
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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325 Chs

He Was a Holy Healer

/Frank POV/



(Alright then, I want a team to be working on how the hell we're gonna get ourselves down to that place. There's something there that's quite very valuable and I do not intend to not see it through, there's too much down there for me to not go there.) I said to the Citadel soldiers that didn't have all that much to do aside from keeping an eye on the perimeter and seeing that there's me being here, there ain't much fucking use for a perimeter. That's what they said to me before I whacked the idiot that suggested that.

(Seriously, just because I'm here, doesn't mean that this place is invulnerable. Yes I can be at two places at once, yes I can also easily slow time to the point where atoms are in slow fucking motion, but that doesn't fucking mean you'll all throw away protocol because I'm here. That's the dumbest shit that I've seen you guys all do so far.) I berated them as they hung their heads as I sighed. (Listen, just, just fucking get them to go and make things done alright? It's already a giant fucking pain in the ass to have to babysit most of you, let alone make sure you all don't lose your memories when this shit might hit the fan.) I gave them all the orders as they saluted me and left.

I sighed again as shit was still just as annoying as it was. {This is getting difficult. Fuck it, I dug my grave, I'll lie in it.} I think to myself as I was looking at the "purification chamber" and saw the female cultivator that treated me relatively like a fucking human, that's rare, if you didn't really know. So I'll just have her "Profound Veins" just shattered and make sure that she can't cultivate anytime soon. A very simple procedure, if you're adept at it. But considering that shattering veins has always been the exact same as always, and we just found a more, ehem, commercial method to make it easier for the people to undergo it.

And it was obviously not perfect since there was way too many things that could possibly go wrong with it, and even I know for a fact that it's better for me to try and search for a safer method, but honestly, if we're going down the cult-like route of managing things, this can technically be a good thing. There's a lot of things that are way too good for it to be changed, and this, this was one of those things. If stupidity was a profession, then shit man, I'm probably gonna be a quadrillionare, easily.

And now, the wait for things to actually happen since I'm too fucking lazy to do it myself.



/Eight Hours Later/



I was asleep, yes, that's what I did when I wasn't in the mood to be the "special" leader of the non-cultivating group that slaughters cultivators for the sake of a deep seated hatred against all the things that they've done, and boy oh boy, I was the type that was going to milk this bitch for as long as I possibly could. (Sir! We have a shuttle for you to use while things aren't going to absolute shit up here!) a soldier came in as I then opened my eyes and sighed as I popped as many of my bones as I could, looked at the soldier and nodded. (Okay then, what's so special about this place again? Oh yeah, there was that thing.) I muttered to myself as I was out of the little bedroom that they had on-site for any special people, or just about anybody that needs a good nap. See? I can also be a good leader when I got the vibe for it.

(So tell me kid, did the girl survive the purification?) I asked him as he then handed me a holotab as it contained a report on that. {Oh that's nice, amnesia in the one place that had flowers that normally give you amnesia, and yet her's just so happened only because of the sheer stress and pain her body was feeling in the procedure.} I thought about it a little more as I shrugged and gave back the tab to the soldier.

(I want you to send her to one of the lower cities, it's a good place for people like her. She was still decent even while she was still a cultivator. And make sure that she gets the usual reeducation that they all undergo.) I said as I walked over to the shuttle as there were two soldiers there wearing environmental suits for the sake of safety. (Good, you two know what's gonna be happening in that place. This isn't going to be just an in and out operation. It'll be us bringing along a couple bits of junk for the sake of it, and I can say, there might be some actually good stuff down there. So let's take it slow alright?) I said to all of them as they nodded at my words as we all then went inside of the shuttle.

Utilitarian is the best way to describe it and that's the way that I like it. The place looks sleak and clean, which are two things that I do appreciate and like. And when they flipped the various buttons that are needed to make things work easier, we slowly but surely started to float downwards to the bottom of the cliff. This shit was going to be mildly interesting, there might actually b some creatures of the dark that might attack us, or there might just only be that one kid that was the other half of that sword thing. That and that special wheel that has poison in it.

Well whatever the hell it is that we find down there, I genuinely fucking hope that it's not gonna be a complete letdown. Hopefully it isn't, cuz that would mean I went out of my way to put myself and my horse in danger for fucking nothing. And when we got to the bottom of the damned place, I got only one thing fucking right. There was only the fucking wheel constantly making baby laughter sounds and making the place feel chilly as hell.

