
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

I Like 'Em BEEG |2|

/3rd POV/



It had been a single day since the bodies of the five people were recovered by the police. There was four civilian casualties and one police casualty. This would be heartbreaking if not for the fact that the people were still terrified about what was going on in the country.

That is, until somebody had given an entire leak as to what the man had said to them before. The people were gobsmacked by the fact that a murder had just occured in these holes.

There were news reporters harking over the scene in order to get their share of the scoop, and there were quite the few family members that came to mourn the deaths of the five who perished.

That is, until they noticed that their bodies were quickly disintegrating into dust. The people were shocked to learn this when suddenly the man who called himself the dungeon master, Frank, had once again opened up his golden screen.

(HELLO HELLO HELLO! How are my favorite test subjects doing today? I presume that the news of the five who have died has shocked the country by quite a bit, but there's nothing to fear. The only thing you need stop know is that if you wish to become stronger, there are certain price that need to be paid, IN FULL.)

His words were now spoken to them in Japanese, and people could understand what he was saying this time. (All Might, Endeavour, Mirko, Ryukyu, Present Mic, hell, even All for One, not a single one of you is going to be capable of defeating the dungeon, and that's all thanks to your Quirks. You see, you've gained quite the interesting abilities but unfortunately, you've gone and cut off your only possible evolution to godhood.) his words reverberated in all of their ears as they tried to understand what did he mean by that.

(Now what I can tell you, is that a single person with Mana is capable of wiping out this world when trained well enough. Imagine what a villain could do if they were given the same circumstances as Quirkless. You've gone so far into your fantasies of heroes, villains, black and white bullshit that you've forgotten the essence of existence in this world of yours.) he said as he raised his hands up.

(The world is not black and white, it is the gray, the black, and the colorless.) his words went into the people as they were still questioning as to why did the bodies go away. (Oh and if you were wondering about the bodies, well I may or may not have taken their souls as a payment for their usage of Mana.)

The words went into the people as shock and fear grew like a cancer.

(Now you may be wonder if what I meant by that, and it's quite simple, I stole their souls and am now using them to fuel my dungeon for the rest of eternity. And let me say this first and foremost, the soul is NOT a renewable resource at this point in time and history. The gods have abandoned their duty of soul creation and left this world to stagnate and rot!) the word started to cut deeper into them as they were all starting to go into denial. Alas, they were already past that point.

(And may I say, that this very small batch is more tainted than any soul I've ever seen! Like shit man, what kind of things have you guy been doing when the gods aren't looking?!) he said a he cleared up his throat.

(Well, if there's nothing else right now, I just want to say this to you all-) he said ashe then took off his mask for all the people to see a blonde and disheveled man that had a sulking face and looked like a drug junkie (-may the odds ever be in your favor, because you'll all be needing it!) he said as he laughed like a madman yet again.

The people were thoroughly terrified since they were up against someone who claimed that they were from a time known as the Age of Gods. The populace was completely going mad at the new variable that threatens the "peace" of their time.



/Meanwhile, inside UA/



Principal Nezu, a genius, an anomaly, an amalgamation of whatever kinds of animals were stitched into him, a principal to the next generation of heroes.

He was the result of experiments on animals to see if they would be able to handle Quirks. The results were both positive and negative. Positive since they learned that a sentient being is capable of handling a Quirk. And negative since the only known way so far was to stitch up a couple animals together and shove one in.

Obviously the only way that the researchers would've known about this is via connections to the right and, in the most obvious case, the wrong people. I think we can all say who the wrong could possibly be.

The research site was raided by multiple small time heroes and an obviously numerous amount of law enforcement. Nezu was found inside of a cage for god knows how long. When they first let him out, he quickly made work of a nearby pipe and beat twelve officers and nearly crippled all of the small time heroes.

What's amazing to note was the fact that he wasn't hitting that hard, all he did was just move around to the point where the people were just plain confused, and then he used this confusion to his advantage.

Unfortunately the first plan for him as to put him down. He was both terrified and somber at the plan they made for him. He may have been a chimeric monstrosity, but death is still death.

That is, until the #1 hero stepped into the oom and noticed that he was capable of understanding everything they said. They then tested Nezu and learns that he was, technically, the first animal to have a Quirk. He himself didn't expect something like this. And thus, All Might had petitioned a plan for the small creature as a principal of the school known as UA, and thus the story goes.

