
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

Never Gonna Make You Cry

/Frank POV/



Well then, the situation right now is pretty decent if I do say so myself. There's a Xeno girl sleeping on my back, and I'm right in front of the three leaders of the Village, who are looking at me in a strange light. I suppose that this couldn't get any worse. (Hey, I found this kid wandering around near the battlefield where I may or may not have killed a couple dozen adventurers. I was wondering if you guys could take care of her fo-) I spoke to them as they quickly took the kid from my back. They really are protective of their own kind in here.

I suppose living multiple lives in pain from being hunted must have given both fear and anger to them. (Oh yeah, I got to tell you guys something as well. I have a plan as to what I'm going to do after I wipe this city.) I said as they finished taking care of the kids right in front of me. (Franku-san, what is it your like to tell us?) Lyd spoke to me as I then nodded (Well, I'm gonna give you the basics, I'm planning to leave this world itself, now listen before you start questioning my wool to live, when I mean leave this world, I mean that I wanna bring this dungeon with me and go to another reality entirely. Capiche?) They took a moment before answering back to me.

(I suppose I understand Franku-san, but how exactly will we go t-) Ray spoke as I simply raised my index finger to pause her speech (You guys don't need to worry about that, that's my job. All you guys need to answer is yes or no, it's as simple as that.) I said as they then looked at one another. Gros looked like he was still very suspicious of me, I suppose that's fair considering that the dungeon left some scars on him that he's probably gonna need some time to heal up. Ray on the other hand had this look in her eyes that just screamed the idea of freedom for them. (Also I'll just add this here, I have three worlds in plan, the first is a world where you guys can go to the surface and you wouldn't be discriminated.) I said as they all went wide-eyed at the thought. The thought for them to be accepted by the surface dwellers. It was like the forbidden fruit of Eden except there are no restrictions. (The second however, is a world where you yourselves can have the chance to become gods.) I continued on as they all took a few moments to digest what I said before their reactions blew up.

The very idea to become a god was so tempting that they even tried to choose that immediately. (But there's a catch with that world. If we do choose that world, I won't be coddling you guys at all. You guys are gonna journey out of this home of yours and you guys are gonna have to take your own sweet sweet time to become gods, the only things I'll give you when you leave are some clothes, and the basic method to start your journey into godhood.) I continued on. You see, I wasn't the type of person who was nice, albeit I helped Haruhime, but that was just a choice I made in the moment, I'm serious, I didn't remember that she existed until I thought about the books that I would miss reading. Then I recalled that Haruhime was something of a book nerd like me. It was a somewhat okay call considering that she's into me. But I can't really reciprocate since all I know is the cheesy and flirty types of showing love, and I know for a fact that those methods will look cheesy in anyone's eyes, regardless of circumstance.

(The third choice is going to be somewhat strange but hear me out on this, I'm going to go to a world where I have no knowledge of. It's going to be interesting to an extent, and I'm pretty sure that if I go to such a world, I'd probably be able to slap a home I want there.) I said as they looked confused at my decision. They were given two choices that were amazing, one was a place where no one would discriminate them. The other one was a world that was harsh but had great prospects. But this one, this one made absolutely no sense whatsoever. (Franku-san, why would you go to a world without prior knowledge? Would that not be akin to walking blind with no aid?) Lyd said asI then nodded. (That's what makes it so interesting Lyd, the uncertainty is what gives us humans purpose, it's what drives us to do the things we do.) I said to them as they seemed to get uncomfortable since I was already getting way too close to their comfort zone. (Oh sorry about that, I was getting way too philosophical for my own good. It happens occasionally whenever someone sparks up a good debate or gives me time.) I apologized to them as they then nodded and cleared their throats to give me an answer to the choices that I gave them (Franku-san, we would like to know if these options are available to all of ou-) Gros said as I laughed at the question (Gros, the choice is for everyone here, nobody is gonna get excluded!) I said with arms wide open. I genuinely thought that the guys shouldn't get all this crap just because they were born in the place where people go to either die or make money, sometimes within that order, sometimes not.

(So, a-all of us can make this choice Franku-san!?) Ray with disbelief in her voice. I guess she never really expected someone who's shed so much blood as me. (But of course! You guys are under me in a sense. Why wouldn't I at least give you this chance? And I've tried understanding your struggles over the years. It's sad that people in general are just hypocrites no matter how much you "try" to appeal to their better nature. But what am I saying?! I'm one myself! I mean, I've killed a few adventurers since I never really gave a shit. Although my morals are as random as apples falling from a tree, I do mean well once in a while.) I said to her as she then looks at me in awe. Why did she just do that? I didn't do anything to catch her attention. Like, at all.