That is most likely one of the most disappointing things that I have been through and I can assure you, the damned thing was sort of worth it. It was the same poison that, you know, killed a couple hundred billion or so fucking gods in their reality before. And now that it's here, well, I could just use it as the ultimate mutual destruction weapon for the sake of it, but that would mean that I genuinely have to give some amount of effort into my studies on this shitty shitty thing, and that's not exactly something that I wanna do, so, I just yoinked the thing straight into my inventory and just told the pilots to go back to the cliff. The ascent was actually a lot more time consuming than the descent, who fucking knew?

And so, my disappointment was reaching heights that even I was originally unaware that it could go to, and now, I wanna commit some societal destabilization on some cultivator worlds, so I booted up a call to the Citadel that sort of went a little like this:

(Alright, so let me say this first, what I found was extremely disappointing in all of the terms that I could possibly ever describe it. And now, we just need the stability of this planet to begin the destabilization of the other cultivator worlds. All in favor for the beginning, of our special little Crusade against all of the cultivators that are just worthless to us?) I asked them as the holophone that I was running with still had a lot more energy than I anticipated as I watched as they were still weighing the decision to attack or not.

(If I were to blunt Omega, why exactly do we even need to attack them ourselves when we can just have the Orks do the heavy lifting for us? You did design them to be strong AND expendable correct?) O-4 said as I rubbed my chin and shook my head. (O-4, you're not wrong with wanting them to be the ones to take most of the casualties here, and they themselves would be absolutely willing to take that giant fucking drop in their numbers since that means that there would be even more of them if that were to occur. But I want you to ask yourself this, is it truly what we want to show the cultivators? That we have a worker race that's stronger than them? That we hide behind the backs of giant green colossi and have them fight our wars for us?) I gave the council member that food for thought as I continued my words.

(My fellow council members, we are humans, we may be flawed, but within flaw, that means holes, and holes can be filled, and with that filling we grow, and growth can mean gaining strength my dear people. We wanna show the cultivators that humanity can tear apart this reality without the help of any extradimensional powers or energy. We can show them, that just because we can't fly without the help of the wind itself, doesn't mean that we need the wind's permission to fly. We will build our own wings of steel and tear the land beneath us to just get the little chance of that being possible. We will do that, and so much more, for the simple sake of spite, if it came down to it. We are human, and we don't really like taking no for an answer. So are we going to show them that we're ballsy enough to take the initiative to attack? Or are we just gonna sit down here and continue talking about roads?) I said to them as they all stayed silent as I was already nearby the lower cities that we built for the cultivators.

(I will await for your answer when I get up to Central, and I will not blame you for what you wish to pick. Just remember, we do this for the good of all those who wish to forge a path without the need of that special energy, and that we will not throw out dignity for the sake of comfort anymore.) I said as they then ended the call as I approached the entrance for the lower city. And I can say, this is exactly what I planned for what is to occur with the cultivator. Their lives are comparable to a 40K Hive World citizen, except it's without the disease.

They're all around the streets, begging for anything from the passerbys and anybody who's willing to take pity on all of them.

And the best part? When I walked my ass in, they immediately recognized my mask and looked at me with something even worse than just hostility. The non-cultivators on the other hand, greeted me with happiness and joy and asked for photos of all things. And when they turned to the cultivators o nthe streets, some of them even went so far as to kick them.

There was a strange little tradition that they were having for the sake of it, and that was the occasional cultivator execution by having their veins all ruptured and their heads severed. Shits metal as hell, and they normally execute about three for the sake of it, and they don't even try to fight back when they're brought to their little stage.

When they see my mask, they showed me one little spark of hatred before it fell down to despair as they hung their heads and waited for the release of death. If I were to be the guy to say this, it would be that I wanna make sure that none of them ever come back here with memories of what's to come. I have had just about eight too many fucking reincarnators that try their best to attack me out of hatred. And it's fuck ass annoying as hell. Call me paranoid as hell, but I ain't risking everything just because somebody just decided to throw a dude back in time to make sure that they could actually fight against me and the Citadel.

So, the moment I gaze my eyes on the well of reincarnation, I'm gonna do my absolute damnedest to make sure that nobody that cultivates, or is not completely loyal to the Citadel are locked in limbo for me to harvest. That sounds like a plan that should be completely utterly perfect. And by God, it might as well be.

2147 words, yeah I was having really really big issue when writing this, since a literal typhoon passed when this happened. But when this chapters comes out in like a couple months or so, I really hope that shit will still be good for this place. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

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