(A/N: Serious note here, I don't actually know what and how Nezu came to be, and I got this little backstory from another fic I've read on this platform. I just wrote what I could remember and added my little bits of spices here and there to give it a little more flair(?). Yeah, I'm fucking awkward.)

As of real time, he had just witnesses something that intrigued him. Now whenever things intrigue the creature, or more specifically humans, it usually ends with him laughing maniacally while the being that caught his fancy would be "trained". He never goes too far when it comes to the students, so they just let him be.

But now, this strange phenomena that had appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, was starting to become his fancy. And it increased even more as when the man spoke of gods, he then spoke of other things as well. Things about souls and duty.

This would be something that worries the common person, but to the fluffy genius, this was something worth researching. But then said lust for knowledge was snuffed out like a flame when he saw the face of the man who had helped in.

The man in the golden screen had the face of Toshinori Yagi.

He had the powered down face of the #1 hero. The damage that this could do to All Might's career was the most substancial thing he's seen so far from the being.

He quickly called up the man to come and discuss what was happening. As expected of the number one however, he was workin. Nezu sighed as he then tries to formulate a possible plan that could work to help All Might. Why would he do this? Because he owes Toshinori his life literally, and also because he thinks that the man is too dumb to be able to do pull something like this off.

He then called up the Police Commissioner to try and explain the situation to him, unfortunately yet again, the am was busy since he had to give a speech and atten the funeral of the people who died in the "dungeon".

Nezu was quiet obviously flabbergasted that such timing was even possible. He felt his inner animal nearly break loose as his grip started to even break the desk from the frustration. He calmed down as quickly as it surged however, via pouring a up of tea for himself and trying to collect his thoughts.

He doesn't want the children to be affected by any of this. Yep, the small being that had as much power as he did, cares for children. After all, he is the school principal, and his main duty as one is to help teach the next generation.

Albeit there are many things that he could do to try and help All Might, they all have their very own risks, and after calculating those risks, he found that the best thing that he could do, is just tell All Might to stay in his thin form whenever he's at home.

This was one of the few things that he could tell the man. He then got up from his office and opened up his door to go and have a meeting with the other school faculty. Midnight, Present Mic, Ectoplasm, Eraserhead, 13, and the others.

This was a meeting about how they should deal with rumours of the dungeon in the classroom. It was quite obvious that this would be affecting them all the same. But he tried to keep happy by thinking that things wouldn't be that bad. Boy oh boy, is he going to get the rudest awakening of a lifetime.



/Frank POV/



I woke up and saw Hestia and the other gods look at me as I looked back at them. (So umm . . . where's Eresh?) I asked Hestia as she frowned at me and gave me a head chop. Even though it doesn't actually hurt, it's still kinda sad getting reprimanded.

(What were you thinking?! You gave her a shock and now she's unconscious! Why did you stab yourself in the heart with an arrow?!) she spat her questions out at a supersonic speed.

(Well, you see, this is actually umm a ritual to get a new kind of power! Yeah that's it, power! I had to injure myself with the arrow to get a power and it will only give it to me if I stabbed myself in somewhere!) I answered her as she then narrowed her eyes at me.

I'm not gonna lie, she looks fucking goofy when she does this. (And why did you choose to stab yourself in the heart of all places?!) she asked me again as I then replied to her that the power would kill me either way if I wasn't worthy.

She then had a pale face as she then started to inspect me. This was getting fucking weird. First me having to deal with an early Deku not having a Quirk but instead having a completely versatile form of energy, next the eldritch being wanting to suck my dick, and now this.

I swear Anti of you try and do some shit with me I am gonna turn your nutsack inside fucking out, slathering it in honey, and then proceed to ship your ass into bear territory!

(A/N: Hey, calm it shit show! I don't wanna get my ass blasted just because people seem to not like following canon! I'm gonna be fair with you, I don't know much to begin with.)

Well then, I guess that means that you're not gonna get your ass beaten into your stomach, lucky you.

(A/N: Fuck you too man.)

Yeah yeah yeah, can we continue? Well, now that the chibi goddess was done with me, she then sent me straight into Ereshkigal's room as I saw her wearing a white nightgown. And holy shit why is she not wearing underwear in that?!

She's gonna get fucking assaulted if she was wearing that! No, she need something more fitting for her, she needs to become one with the rest of us. She needs to become a degenerate!

2071 words, mhm, Frank is getting some fun ideas as to what he wants and I'm all for it. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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