(Alrighty then, so what the choice you wanna make? Also this is your choice, your own, personal choice, this is what you wish to do. The other Xenos will be given the same choices after you guys have made yours.) I asked them once and for all. They probably will be asking me for time since it was a huge amount of responsibility that rested on their shoulders, I don't really seeing them choosing to- (We would appreciate it if you let us all take the first choice Franku-san, most of us here are already so tired of fighting everyday.) Lyd spoke as I then took a minute to take in what they said. (So, just like that?) I said as they all nodded their heads. (Umm, I honestly thought that you guys would take a bit more time than that but okay I guess.) They then smiled, well, did the closest thing to a smile for the ones who didn't exactly have the best facial features.

(So then, I suppose that we've come to a conclusion. We're heading for a good world right here then. Well, I'll be telling you guys when we'll be going, it may take a week, it may take a couple months, but I assure you that it probably won't take an entire year for us to make the preparations to leave.) I sad to them as they all nodded to it. Honestly, these guys are chill, Lyd's pretty cool, Ray's a bit too optimistic but I guess living in a cave for about a couple decades would make you hope to an extent, and Gros was Gros. Nothing more than that, nothing less than that. I then fared goodbye to the three as I had the dungeon teleport me out of the place. Back at the 100th Floor, I returned to see that my room wasn't smelling like frustration and that it was even cleaned up nicely. I looked around to see that Haruhime was sleeping in her bed. I nodded to myself since she was probably tuckered out from all the "training" that she did. I suppose that she does have some things to do here.

{Ah, now this is quiet alright, no kids running around to piss me of-} I was thinking to my self when all of a sudden there was a squeal in one of the rooms.


{Oh great, they're playing aren't they?} I thought to myself as I simply smiled wryly and shook my head. One was a child that was "cursed" to never be able to interact with anyone for more than ten minutes or else they would start trying to kill her, and the other was a child {I guess.} that was given some basic information about what they were supposed to do. And they did it, amazingly surviving for more than a thousand years. Honestly, they deserve to have some fun, I mean, they've been through some terrible terrible, downright despicable in some cases, things, and if I had some say, I'd say that we should leave the kids out of this, unless you're some sociopathic dude who has no morals left. But I digress, since I am one. (Hey kids, keep it down a little, your Big Sister is sleeping right now.) I spoke as they ran inside to see that I was there. (Mister Frank! You're back!) Abby said to me as I then pat her head. (Yep, and you there, come on I know you wanna get patted too.) I said with a warm smile on my face. I guess being nice isn't that terrible. (Okay Master!) the domain said as they then went over and got into headpat position as well. I'm a decent guy, or that's what I tell myself so that I could forget all the screams that happened when I blew up the tent place in the city. (So, I'm gonna be holeing myself up here for a couple weeks, do you guys wanna do anything?) I asked them as they both had a pondering face to them. I honestly prefer to play the role of the supporting big brother who'll help them if they think that they need help.

(Can we have ice cream Mister Frank?) Abby asked me as I quickly exchanged some Luck for a very tasty tub of ice cream. (Here ya go kid.) I said as. I put my hands behind my back and quickly went into my inventory and grabbed it. When I presented her with the tub she had stars in her eyes. She tried to grab it until I went (Ah Ah Ah! What do we say?) I said as Abby then said to me (Thank you for the ice cream.) I nodded and gave her the whole thing, it's not like she'll get a stomach ache, this world has dozens of healing potions, and a little tummy ache isn't gonna be a big bother at any given time. (Calm yourself okay Abby, you don't wanna get a tummy ache.) I said since I just wanted to make sure that she doesn't go loco with the entire tub. (If anything Abby, eat half of it and save the other half for tommorow.) I suggested to her. But as any kid would when it came to this that they enjoyed, they blocked out everything else and immersed themselves to whatever they were doing.

{Yeah I should have expected something like that to happen.} I thought as the dungeon consciousness then walked up to Abby and asked for some. She gave the consciousness a spoon and they both enjoyed their meal. A yawn was heard as Frank turned around to see Haruhime in a nightgown. Her body was slim, but still had some endowments to it. (Good morning Haru!) I said as she then smiled as she went to make some food. (Oh I'll deal with that for now, you sit down and just keep an eye on the kids for now.) I said, not knowing the implications my words would have.

2124 words, yep, this is me talking again, I am absolutely thrilled that 100K+ people have decided to look at my fic. I never expected this to happen. Anyways and as always, I'll see you gusy, on the dark side of the moon! Peace!

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