
Calming One’s Rage





"You know, you really don't pull your punches!"

"Even if we're training, I'm not holding back!"

"You're a psychic!" "You mean psycho, not psychic!"


Snivy cried out as he dodged a powerful Power-Up-Punch from Beat as they were located in the forest near Undella Town as they had decided to get some training in. Well, more on Snivy's side as he was in need of it more than Beat. Beat just needed to make sure he could properly utilise his attacks and such.

Snivy was pretty much Beat's target as the small grass-type pokemon kept dodging and attempted to throw his own attacks at Beat, though failing a number of times as the attack was either too weak to cause any actually significant damage or was avoided entirely.

Their training continued on for a few minutes, in total being around an hour and a half, before they both decided to take a break. Beat was barely panting while Snivy was on the ground lying on his back with his chest rising up and down at a fast pace.

"You are ruthless..."

"You know the saying, no pain no gain." Beat shrugged as he responded. Snivy just managed to catch his breath as he gave the music-themed pokemon a deadpanned look. Beat just smirked slightly at the look he had gotten.

"Don't you have a song or something that can heal me? Or something else?"

"Hmm, not sure." Beat shrugged as he honestly couldn't remember if there even was a move that healed a pokemon through song. He knew that Meloetta was capable of calming even the angriest of pokemon down with its song, same for him, but he didn't remember if a song could heal. "We do have some potions I bought. But, since your injuries aren't serious, take this."

Beat dug into his bag before tossing over a decently large sized oran berry. Snivy looked at it before quickly taking hold as he ate it with a big smile on his face. Beat had found out that oran berries were Snivy's favourite, so at least he knew what to cook with for Snivy's dinner.

He didn't want to hear the dude's complaints about what he cooks. Not everything he makes will be made of oran berries, but at least most of what Snivy eats.

As Snivy was eating the berry, Beat decided to grab one for himself as he also took hold of a strange berry or fruit from the bag as Snivy rose an eyebrow at what he took out. He had never seen the berry that Beat had just taken out.

Beat had gotten it not too long ago.




Beat was currently looking up towards a large tree with bug-eyes as he stared at the edibles that were growing on it. He stared at it in complete silence as it was growing something that he hadn't seen anywhere else, and wasn't even being sold in the markets in the city.

"Is that... an orange?!"

Beat had exclaimed in utter shock as he saw the orange-coloured edible growing healthily on the tree, and there literally appeared to only be a single one as the others were other basic berries. It was so damn distinguishable.

"This is blasphemy!"


[Flashback End]


"What's that?"

"Hm? You mean this fruit?"


"Oh yeah, they don't have fruits here..." Beat muttered to himself as he remembered this. They referred to all the edible vegetation that weren't vegetables as berries, as there weren't any fruits here in this world according to his knowledge. They did appear in the anime shows, but only for very small segments, only to never be seen again. "It's an orange."

"An orange? It's literally named after a colour. What a lame name..."

"You're lame."

It honestly shocked him to the very core when he had found this fruit here in this world. He had found it while looking for Snivy as the pokemon had gone off into the forest earlier to look for more berries to stock them up.

Beat just closed his eyes as he sliced the fruit into quarters easily as he chucked one of the quarters towards Snivy. The grass-type stared at it with hesitation before eating it alongside Beat, widening his eyes as the juiciness took full effect in his mouth. He had a very happy look on his face.

"Jeez, talk about being in cloud nine..."

"Hey, it tastes a lot better than I thought it would!"

"Hmph." Beat smirked as oranges were one of his favourite fruits. He hoped that he could find more later as this was the only one he saw growing. Hopefully, they weren't immensely rare. If he could find other fruits aside from oranges. 'Wait, didn't watermelons appear in that one movie? What was it? The Jewel of Life?'

Just thinking about it, he did remember one scene where watermelons appeared. Perhaps they weren't so rare after all, or he could be completely wrong. He was kind of tempted to make his way to Sinnoh just to get his hands on some watermelon. Maybe he could find some here.

If they so happened to appear in open areas with a number of people, then hell nah. He loved eating fruits, yes. However, he wasn't dumb enough to risk being attacked by a mob of people who would attempt to catch him. They couldn't in a Pokeball, but could forcefully with like a net or something. If they managed to injure him enough of course.

