, her life force, it was shaking as it met the Slayer's. And it was following him, and it stood stuck as the Slayer did something odd.

He killed a stray devil, and stole it's soul. (May the Ancestor save us all, he just stole a devil's soul.) I said as I noticed that my mother and father were at the door. (Sirzechs, is everything alright dear?) my mother asked me as I looked at my father with a pale face. (The Slayer is released from his tomb.) I said to him as he looked at me with wide eyes as he ran to try and teleport to the Human World. (Father please! We can't fight against that beast! He slaughtered our race when we were stronge-) I was soaking to him as he looked at me and said (And you are stronger than the first Ancestor, you are more than capable getting both your sister and Serafall's out of that place. I'll do my best to try and distract him, locate your sisters, take them both, and run for as far as your legs are still on your bodies.) and as he said those words I was shocked.

(W-what?) I asked him as he looked at me sadly. (Son, the first thing you need to know about our kind, is that we'll never be able to survive long enough against a monster like him. But maybe, I might be able to buy you and everyone else a bit more time.) he said as I nodded as he has Grayfia teleport us all to the Slayer's location.

But when we came there, ready to die, the Slayer was currently looking at a grilled piece of fish as he was eating it. And, he, looked, small. (Ah, the devils, I half expected you all to com to try and save your siblings. Fun fact, did you know that I now have a very new favorite chemical that also counts as a carcinogen?) he said to us as he stood up and smiled as I realized that I was looking downwards. He, he was smaller than usual. Smaller than what the stories would have foretold us about him. (And to think you all slowly but surel became more human as time passed. What a load of horseshit.) he said as he then pulled out his weapons as he was also growing taller and taller as time passed.

(Now then, names and reason for coming to Earth, will ya?)

2436 words. Oh yeah, a nice little talk and talk with the bigwigs of the underworld, seems absolutely legit that Sirzechs has the power to lock onto somebody's location, yeah. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

AntiLoliLewdingcreators' thoughts