He had read some fanfics in his spare time where it is about a person who was transformed into a pokemon, ironic as that was what had happened to him. Some were where people were transformed into legendary pokemon, mainly one of the pixies.

They ended up making their character so idiotic as to not use their damn brain to stray away from potential danger. After all, curiosity killed the damn cat. He was not that idiotic, he wasn't just going to go into the open for something as trivial as sightseeing or fruit.

Even in his past life, he wasn't exactly the most trusting of people. He would usually be on guard around those he doesn't know, though that didn't mean he was rude, he just acted cautiously. Don't expect him to be falling for anything stupid or getting jumped.

That was the last thing he wanted.

The only time he will certainly consider doing that was if he was confident enough in his capabilities to fight and utilise his powers to either fight back or make a tactical retreat. Even if he was powerful, he can't fight on forever. Though, he could just use his human form. Even that doesn't last forever though.

"Do you hear that?" Snivy asked curiously as he stopped his eating. Beat noticed how Snivy had taken another slice and was eating that one, but he didn't really mind as he carefully listened before hearing what he assumed was shouting. "Sounds like an argument."

"Argument? More like a brawl." Beat deadpanned slightly at the grass-type who shrugged. They noticed how the shouting was getting louder as they both turned their heads as soon as they could track down the direction in which the voices were coming from.

When they did, they just stared calmly as they saw a horde of different pokemon seemingly backing away as they were watching something with worried and scared expressions. Snivy and Beat looked at each other before dropping their slices and began walking over.

It wasn't too far as the pokemon that were there consisted of a number of different pokemon from different regions, aside from Kalos, Alola and Galar. Most being pokemon who were in their first stage as Snivy and Beat looked to see what was happening.

When they could see, it appeared that it was some kind of quarrel between the pokemon he identified to be Krookodile and Druddigon. He was surprised, those were some rare pokemon to find out in the wild. Not too difficult in the games, but he would assume so in the anime world.

"Excuse me, what is going on?" Beat decided to ask one of the pidoves that were apart of the group that were backing away from the fighting pokemon. The pidove in question looked at him in surprise and confusion for a second, having not seen a pokemon like Beat before.

"W-Well, these two started fighting over who would rule over this part of the forest. They decided to settle it in a battle, a few other pokemon had gotten injured because of it..." Pidove answered with a stutter as it pointed one of its wings to the side.

Beat and Snivy looked to the side to see that Pidove was pointing its wing towards a number of pokemon that were either on the ground unconscious or were struggling in pain. Beat narrowed his eyes and clenched his teeth, along with Snivy doing the same, as they turned back towards the two fighting pokemon.

If there was something Beat hated, it was unnecessary violence. He didn't mind it if it wasn't for idiotic and outrageous such as to bully someone, torture, and others as well. If it was for something like training or simply entertainment with the consent of both parties, then he didn't mind.

"Beat." Snivy voiced in a serious tone as Beat nodded his head. Beat then stepped up and flew up as some of the small pokemon noticed and looked up at him in confusion and also awe as in the eyes of pokemon, he would be considered handsome. The two fighting pokemon didn't seem to notice him though as they each attacked each other and were currently pushing against one another.

Beat wasn't going to use violence just yet, though he won't hesitate to if they don't calm down and decide to stop their senseless fighting after this. Beat cleared his throat before closing his eyes and began singing in a calm yet powerful voice.

Well, he wouldn't really call it singing. More like humming as he hummed a beautiful melody that projected to all of those in the area. His headphone addition amplified his voice to be louder as all of them could hear clearly. The melody was a powerful yet calm and beautiful one.

As soon as he started, all of the smaller pokemon that were observing seemed to be tranced by his voice as those unconscious and injured seemed to look up at him, the unconscious ones waking up to the sound of his voice.

As for the two battling pokemon, they suddenly blinked their eyes and stopped clashing as they turned their attention around themselves in confusion before settling their gazes upon Beat's form. They were also tranced as they listened.

It wasn't too long before they all began resting and sitting down on the grass as they had smiles on their faces from the sound of Beat's voice, it just washed away any negative emotions within them. It was as if they were being embraced by everything that was good in the world.

Snivy just smiled calmly as he had his eyes closed while listening to Beat's voice. This was something he was going to enjoy greatly while travelling with the guy, constantly being able to hear this melody and so many other things.

They just all sat back as they listened to him.